Clubhouse Booking Form

Facility / Cost / þ
Phoenix Suite Hire / £36.00 per hour
Phoenix Suite Hire (Children’s Party) / £25.00 per hour
Phoenix Suite Hire (Dance Classes) / £18.00 per hour
Daytime Phoenix Suite Hire / £200.00 (9am-5pm)
Evening Phoenix Suite Hire / £200.00 (6pm-12.30am)
Meeting Room Hire / £15.00 per hour
Daytime Meeting Room hire / £100.00 (9am-5pm)
Daytime Sports Bar Hire / £100.00 (9am – 5pm)
Evening Sports Bar hire (with bar) / £60.00 (7pm – 11pm)
Evening Sports Bar hire (without bar) / £35.00 (7pm – 11pm)
Setting up/clearing down time / £10.00 per hour

Room hire may be discounted if catering supplied (Minimum numbers apply).

1.  Type of Event:______

2.  Contact Name/Organisation:______

3.  Contact Address:______


Tel No (H):______Tel No (M):______

Email: ______

4.  Dates and times of booking:

Date: ______Start time: ______End time: ______

Approximate numbers attending: ______

5.  Food:

Are you bringing in your own food? (Outside caterers are not permitted). Y N

Do you require SSC Ltd to provide food (Please tick)?

Classic Silver Gold Fork Hot Bap

Children’s Life Celebration Afternoon Tea

6.  Consent: I have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions of hire over leaf. The first named person above becomes personally responsible for any debt incurred in the event of default.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Internal use only:

Deposit received: £______Date: ______Received by: ______

Please return to:

Stourport Sports Club Ltd, Kingsway, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire, DY13 8BQ Tel No: 01299 877200

In the future we may wish to send you information about Stourport Sports Club Ltd, our facilities and other events. If you do not wish to receive this information please tick this box.

Stourport Sports Club Limited

Conditions of hire for usage of facilities

1.  Confirmation of booking:

Facilities may be hired by completion of an application form available from Stourport Sports Club Ltd (hereafter SSC Ltd). A booking will only be considered as confirmed when both a signed completed application form and the appropriate non-refundable deposit have been received.

Use of Outside caterers is not permitted at SSC Ltd. Hirers may provide food prepared by themselves but there is no access available to the kitchen or any cold/warm storage facilities at SSC Ltd. Hirers in breach of this will not be refunded their £100 holding deposit.

2.  Method of Payment:

2.1. Where a credit facility has not been approved in advance, the following non-refundable deposit will be required.

2.2. A non-refundable deposit of £100 is payable at the time of confirmation.

2.3. A further refundable deposit of £100 is required at time of booking. This will be refunded 7 days after booking as long as there is no damage to property belonging to SSC Ltd and no other T&Cs have been breached.

2.4. 50% of the confirmed value is payable 30 days prior to the event.

2.5. The balance of the confirmed value is payable 7 days prior to the event.

2.6. Where the confirmed booking has been made on behalf of another party, the person or company making the booking will be liable for all payments and costs unless expressly described otherwise.

3.  Additional charges:

The customer agrees to pay SSC Ltd for any food and beverage or other services not provided for in this contract but made available upon the request of the customer or one of their representatives.

4.  Users are required to:

4.1. Adhere to all safety notices.

4.2. Observe all the regulations within the facility and surrounding areas.

4.3. Respect all equipment and report any damaged or broken equipment to SSC Ltd staff.

4.4. Place all rubbish in bins provided.

4.5. Finish all bookings at the stated time.

4.6. Wear appropriate clothing/footwear in all facilities in line with the activity taking place.

4.7. Consider how their actions may affect others users.

5.  Cancellations:

In the event of a function, conference or meeting cancellation the following charges will apply:

Period of Notice / Cancellation charge as % of confirmed value
60 days or more prior to the event / 25%
Less than 60 days but 30 days or more / 50%
Less than 30 days but 14 days or more / 75%
Less than 14 days prior to the event / 100%

The management of SSC Ltd reserves the right to cancel any bookings if a prestigious or one-off event is taking place. Sufficient notice will be given to clubs/hirers in this event.

6.  Membership/Admission Rules and Regulations:

6.1. The hirer is requested to inform staff if any persons attending their booked session have a disability that may require additional assistance in the event of an emergency evacuation so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

6.2. The facilities shall not be used for any other purpose, other than the purpose for which they are hired. The hirer shall be responsible for ensuring that the facilities are used in a responsible and proper manner and shall use his/her best endeavour to prevent loss or damage to SSC Ltd property.

6.3. The Facilities Manager or their nominee, reserves the right to refuse admission or to ask disorderly or improperly dressed persons to leave.

6.4. Smoking is not permitted in any facility.

6.5. All accidents are to be reported to SSC Ltd staff immediately with the appropriate accident form completed.

6.6. A designated adult must always accompany groups under the age of 18.

7.  Variation of confirmed bookings:

Up to 14 days prior to the event customers may reduce the numbers attending a function or conference by up to 10%, without invoking any penalty. For variations of more than 10% of the confirmed value or numbers where the function is held, SSC Ltd reserves the right to make a charge at 90% of the confirmed value.

For catering purposes SSC Ltd requests that final numbers are provided 7 days prior to the event and the customer charged accordingly. In cases where there is a reduction in numbers or value, the above provisions will apply.

8.  Insurance:

8.1. SSC Ltd is not able to accept liability for loss or damage to property owned by or in possession of the customer whilst that property is on SSC Ltd premises.

8.2. The customer is advised to arrange appropriate insurance cover at all times. The customer may also wish to consider cancellation cover. The hirer shall indemnify SSC Ltd against any loss, claims or damages, in respect of death or personal injury (other than death or personal injury caused by negligence of SSC Ltd, their servants or agents).

8.3. The hirer should provide its own third party insurance indemnity cover for the period of the hire.

9.  Loss and Damage:

The hirer will be fully responsible for all persons and property brought on to the premises and shall indemnify SSC Ltd from any loss or damage to property including property of SSC Ltd arising from the hire.

10.  Cars and Fly-Posting:

If a member of staff has to be called out specifically to open the car parking facility a £50.00 charge will apply. Fly-posting of any kind is illegal and dangerous. It is unsightly and distracting to motorists. If such advertising is carried out, then it may result in the cancellation of your booking and the forfeiture of any deposit paid.

Please do not use the disabled parking bays at SSC Ltd unless you are displaying a blue badge.

11.  Pets:

Guide dogs are the only pets that are allowed within SSC Ltd facilities.

12.  General:

12.1. SSC Ltd reserves the right to refuse application for the hiring of the premises without being required to give any reasons for such refusal and to close or prohibit the use of facilities at its discretion and not be liable for any loss or expenditure incurred by the hirer arising from the cancellation.

12.2. Broadcasting by sound or television recording by cine camera, video camera or photography shall not be permitted except for the express permission of the management.

12.3. SSC Ltd reserves the right to cancel any block bookings where any participants are found causing damage to property, breaching SSC Ltd rules or offending any member SSC Ltd staff.

12.4. SSC Ltd reserves the right to request a copy of the hirers’ current insurance cover for Public liability.

12.5. The decision of a SSC Ltd representative is final.

12.6. SSC Ltd may from time to time withdraw use of all or part of the facilities where and when deemed necessary for repair, maintenance, alteration, alternative use or for safety reasons.

12.7. Your personal details will not be shared with any third party. Occasionally you may receive information regarding special offers or news from SSC Ltd.