BW Improvement Programme 2015: Emily Delicata has returned from maternity leave, but is now only working Mon – Wed. I have not yet received the final list of BWs included in the 2014 work programme, but I am already being asked for my priorities for 2015. I already have a very long list, but if there is a particular BW you feel is a candidate for surfacing next year (and you can make a very good case for it), please do let me know.
HA A23 Handcross to Warninglid Widening Scheme: The NMU routes the Highways Agency delivered with this scheme were opened for use on 19th December. Having now walked the new subway and BW (from the northern end of the new access road to Staplefield Road), I can report that HA have done an excellent job!! It is over 5 yrs ago these routes were secured for equestrians at Public Inquiry (by BHS and MSBG), and it is amazing at long last to see them on the ground. The BW is an important addition to the network in an area where the roads are increasingly dangerous, and we must now work hard to obtain an eastern BW link from the subway.
Downs Link (Christ’s Hospital, Itchingfield): A meeting was held on 26th Nov with the Property Director at Christ’s Hospital. CH plan to select a developer to take forward their building plans early in 2015 with the aim of signing a contract in May/June. Alterations are likely to be made to the outline plans before a full application with detailed plans is made to HDC, and this is not expected to be before Aug/Sept 2015. The major works needed on the DL routeare dependent on payment of the S106 funding from the development (due to be paid just before the commencement of building work), so realistically this is unlikely to be before spring 2016. CH have stressed that they are committed to the completion of the new off-road DL route.
PRoW Inspection & Maintenance: A report on proposed changes to the PRoW inspection and maintenance cycle was considered by the Environmental and Community Services Select Committee on 18th Sept. The Committee supported the proposal to change the cycle from 9 to 15 months resulting in the loss of 1 Access Ranger post. In Nov, Lionel Barnard (Cabinet Member for Residents Services) made the decision to implement the proposal from February 2015.
The 9 month inspection cycle was introduced following extended closure of the network during the Foot and Mouth outbreak in 2001. Previously the network was inspected every 18 months, and the change was implemented to identify and rectify issues that has arisen during the closure. As Countryside Services have to make substantial savings from April 2015, WSCC has decided the level of defects reported as part of the 9 month inspection cycle has reduced enough that there is no need to inspect so often.
This will mean changes to Access Rangers inspection areas, but the hope is that the changes will free up more time for ARs to follow up issues with landowners.
Forestry Commission (FC): FC England are running a stakeholder engagement pilot project in East England District, which includes the Gravetye Estate, Tilgate Forest and St Leonards Forest. The pilot is trialling different approaches to stakeholder engagement at a strategic level through district initiatives. FC have set up trial web pages as part of the pilot and I have signed up for email alerts on engagement opportunities and to find out more about current consultations. FC are keen to improve how they communicate with the public and what I have seen so far is encouraging.
Downs Link (Bramber A283 crossing): Construction work on the alternative DL route under the road bridge continued through Oct/Nov, with the sub base laid and widening works to the culvert on the Drain completed. However, deteriorating weather resulted in the contractors having to leave the site several times at the end of Nov, in order to limit vehicle damage, and WSCC eventually decided to call a halt to the work over the winter. An initial wearing course has been laid and the route is open for use, but it is accepted that remedial works (including a final wearing course of limestone dust) will be necessary in Spring 2015, and because of this a planned ‘official opening’ will now not take place until after the remedial works have been done.
West Sussex Local Access Forum (WSLAF): The Forum met in Chichester on 22nd October and heard speakers from Network Rail, the NFU, and a Wiston tenant farmer. NFU have 450 members in West Sussex, and take the view that public access is intrinsically linked to farming and farmers need to work with it rather than against it. Main issues associated with access are problems with dogs and gates being left open. Members pointed out that gates need to be easy to use, many slam shut too fast or are difficult to open and they are the landowners responsibility, gates are more likely to be closed if easy to operate. CAP reforms mean there is less money available for access, and more emphasis on biodiversity.
WSLAF is actively recruiting for new members, it is essential that equestrians have a voice on LAFs, as the Forum can influence the workings of the County Council as regards access and public rights of way. If anyone is interested please visit for more info and to download an application form.
The next meeting of the Forum, including the AGM, will be held at 10.30am on Wed 28th Jan 2015 at County Hall North, Horsham. Items covered will include WSCC PRoW priorities, the new Access Ranger areas and inspection regime and (if time) a demonstration of the new Countryside Access Management computer system.
