StockbridgeVillage Primary Competition

In accordance with section 7(5) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council give notice that following their notice of 25 September 2009 inviting proposals for a new mainstream primary school at StockbridgeVillage, The Croft, Waterpark Drive, Stockbridge Village, L28 1SU, the following proposals have been received.

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Directorate of Children and Family Services, Education Offices, Huyton Hey Road, Huyton, Knowsley L36 5YH has, with the consent of the Secretary of State, granted on 30 October 2009, submitted a proposal to establish a new community primary school.

The Local Authority proposes to establish a 210 place one-form entry community primary school for 5-11 year olds and a 26 place nursery with effect from 01 September 2011. The school will offer 30 places per year group and will form part of an integrated hub for childrenand family services including a Children’s Centre and family and health provision. The Children’s Centre will be integrated with the school, and the services provided will include Childcare. The Childcare provision will provide 12 full time places for 0-2 year olds; 24 full time places for 2-3 year olds and 16 full time places for wrap-around care for 3-5 year olds.

The Local Authority is committed to providing an emotionally and physically safe, motivating, nurturing and attractivelearning environment. It is anticipated that children should and will play an active part in the organisation and running of their school, creating an ethos where children can develop to their full potential and, together with their families, make a positive and sustainable contribution to their community.

The Local Authority will work in partnership with the new school’s leadership towards it achieving specialist school status on opening.

The admission number for the school on the opening date will be 30. The school will be part of Knowsley's equal preference primary admissions scheme and the normal admissions policy for community primary schools will apply. If there are more applicants than the number of places available, subject to consultation and determination, the criteria to be applied can be summarised as follows: 1. Children who are cared for by the Local Authority. 2. Children for whom the Council accepts there are exceptionally strong medical or welfare reasons for admission. 3. Children witha brother or sister already attending the preferred school. 4. Remaining places are allocated by measuring the distance from the child's home to school in a straight line (as the crow flies). Those living nearest the school have priority

The new school will form part of a wider Children, Family and Health Campus providing integrated education, children, family and health based service provision. This new facility will be a hub for the delivery of integrated services to support the needs of children, young people and their families.

Notice is also given in accordance with section 15 (1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Directorate of Children and Family Services, Education Office, Huyton Hey Road, Huyton, L36 5YH proposes to discontinue Brookside Community Primary School, Waterpark Drive, Stockbridge Village L28 3QA and Nine Tree Community Primary School,Hollow Croft, Stockbridge Village L28 4ED, with effect from 31 August 2011 in order to establish the new community primary school proposed above in their place.

The Local Authority confirms that all applicable statutory requirements to consult in relation to the discontinuance proposals have been complied with.

If the proposals are agreed the Directorate of Children and Family Services will arrange for all pupils on roll at Brookside and Nine Tree primary schools to be transferred to the new primary school on 1 September 2011 (but see note below).

This does not affect the rights of parents to apply for a place at another school.

The Authority’s usual transport policy applies.

The Local Authority has taken into account all key factors of the SEN improvement test and believes that the proposal will build and improve on the standards, quality and range of educational provision that children on roll at both schools currently receive.

Complete copies of the proposal can be obtained via the Knowsley website at:

Anyone who does not have access to the internet can obtain a copy via: Andrew Cocklin, School Organisation Team, Directorate of Children and Family Services, Huyton Hey Road, HuytonL36 5YH

A public meeting will be held at Christ the King Centre for Learning, Stockbridge Lane, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 3SDon the 16 February 2010 commencing at 6pm at which the Local Authority's proposal will be discussed.

Within six weeks after the date of publication of these proposals any person may object to, or make comments on, the proposal by sending their representations to: Andrew Cocklin, School Organisation Team, Directorate of Children and Family Services, Huyton Hey Road, Huyton, L36 5YH


Damian Allen

Executive Director for Children and Family Services

Publication Date: 4 February 2010

Explanatory Note:

Those pupils who will be in Nursery 2 at Brookside and Nine Tree during the 2010/2011 academic year will need to apply for a reception place within the usual admissions round during that year. Their applications will be considered in the same way all as all other applications under the Knowsley co-ordinated scheme.