
Iowa FFA Association

Activities, Events, and Awards Bulletin

Iowa Department of Education

Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education

Grimes State Office Building

Des Moines, IA 50319-0146

(515) 281-4712

4Iowa FFA Constitution

13Iowa FFA Bylaws

17General Information

  1. Foreword
  2. The FFA
  3. “Active” FFA Chapters and Members
  4. Objectives
  5. Rules for All State Events
  6. Judging, Results and Awards

22Iowa FFA Degree – (Production Agriculture or Agribusiness)

  1. Information
  2. Rules
  3. Procedure for Verifying Iowa FFA Degree Applications with SAE Record Books
  4. Iowa FFA Degree District Review Committee Evaluation Form
  5. Iowa FFA Degree Selection Committee
  6. Designations
  7. Awards
  8. Instructions for Completing the Iowa FFA Degree Application
29American FFA Degree Nominations
  1. Information
  2. Star American FFA Awards
  3. American FFA Degree State Selection Committee

32Public Speaking Event

35Freshman Creed Speaking Event

37Extemporaneous Speaking Event

39Ag Broadcasting/Journalism Event

41Conduct of Meetings Event

43Parliamentary Procedure Event

45Chapter Program Event

47Job Interview Event

50Ag Sales Leadership Event

53Chapter Activity Exhibit Event

54Secretary’s Record Book Event

57Treasurer’s Record Book Event

60Reporter’s Scrapbook Event

63Agriscience Student

  1. Eligibility Requirements
  2. Event Rules
  3. Judging Criteria
  4. Recognition
  5. Program Focus
  6. Recommended References
  7. The Scientific Process
  8. Student’s Project
  9. Letters of Recommendation
  10. Supporting Photographs
65Agricultural Proficiency Award Areas

Guidelines for Judging FFA Proficiency Awards

SEE NATIONAL FFA LIST for current Ag Proficiency Award Areas (

71Discussion Meet Event
  1. What is a Discussion Meet?
  2. Purpose of the Discussion Meet
  3. General Rules
  4. The State Discussion Meet
  5. General Instructions to Participants
  6. Example Discussion Meet Topics
  7. Awards

75Experience the Action Event

77Rising Star Award

78Ag Issues and Perceptions

83Public Relations Chapter Awards

84Journalism Chapter Awards

85Alumni SAE/Ag Ed Publicity Chapter Award

87National Chapter Awards Program

89FFA Awards – Medals for Local Chapter Winners
90State Officer Candidates
  1. Qualifications
  2. Nominating Committee Procedure
  3. Election Procedures
  4. Information for State FFA Officer Candidates

109State Leadership Conference for District Officers

110Iowa FFA Board of Directors and Executive Committee

Mission Statement

Operations and Procedures of the Board of Directors

Process of Appeals


121State Approved List of FFA Activities, Events and Awards

124Subdistrict, District, and State FFA Events (List)

Constitution & By-Laws


Revised and Amended at 72nd Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

April 5-7, 2001



The name of the association is the Iowa FFA Association and it is affiliated with the National FFA Organization. However, the letters "FFA" and/or the words "Future Farmers of America" may be officially used to designate the association, its chapters or members thereof.


The objects and purposes of the Iowa FFA Association are set forth in Section 3 of the National FFA Organization's Charter, Public Law 81-740. The Iowa FFA Association shall cooperate with National and State governing agencies and officials for vocational education in accomplishing these objects and purposes and the following aims and activities, which the governing body has determined, pursuant to Section 3(8) of the organization's Charter, to be appropriate aims and activities within the framework of objects and purposes established by the organization's Charter:

  1. To be an integral part of the organized instructional programs in Agricultural Education which includes preparation for occupations in production agriculture; agricultural supplies and services; agricultural mechanization; agricultural products, processing and marketing; horticulture; renewable natural resources, forestry and others; representing those programs that qualify for assistance under federal vocational education legislation.
  1. To build the confidence of students in themselves and their work by developing desirable work habits and the effective use of their time by learning to assume responsibilities and by developing personal and occupational competencies in communications, human relations and social abilities leading to intelligent choices of careers and successful employment in agriculture.
  1. To foster programs and activities which will develop leadership, character, scholarship and occupational pride, training for useful citizenship, patriotism, thrift and the improvement in community life by encouraging members to improve the home and its surroundings and to develop and improve the community, including its economic, environmental and human resources.
  1. To recognize achievement in supervised agricultural experience programs, scholarship, leadership and other individual and group achievements by providing awards to deserving members.


SECTION A. The Iowa FFA Association is the State Association of, by and for students of Agricultural Education programs. It shall consist of chartered chapters. More than one chapter may be chartered in a school when deemed appropriate by the State Executive Committee. The Iowa FFA Association is affiliated with the National FFA Organization and accepts the provisions of its constitutions and by-laws.

SECTION B. Active chapters of the FFA for students enrolled in public secondary school programs shall be chartered only in such schools where recognized systematic instruction in Agriculture Education is offered under the provisions of the federal vocational education legislation.

Such chapters shall operate as an integral part of the instructional program of Agricultural Education under the responsibility of the local school system.

Schools with large enrollments and/or multiple programs in agricultural education may establish subsidiary chapters of the parent chapter. Each subsidiary chapter shall be organized and operated in accordance with all the provisions of the national, state and chapter constitutions. Subsidiary chapters shall be coordinated by the officers and advisors of the parent chapter.

SECTION C. Collegiate chapters may be chartered by the Iowa FFA Association in two or four year postsecondary institutions where agricultural courses are taught.

Each chartered collegiate chapter may adopt a constitution which shall not conflict with that of the national organization or the Iowa FFA Association, elect officers, and establish a Program of Activities.

Collegiate chapter members shall pay state and national dues.


SECTION A. Membership in this organization shall be of four kinds: (1) Active; (2) Alumni; (3) Collegiate; and (4) Honorary. The FFA is an equal opportunity-affirmative action organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicapping conditions or national origin including limited English proficiency.

SECTION B. "Active Membership"--Any student who is regularly enrolled in Agricultural Education is entitled to become an active member of the chartered FFA chapter affiliated with the school district where the student receives Agricultural Education instruction. The agricultural education instructor and FFA advisor shall be the same person.

To become an active member and retain membership, a student must:

  1. While in school, be enrolled in at least one agricultural education course during the school year and/or follow a planned course of study; either course must include a supervised agricultural experience program, the objective of which is preparation for an agricultural career.
  1. Show an interest in the affairs of the organization by attending meetings, striving for degrees of membership, and participating in other organized activities of the chapter.
  1. Pay all current state and national dues by the date determined by the chapter.
  1. Display conduct consistent with the ideals and purposes of the national FFA Organization.

A member may retain active membership until November 30, following the fourth National FFA Convention after graduation from high school.

A member in good standing at the time of induction into the armed forces of the United States of America or into the FFA international program shall be in good standing during the period of active service without further payment of dues or attendance at meetings. Time spent in the armed forces or FFA international program shall not be considered as elapsed time in determining the maximum period of four conventions following graduation from high school or leaving high school. Members using this waiver of service time for the purpose of maintaining active membership for application for advanced degrees of membership must resume active participation within six months after having been honorably discharged from military service or completing their FFA international program and indicate such a desire by paying dues and attending meetings. Members participating in a six-month armed services program or participation in the FFA international program for six months shall be eligible for one full year of extended membership. No individual may retain active membership beyond his or her twenty-third birthday.

SECTION C. "Alumni Membership"--Membership shall be open to former active FFA members, collegiate or honorary FFA members, present and former professional agricultural educators, parents of FFA members and others interested in and supportive of the FFA.

SECTION D. "Collegiate Membership" - - Collegiate membership shall be open to students who are enrolled in agricultural courses or who are pursuing career objectives in the industry of agriculture at a two or four year institution having a collegiate FFA chapter.

SECTION E. "Honorary Membership" --Farmers, school superintendents, principals, members of boards of education, chapter advisors, teachers, staff members in agricultural education, business people and others who are helping to advance Agricultural Education and the FFA and who have rendered outstanding service, may be elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting or convention.

Honorary membership shall be limited to the Honorary Chapter FFA Degree in the individual chapter, Honorary State FFA Degree in the Iowa FFA Association and the Honorary American FFA Degree in the National FFA Organization.


SECTION A. There shall be four degrees of active membership based upon achievement. These are: (1) Greenhand FFA; (2) Chapter FFA; (3) Iowa FFA; and (4) American FFA. The national organization shall set the minimum qualifications for each degree.

SECTION B. Greenhand Degree

  1. Minimum qualifications for election.

(On meeting the following minimum qualifications, the Greenhand Degree may be conferred by the Chapter.)

a)Be enrolled in agricultural education and have satisfactory plans for a supervised agricultural experience program.

b)Learn and explain the FFA Creed, Motto and Salute.

c)Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors.

d)Demonstrate a knowledge of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of the FFA jacket.

e)Demonstrate a knowledge of the history of the organization, the chapter constitution and bylaws, and the chapter Program of Activities.

f)Personally own or have access to the official FFA Manual and the FFA Student Handbook.

g)Submit written application for the Greenhand FFA Degree.

  1. The chapter executive committee shall determine when students have met the qualifications for election.
  1. Those persons elected to the Degree shall be initiated at a regular or special chapter meeting with the regular ceremony for this degree.