Washington car park: The Wiston Estate who own the car park on the SDW at Washington, installed height barriers at the entrance in November due to problems with gypsies. Whilst understanding that this is a difficult problem for the Estate, this action means that horse riders who regularly park horseboxes and trailers here are also excluded. The Estate have been approached to see if they will consider providing key access as at Kithurst.
Centurian Way (Lavant to West Dean): The planning application for the extension of the CW from Binderton to West Dean received a high number of objections, so was ‘called in’ by the SDNPA. A number of the objections related to the lack of consideration for a livery yard situated on the route at West Dean, and the exclusion of equestrians from the CW in general.
On 31st Oct a meeting was held between WSCC, SDNPA and BHS to discuss the issues, and SDNPA agreed to seek equestrian access to CW from West Dean Estate and CDC, and to try and obtain formal BW dedication if possible. The application, which will create a cul-de-sac route at present,was approved by the SDNPA Planning Committee on 13th Nov, with no general equestrian access, but confirmation that the proposal will not affect existing private rights of the livery yard. The final date for delivery of the project has now been extended to 30th June 2015, as DfT have agreed to hand over money on the understanding work will be completed, and those involved will continue to seek access to the route for horse riders in future applications which will create a through route. Lavant PC agreed at a meeting in Dec that they have no objection to equestrians on CW.
Steyning BWs 2714/2716: The Steyning Downland Scheme trustees visited the Mountain Biking (MTB) site at the end of August, following concerns raised about the effect of this activity on users of the BWs by BHS, WSCC, and SD LAF. After considering all the issues, the trustees have decided that the MTB group must be formalised, with limitations placed on their use of the land, and the MTB group taking legal responsibility to maintain and run the operation safely within rules that will be laid down, and which must be adhered to or the MTB activity will cease to be allowed. A site meeting was held on Sat 8th Oct with local horseriders to explore the offer of an alternative BW route for those who wish to avoid the area of MTB activity altogether, and this was well attended by local riders. The new route was agreed in principle by the majority of those attending as a good way forward for all parties, although it is still the view of some that the MTB activity should be moved, and/or closed down. However, subsequent to the meeting an MTB rep met with SDNPA Rangers and was advised that planning permission was likely to be necessary for the new route due to engineering work needed. As there is a strong likelihood certain riders will object to any application, MTBs have at present decided to put the creation of an alternative route on hold.
Plaistow RB 639: The WSCC Access Ranger has been in touch with the consultant for the development of the Crouchlands Bio-Gas plant at Rumbolds farm, and has been offered an additional permissive route to run for the lifetime of the plant (which could be 30+ yrs). This would be for users who wanted to avoid passing the rather industrial operation at the farm, but of course the definitive route of the RB would remain open.
The alternative route will run from BOAT 564 (south), through Limekiln Wood to join RB 633 (north).
Rampion Wind Farm: E-On held a PRoW Stakeholder meeting in Henfield on 8th Oct. The on-shore cable route will run from landfall at Brooklands (East Worthing) to a new sub-station at Bolney. The cable route will cross 31 prow, the vast majority of which will be subjected to a series of one day closuresduring construction. The BWs affected are Twineham 4T, Woodmancote 3672, Upper Beeding 2754 (to be diverted to use nearby ‘G road’), 2760, 2758, Coombes 2061/1 and Sompting 2075. A £50k S106 financial contribution will be made to WSCC. On shore construction is due to start in spring 2015 and will take approx. 2yrs. A PRoW Strategy and Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan was circulated for comment and discussion. E-On have said they will set up a Stakeholder Liaison Group and hold regular meetings to discuss working plans in advance, and provide an opportunity for feedback regarding any problems. There was a feeling at the meeting that, although inconvenient, the prow one day closures would not cause any great problem, providing advance warning was given. However, of more concern is the use by construction traffic of some rural roads used as links in the prow network by NMUs.
Consultations/Local Plans
HDC Local Pan- following the hearing on 4th – 19th Nov, the Inspector published his initial findings on 19th Dec. He considered that HDC has not properly identified the correct level of housing need over the plan period, and has increased the minimum target from 583 dpa to 750 dpa.
He found the proposed North of Horsham (2500) and West of Southwater (500) allocations sound, stating that the housing and employment benefits would significantly outweigh the disadvantages of the environmental impacts. As regards Mayfield Market Town, he found the very significant increase in the amount of development involved in the MMT proposal is not required in current circumstances.
The Inspector considered the best way forward is to suspend the examination for 6 months while the Council reviews its current position and identifies how to meet the level of housing need that he has identified.
MSDC - Mid Sussex District Plan 2014-2031 Consultation Draft