(Provided to AGRIP August 2003 by Wayne Carlson. Format modified to conserve space)
Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool &
Public Agency Compensation Trust
Request for Proposal
Employee Assistance Program and Work/Life Program
SECTION ISummary of Request for Proposal
SECTION IIEAP Services Questionnaires
SECTION III EAP Implementation
SECTION IV EAP Rate Proposal
REPARED BY: / Wayne CarlsonExecutive Director
Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool &
Public Agency Compensation Trust
201 S. Roop Street, Suite 102
Carson City, NV 89701-4779Phone: (775) 885-7475
Fax: (775) 883-7398
MAIN LOCATIONS: / Nevada statewide, principally in rural and suburban areas
INDUSTRY: / Risk pools covering casualty and workers compensation risks of local governments including counties, cities, school districts, hospitals, towns and special districts
ELIGIBILITY: / All full-time employees; all part-time employees working over 20 hours per week
NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: / Approximately 12,000 statewide is potential; the pools have over 90 members; they want opt-in provision since a few already have their own EAP’s set-up and may want to continue them
REASON FOR MARKETING: / New initiative. Concerns arose largely from two areas: emergency responders (police, fire, ambulance) and general employees for reducing employee problems that affect human resources management and liability potential.
CURRENT VENDORS: / VMC Behavioral Health Care Services; PacifiCare Behavioral Health. These two were identified by the few members who had an existing program.
COVERAGES: / Basic EAP -- information, assessment, referral and short-term counseling. Quote on 2 different visit scenarios -- 3 visits and 5 visits. Quote Work/Life options.
EFFECTIVE DATE: / July 1, 2003
DEADLINE: / Proposals due week of March 17, 2003
PROPOSAL RESPONSE FORMAT: / Do not include any commissions.
Please submit five proposals in hard copy.
- Give a brief history of your organization including how long you have been providing EAP services, ownership, current officers, and a copy of your most recent financial statement.
- Describe current staffing and professional qualifications of key operations and program administration personnel. List the total number of full-time and contract associates.
- Would you provide a dedicated client management team and assignment of an account executive? Specify whether the account executive will have both administrative and clinical responsibilities, and where that person is based.
- Provide examples and describe frequency of management reports to track service utilization, quality of care, and review activities. Describe how this can be customized to each member organization? Provide detailed description of mechanism for determining savings members may gain by implementation of EAP services.
- Provide a reference list of at least three similar EAP clients. Indicate for each the name and phone number of a specific contact person.
- Indicate the average annual turnover percentage for employees in your organization.
- What is the total number of employees covered by your EAP programs?
- List the ratio of counselors to employees which you normally recommend and the average number of counseling sessions.
- Are your EAP services outsourced? If so, to whom? What are your quality controls over their qualifications and service performance?
- Describe any special programs you provide to foreign language callers or for callers who have a disability (deafness, blindness, etc.).
- Indicate whether your organization has a financial interest in treatment facilities. If so, describe any provisions to prevent conflict of interest.
- Describe the EAP process. Keeping in mind that pool members’employees are located in predominantly rural areas in Nevada, please address the following:
- How does a participant access the EAP program? Describe your procedures for providing consultation to managers and supervisors who request help with an employee problem. How will information be handled when it involves serious job infractions or illegal activity?
- If face to face service is appropriate, where and during what hours are services available?
- Problem assessment, including qualifications of person conducting the assessment and where assessment is made (over the phone or face to face)
- Does your firm provide short term problem resolution? If so, explain availability and qualifications of the persons providing counseling
- Qualifications of the person handling the initial case intake
- Referral process for short-term counseling, including how counselors are matched with specific problem areas
- How cases are monitored and case closure process
- List the percentage of substance abuse cases and psychiatric cases that are referred for treatment beyond the EAP.
- How are emergencies and cases requiring crisis intervention handled? In your response, please address the following:
- Are emergency calls always handled by an actual staff member (e.g., 24-hour on-site availability)?
- What are the qualifications of the emergency calls staff members (e.g., psychologists, Masters degreed social workers, etc.)
- Describe in detail your protocols for receiving and referring calls?
- In what situations will a counselor or a provider provide on-site assistance to patients at the emergency department or other locations? Is this service included in your basic fees?
- What special training do intake staff and counselors receive with regard to crisis intervention and emergency assistance?
- What procedures do you have in place to monitor a patient's status following the crisis? Is there a formal process in place?
- How do you propose to integrate your EAP with the medical plans offered by the members? What steps do you take to maintain continuity of treatment? (e.g., from initial intake, to EAP provider, to the medical plan network provider)?
- How do you propose to integrate your EAP with workers compensation coverage where applicable to members? What steps do you take to maintain continuity of treatment? (e.g., from initial intake, to EAP provider, to the workers compensation network provider)?
- How do you handle cases that are self-referred vs. supervisor referred?
- What is the prevalence of face-to-face versus telephone contact? Describe situations in which each would occur for assessment and case management for emergency and non-emergency situations.
- Describe for procedure for post-treatment follow up.
- Describe your in-house peer review, supervision, and quality control activities.
- What standard parameters and auditing systems are in place to assure the quality of care provided by assessors and providers?
- Describe the professional qualifications of assessors and, if applicable, case management personnel. Do you utilize student interns?
- Describe the criteria and process used in selecting providers for referral.
- What is the percentage of supervisory referrals? What follow up procedures are followed for supervisory referrals?
- Describe the availability and background of a medical director or a medical consultant. Indicate who performs this function, what role the consultant or medical director plays, and the number of hours/week of on EAP provider’s site service provided by your medical director.
