


Thursday June 10, 2:08pm 124 people were logged into Luminis

New Items:

Welcome new members Tina Collins and Fred Dietz.

Time Change for future Summer hour meetings (Jackie). Core Summer hour meetings will be July 12 And August 9.

Review of new format myGate, RacerNet (LGM)

It will be going live around the first of July.

Privacy Policy (LGM)- Sent to Core members 6-14-10

Updating Luminis (June 21) Update– Maintenance window 6-26 will be longer than normal since we have Luminis patches to apply.

Can PCI compliance patches be applied?As of 6-14, waiting for word back from TouchNet

Questions from Lori (see background below). These questions are not Core level but can be resolved by going to appropriate functional or technical groups. Functional areas should direct questions of this nature to Brantly who will farm them out/forward the to the appropriate person. All functional areas are encouraged to invite Linda to departmental meetings to help underscore the role of Core and to help identify appropriate routes to help get problems resolved.

Ongoing Issues:

Cognos reports status – Have we had any of the reports that Chandra produced been reviewed? Tracy has not had a chance to review. Given that August will be the next highly intense time for when these reports are needed, we need to make sure that we are positioned to be able to produce the information we need by that time. Tracy is out of the office this week, but will meet with Administrative computing when she gets back to help validate the information from Chandra’s reports.

Direct Lending Update (Lori). Per Lori - things are progressing well. Aid is being disbursed.

Mainframe shutdown including Kronos automation (Brantly). Brantly has a plan and backup for moving away from the mainframe by July 1. However it will be necessary to get all units on Kronos on the same version of the software. This will entail cost and involvement from Kronos.

Getting new Hires Banner identity/email account prior to beginning of contract (Tom H.) Core representatives see no reason why PA’s cannot be completed by the originating department with the appropriate start date as soon as an offer letter has been signed and the person vacating any existing lines has a PA for last day of work. The last day of work may be amended to reflect vacation days as necessary per Josh..

BDMS Update (Dave)Registrar’s office will be next to be implemented if COE cannot dedicate resources to completing the implementation at this time. All outstanding BDMS implementations will need to be completed in the next 2 months.

Banner 8 Update.Change control process being imposed by auditors will require formal department signoff for new changes before they are placed into production. Testing on Banner 8 thus far has been very light.

Richard Fritz’s request for Banner 8 Web ServicesWaiting for documentation from Richard Fritz to help determine the availability of Banner 8 Web Services.

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