Career Cluster Explorations
6th Grade
Echols Middle School 2016-2017
Career Cluster Electives Program
Career Technology
Ms. Jennifer Reaves
Course Description:
This course content will be based upon the Alabama Course of Study: Career Cluster Electives. This course is exploratory in nature with an emphasis on understanding technology and how they relate to careers. The goals of this course are to offer students opportunities to explore the concepts of technology and demonstrate basic technology skills. Identify ways to manage files, using the Internet, and using application programs; prepare support materials to accompany a presentation, including tables and charts; demonstrate employment skills; describe the nature of each of the Alabama Career and Technical Education clusters; and identify careers to match personal interests and aptitudes. Hands-on activities and experiences conducted in the classroom and online are important components of this class.
Our Career/Technical Student Organization, TSA, is an integral, co-curricular component of this course. The Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM); members apply and integrate these concepts through co-curricular activities, competitions, and related programs.
This course is taught for an eighteen-week period to eighth grade students only. There are no prerequisites required.
A required $25.00 course fee should be paid in full upon entering the class.
There will be no distribution of textbooks.
Required Supplies:
· Three-ring binder (1/2 – 1 inch)
· Dividers (Daily Work, Warm-Ups, Current Events, TSA)
· Supply pouch with pens/pencils
· Notebook paper
Essential Functions:
To be successful in this class, students should be able to perform the following:
· Enter the classroom in an orderly fashion and immediately go to your seat and begin working.
· Come to class prepared every day. This includes having required materials.
· Actively participate in class.
· Work effectively as individuals as well as in groups or teams.
· Create and maintain a safe and professional online presence.
· Follow the BYOD Policy and be responsible with classroom technology.
· Obey all school-wide and district-wide rules.
Points will be earned by daily work, technology grades, tests, projects/activities, and notebook. Students will be responsible for keeping up with grades on Edmodo and CEV. Grades will be determined by dividing points earned by total points possible.
A = 89.5 – 100 D = 59.5 – 69.4
B = 79.5 – 89.4 F = Below 59.4
C = 69.5 – 79.4
Academic, attendance, and discipline policies of the school will be followed (see class responsibilities). All students will have the opportunity for success in this classroom. All requests for accommodations for this course are welcome from students and parents. For a conference, please call:
342-2884 or email ().
Content Standards:
Students will:
1.) Demonstrate basic technology skills.
2.) Explain the personal and societal benefits of work.
3.) Demonstrate oral presentation skills that sustain listeners' attention and interest including eye contact, clear enunciation, and use of visual aids.
4.) Apply active listening skills to obtain and clarify information.
5.) Summarize written materials from various career sources clearly, succinctly, and accurately
6.) Create a personal plan of study to meet career goals and objectives.
7.) Demonstrate positive work behaviors and personal qualities, including displaying a willingness to acquire new knowledge and skills, demonstrating integrity in a work situation, and indicating a willingness to follow rules and procedures.
8.) Describe employment skills needed for obtaining and maintaining a job.
9.) Demonstrate interpersonal skills, including teamwork, conflict management, problem-solving, and networking.
10.) Demonstrate leadership skills for creating an environment that fosters mutual trust and confidence.
11.) Demonstrate the ability to locate resources to determine job and career opportunities related to the Alabama Career and Technical Education clusters.
12.) Identify employment opportunities to match personal interests and aptitudes.
Course Outline:
1. Career Research
2. Communication
3. Project Development
4. Internet Safety
5. Design Technologies
6. Construction Technologies
Essential Questions:
1. What changes and challenges do adolescents face in the 21st century?
2. How does technology influence and affect the decisions of adolescents?
3. What factors impact choosing a career?
4. What independent living skills will teens need to possess in order to be college and career ready?
Culminating Products:
Career Cruising; Everfi Online Lessons; Edmodo; TMI & Health Rocks
Available Industry Credentials:
N/A for middle school programs.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature: