Luella Middle School Cheerleading Contract
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. You are accountable for all rules and procedures in this contract.
Luella Middle School Cheerleaders are representatives of the school and student body. Each squad member shall represent LMS with the highest degree of integrity, sportsmanship, and cooperation among themselves, the student body, faculty, and other athletes. A high level of commitment to the squad and coach are necessary in order to maintain a position on the team.
- Grades
- All squad members will be governed by the eligibility rules of the State Board Policy and the Luella Middle School Athletics Policy.
- Passing 3 out of 4 academic classes is required on each semester report card. Each squad member is required to show the coach a copy of each six-weeks grade report. A member failing more than one class will be benched from the squad until the grade is passing. At the semester grading period, a member not passing six classes will be suspended from the squad for the remainder of the school year.
- Eligibility
- If a cheerleader withdraws from the school at any time after being selected, he/she will be dismissed from squad. If a cheerleader quits during the cheer season or is dismissed from the squad for any reason, he/she may not try out for cheerleading the following year. A cheerleader may not quit cheerleading to participate in another sport or activity at LMS. All monies paid at the time a cheerleader quits or is dismissed from the squad will not be reimbursed.
- Physical Fitness
- A physical exam and proof of insurance is required prior to the beginning of tryouts. Cheerleaders are required to get a new physical before an old one expires in order to continue participation on the squad.
- All cheerleaders are expected to maintain an optimal level of physical fitness throughout the season.
Rules and Regulations
- Discipline
- The following conduct is strictly prohibited on school grounds, at a school function, or in uniform and will result in immediate dismissal from the squad: smoking, use of alcohol or other drugs, fighting, unsportsmanlike-like conduct, using inappropriate language, and inappropriate physical contact.
- Any cheerleader assigned to In-School Suspension for the first time after making the squad will be punished at the coaches’ discretion.
- Any cheerleader assigned to In-School Suspension for the second time after making the squad will be benched for the next event. The cheerleader is required to attend the event in uniform and sit with the coach. Failing to do so may result in dismissal from the squad.
- Any cheerleader assigned In-School suspension for the third time after making the squad will be immediately dismissed from the squad.
- Any cheerleader receiving Out-Of-School Suspension will be dismissed from the squad.
- Any cheerleader placed in Alternative School will be removed from the squad.
- Any cheerleader in a leadership position may lose leadership status at any time during the season if the coach deems it necessary.
- Any behavior that the coach deems intolerable, such as insubordination, dress code violations, poor attitude, disrespect and the inability to get along with others, etc. will result in:
1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: Benched for an Event 3rd offense: Dismissed from the Squad
- Camp
- Clinics and camps are mandatory. Cheerleaders are expected to adhere to all rules and regulations while at clinics/camps. Disrespect to instructors will not be tolerated.
- Financial Responsibilities
- Once a participant has made the squad and all merchandise has been ordered for the season, it is the responsibility of the parent to pay any outstanding monies owed whether the cheerleader stays on the squad, is dismissed, benched, or quits.
- A monthly payment plan is available to pay season costs. Failure to pay for cheer costs will result in the cheerleader not receiving items, which will result in the cheerleader not being able to participate until money is paid. If needed, the cheerleader will be dismissed from the squad.
- Practice
- All scheduled practices are mandatory for all squad members. A practice schedule will be given out. Practices can be any day of the week.
- In order to be excused from practice, the member must have been absent from school due to illness, family emergency or have prior consent from the coach (for very limited reasons). As soon as a cheerleader knows that he/she will not be at practice due to one of the previously stated reasons, he/she should immediately contact the coach. Any unexcused absences will result in the cheerleader being benched at the next event and possibly dismissed from the team. In the event that a cheerleader is benched, he/she will still be required to attend in full uniform. In order to attend practice, you must be counted present on that school day. (Before 12 noon)
- Cheerleaders participating on all-star squads should submit a copy of their practice and competition schedule as soon as possible. Cheerleaders are allowed to miss one hour of practice a week for all-star practice. This is completely at the discretion of the coach. Since the coach is willing to let cheerleaders miss an hour of practice for all-star cheerleading, it is expected for all-star coaches to be flexible with accommodating cheerleaders who have a commitment to two cheer squads. Failure to abide by this rule will result in dismissal from the squad. Cheerleaders are not allowed to leave or miss practice due to tumbling classes or any other activity.
- Cheerleaders must be on time to practice. This includes being appropriately dressed in practice clothes and shoes. No eating will be tolerated at practice. Failure to beon time to practice will result in disciplinary action and possibly being benched or dismissed.
- No visitors, family or friends will be allowed to attend practices.
- All squad members are expected to help with rolling out and rolling up mats. All trash must be picked up before leaving practice.
- Gum chewing, wearing artificial nails, jewelry, or not having hair appropriately pulled back will result in an opportunity for fitness. Continuous violations may result in benching and possible removal from squad.
- Games
- Every cheerleader is required to attend all home football games. The only excused absence from a game is for personal illness or a family emergency. The coach must be contacted immediately when a cheerleader will miss a game.
- In order to be eligible to cheer at a game, you must be counted present at school for that day. This means being at school before 12:00 noon.
- Cheerleaders are not allowed to eat or drink (other than water) while cheering. At allgames, the cheerleaders will have part of the 3rd quarter off. At all games, the cheerleaders will have to be back ready to cheer on the track with 3:00 remaining in the 3rd quarter.
- Appearance
- No jewelry, artificial or long nails, or nail polish is permitted during practice or competitions.
- Games: all hair must be in a ponytail with her ribbon. Practice: hair must be in a secure ponytail.
- On game days, cheerleaders are expected to wear designated spirit clothing to school. Not wearing spirit clothing will result in an opportunity for fitness.
- Games/Practices: each cheerleader is responsible for bringing all needed uniform pieces for that day. Failure to have all uniform pieces will result in not being able to cheer.
- Stunting/Tumbling
- All stunts, no matter how simple, will be practiced with a spotter and bases.
- All cheerleaders must be willing to try various positions in a stunt. Cheerleaders should remember that they belong to a team and they must be willing to do things that will benefit the whole team. Failing to do so will result in dismissal from the squad.
- No stunting or tumbling may be practiced if the coach is not present.
- Pick-Up
- LMS parents will pick up all cheerleaders from the bus lane located at the side of the building after practice.
- Parents may pick up their cheerleader at opposing schools, BUT they must be present BEFORE the bus leaves the opposing school heading back to LMS. We can not leave anyone behind to wait for parents, and the bus will not wait for us to leave.
- All cheerleaders need to be picked up in a timely fashion. Any cheerleader who remains after practice/games for longer than 10 minutes will be considered “late”. All “late” offenses will be documented and the following procedures will be followed:
1stOffense: Warning
2ndOffense: 2nd Warning
3rdOffense: Benched a game
4thOffense: Dismissal from the team
Please sign and date below verifying that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by this contract. Once signed, you will receive a copy to keep.
Parent Signature Date
Student Signature Date