- Describe your in-service training programs: content frequency and materials for intake staff (i.e., personnel who answer 800 telephone line), short term care providers, and, if applicable, case management staff and provider network.
- How do you maintain participant confidentiality?
- Explain how you comply with HIPPA.
- Describe your credentialing procedures for providers.
- Describe the review process for continued provider participation.
- Describe your quality assurance programs. Who administers these programs?
- On average, what is the waiting time for a non-emergency appointment?
- On average, what is the waiting time for an emergency appointment?
- Describe your program to determine enrollee satisfaction?
- Enclose a copy of your procedures for handling grievances by enrollees. How many specific complaints were filed during the previous calendar year? What percentage of enrollees filed complaints?
- How do you measure the time it takes for complaint/grievance resolution?
- How are Work/Life services "integrated" with your EAP services? Are the Work/Life services outsourced? If so, which vendors do you contract with to provide services?
- What Work/Life services are offered? Are all of these services included in your rate quote? If not, which ones have an additional fee?
- Describe in detail the process from the time a covered individual calls with a problem until a referral for services is completed.
- Is your telephone staffed 24 hours a day/365 days a year? Do you monitor calls for quality? Describe.
- Complete the following table:
Average Wait Time Incoming Calls / Average
On-Line Time / Abandoned Call Percentage
2002 Objectives
2001 Results
- If you are awarded a contract for Work/Life services, how will your counselors coordinate participant referrals to providers and/or other resources?
- Describe the availability and use of other points of access (tapes, video, internet, etc.)
- What is your staff size (by function)? What is the ratio of counselors to covered lives? What are your staff's credentials?
- What is your staff's experience with various work/life issues?
- Please describe your staff selection and development process.
- What methods do you use for following up with the individual?
- What is your average utilization rate(Ex:10% of a typical employer's eligible work force)?
- Do you maintain a web site that participants can access for Work/Life information? If so, please describe. Is there an extra fee?
- Can participants request referrals and information using e-mail? If so, please describe. Is there an additional fee?
- Provide a customized flow chart of the steps between the signing of the contract and the complete implementation of the program.
- What types of communications materials do you provide? Provide samples. Are the employee communications materials customized or "boilerplate" with custom cover? Are ongoing communication materials provided after initial program introduction? If so, describe and provide samples.
- Describe the communication programs and materials which you provide supervisors during program implementation and on an ongoing basis. Indicate whether you have produced your own videotapes for use in supervisory training sessions.
- What types of employee outreach and/or education programs do you provide?
- What type of EAP/Work Life training and orientation do you currently conduct for employers and employees?
- What standard reports do you provide to indicate utilization and return - on - investment data? What ad hoc reports are available and what is the cost? Provide samples and indicate frequency of reports.
- How do you measure employee satisfaction for services provided? What is your overall satisfaction rating for current clients?
- Provide a sample employer agreement.
- Complete the worksheets that follow for each of the EAP fee scenarios.
- Indicate how your fee would change if only EAP services were provided.
- Indicate what services are included and any limitations or exclusions
- Indicate the additional cost, if any, for:
- supervisory training
- employee orientations
- communication and promotional activities
- educational/wellness seminars
- management consultations regarding employee performance issues,
- crisis intervention (explain criteria for such interventions)
- on-site briefings
- toll-free telephone line
- 24 hour access
- Internet access for information, inquiries and referral
- Referral and information requests via e-mail
- Other (Please specify below)
Effective July 1, 2003
Plan I
EAP & Work Life ServicesPremium Rate
Year 1 Year 2
EAP Enrollment
3 Visit EAP______
Case Management Services ______
Communications ______
(Annual fee or $/employee/month)
(Specify quantity limits, if applicable)
(one time charge)
Number of Hours of Supervisor Training______
Rate Guarantee Maximum - Year 3Yes/NoYes/No
Work/Life Services Available:
Child / Elder Care______
Additional Programs______
Would you be willing to negotiate:
- performance standards for EAP administration?
Indicate any enrollment thresholds that would impact the proposed rates.
Effective July 1, 2003
Plan II
EAP & Work Life ServicesPremium Rate
Year 1 Year 2
EAP Enrollment
5 Visit EAP______
Case Management Services ______
Communications ______
(Annual fee or $/employee/month)
(Specify quantity limits, if applicable)
(one time charge)
Number of Hours of Supervisor Training______
Rate Guarantee Maximum - Year 3Yes/NoYes/No
Work/Life Services Available:
Child / Elder Care______
Additional Programs______
Would you be willing to negotiate:
- performance standards for EAP administration?
Indicate any enrollment thresholds that would impact the proposed rates.
General Conditions
Vendors Errors or Omissions:
Vendor remains solely responsible for errors or omissions made in the proposal. Vendors may not revise submitted proposals after the deadline.
Vendor proposals shall be complete and any exceptions to the specifications should be noted clearly.
POOL/PACT reserves the right to request clarification and to obtain additional information from any proposer.
POOL/PACT will, in its discretion, contact references to obtain information about the ability of the proposer to perform the services offered.
Vendor acknowledges that it may have certain responsibilities for maintaining confidentiality of employee information received in order to provide the services and in the course of providing such services. Vendor agrees to abide by any laws regarding maintaining confidentiality of employee records, including medical records, in accordance with state and federal laws, such as the HIPPA.
Change in the RFP process:
POOL/PACT reserves the right to amend the RFP prior to the date for submission of responses or to extend the time for submission.
POOL/PACT reserves the right to withdraw or cancel this RFP at its discretion at any time prior to execution of a contract, to reject any or all responses or to waive any minor or technical deviations.