Stop and Search scrutiny panel standing minutes

Tuesday 4th August 2015

  1. Welcome and apologies
  2. Minutes and actions of last meeting
  3. Stop and search management information
  4. Input around intelligence led policing
  1. Best use of stop and search scheme
  2. Community trigger
  3. Lay observations
  4. Scrutiny of stop and search’s forms
  5. Issues to take to gold group
  6. Date of next meeting – 6th October 2015


  • Chair – Chester Morrison (CM), Wolverhampton Citizens for change, Critical lead.
  • Chief Inspector Tracey Packham (TP)
  • Frank Amadedon (FA)
  • Joe Jackson (JJ)
  • Sgt Krista Durie (KD)
  • Alicia Spence (AS)
  • Pc Vince Bent (VB)
  • Jade Pearson (JP)

1.Apologies :

  • Janet Smith-Morrison (JS)
  • Eileen Mcken (EM)
  • Shirley Sams (SS)
  • Gloria Smith (GS)]
  • Sharon Thompson (ST)

4. Input on Intelligence

VB gives and input on intelligence giving an overview of source handling, how information is graded and how this links with stop and search.

2. Minutes and actions from the last meeting

  • Ensure in the future that the document is page numbered. It was noted that pages weren’t numbered and to ensure this done I future.
  • How do other force areas compare data for disproportionality?Carried over to be explored.
  • Data comparison between Wolverhampton and the West Midlands and the West Midlands and the national picture.This is now included in the document.
  • Continue to feedback the groups concern at force level on how ethnicity data is recorded.

This feedback is continuing.

3.Stop and search management information

The stop and search scrutiny panel data document was analysed and discussed. It was noted that decrease in April 2015 coincided with the introduction of Code A. In May 2015 numbers went up and were significantly higher in May2015. It was highlighted that the Assistant Chief Constable had signed off a section 60 in relation to a football match where intelligence indicated significant risk. This saw a rise in the number of stop and search.

In relation to ethnicity there was a discussion again around how other forces measure disproportionality as it is felt the way that it is currently measured is not the most accurate reflection.

CM states that disproportionality still needs to be a focus.

  1. Best use of stop and search scheme

a)Community trigger.

TP states that panel could raise a community complaint via the scrutiny panel. Asked the panel if there was any other way they think that a community complaint could be triggered. For continued thoughts and focus in this area.

JJ notes that the community trigger is theoretical and the judgement will come when it happens and there is a response from the police.

Lay observations

Discussed Lay observation and the panel are still not in a position to participate however they would like to be kept abreast of the details.

Body worn video was discussed. If this is to be the way forward there is a confidentiality form that the Lay observer would sign. There is a letter for panel members which KD will send out.

  1. Scrutiny of Stop and search forms.

Forms scrutinised and no actions. There is however an action in relation to repeat stops in the data analysis where by a person 30years of age has been stopped 7 times. The panel would like to understand more about this and what area this person was stopped in.

  1. Issues to gold group

No issues raised to take to gold group.


  • In relation to repeat stops in the data analysis where by a person 30years of age has been stopped 7 times. The panel would like to understand more about this and what area this person was stopped in.
  • KD to send Lay observation letter to the panel.