SECTION C. Chapter FFA Degree

  1. Minimum qualifications for election:

(On meeting the following minimum qualifications, the Chapter FFA Degree may be conferred by the chapter.)

a)Must have received the Greenhand FFA Degree.

b)Must have satisfactorily completed at least 180 hours of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level, have in operation an approved supervised agricultural experience program and be enrolled in an agricultural education course.

c)Have satisfactory knowledge of the local constitution and have participated in the planning and conducting of at least three official functions in the chapter Program of Activities.

d)Have earned and productively invested at least $150 by the member's own efforts or worked at least forty-five hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof, and have developed plans for continued growth and improvement in a supervised agricultural experience program.

e)Have effectively led a group discussion for 15 minutes.

f)Have demonstrated five procedures of parliamentary law.

g)Show progress toward individual achievement in the FFA award programs.

h)Have a satisfactory scholastic record.

i)Submit a written application for the Chapter FFA Degree.

j)Meet other requirements as established by the chapter and/or State Association.

  1. The chapter executive committee shall determine when candidates for the degree have met the above qualifications.
  1. Those persons elected to the Degree shall be initiated at a regular or special chapter meeting with the regular ceremony for this degree.

SECTION D. Iowa FFA Degree

  1. Minimum qualifications for election:

(On meeting the following minimum qualifications, the Iowa FFA Degree may be conferred by the Iowa Association.)

a)Have received the Chapter FFA Degree and have been an active FFA member for at least two years (24 months) at the time of receiving the Iowa FFA Degree.

b)While in school, have completed the equivalent of at least two years (360 hours) of systematic school instruction in Agriculture Education of above the ninth grade level, which includes a supervised agricultural experience program.

c)Have earned and productively invested at least $1,000, or worked at least 300 hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof, in a supervised agricultural experience program.

d)Demonstrate leadership ability by:

i)Performing ten procedures of parliamentary law.

ii)Giving a six-minute speech on a topic relating to agriculture or the FFA.

iii)Serving as an officer, committee chairperson, or a participating member of a chapter committee.

e)Have a satisfactory scholastic record as certified by the local agricultural education instructor and the principal or superintendent.

f)Have participated in the planning and completion of chapter Program of Activities.

g)Have participated in at least five approved FFA activities above the chapter level.

h)Meet other requirements as established by the Iowa FFA Association.

  1. Each chapter is allowed to submit all of its qualified candidates for the Iowa FFA Degree.
  1. Written records of achievement compiled on official Iowa FFA Degree application forms and verified by the chapter advisor shall be submitted by the chapter executive committee to the State Executive Secretary/Treasurer on or before February 1, prior to the Annual State FFA Leadership Conference.
  1. A committee of the state president (and designees), the president and president-elect of the Iowa Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association, and the state executive secretary/treasurer, and/or his or her designee will then review the applications and submit its recommendations to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will nominate at the annual State Conference all qualified candidates. The delegates shall then proceed to elect the candidates to the Iowa FFA Degree.

SECTION E. American FFA Degree

  1. Minimum qualifications for election:

The Iowa FFA Association accepts the minimum qualifications designated by the national organization for election. (On meeting the following qualifications. the American FFA Degree may be conferred by the National Organization.)

a)Have received the State FFA Degree and have been an active member for the past three years (36 months), and have a record of satisfactory participation in the activities of the chapter and Iowa FFA Association.

b)Have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least three years (540 hours) of systematic secondary school instruction in a agricultural education program, or have completed the program of agricultural education offered in the school last attended, have graduated from high school at least 12 months prior to the national convention at which the degree is to be granted, and have in operation and have maintained records to substantiate an outstanding supervised agricultural experience program through which a member has exhibited comprehensive planning, managerial and financial expertise.

c)Have earned and productively invested at least $7,500 or have earned and productively invested at least $1500 and worked 2250 hours in excess of scheduled class time. Any combination of hours x $3.33 plus dollars must be equal to, or greater than the number 9000. Hours used for the purpose of producing earnings reported as productively invested income shall not be duplicated as hours of credit to meet the minimum requirements for the degree.

d)Have a record of outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement and have achieved a scholastic record of "C" or better certified by the superintendent or principal.

  1. Each chapter is allowed to submit all of its qualified candidates for the American FFA Degree.
  1. The Iowa FFA Association may submit annually all of the applications from those American FFA Degree candidates who meet the minimum requirements.
  1. The Iowa FFA Association is allowed to submit its most qualified candidates for the American FFA Degree, regardless of whether they are in Agricultural Production or Agribusiness.
  1. Written records of achievement compiled on the official American FFA Degree application forms and verified by the chapter advisor shall be submitted by the chapter executive committee to the State Advisor on or before March 1 prior to the State FFA Leadership Conference.
  1. A committee consisting of the state FFA Alumni president, (past) president of the Iowa Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association, and the state advisor, will then review the records and submit its recommendations for the degree to the national organization.


SECTION A. The official emblem of the National FFA Organization shall include five symbols, namely: the plow, representing labor and tillage of the soil; the owl, representing wisdom; the rising sun, representing progress; a cross-section of an ear of corn, representing common agricultural interests; and an American eagle surmounting the cross-section of the ear or corn, representing the national scope of the organization. The emblem shall also include the letters "FFA," and the words "Agricultural Education."

SECTION B. The emblem shall be uniform in the Iowa FFA Association and recognized units thereof. All members shall be entitled to display the emblem.

SECTION C. Greenhand FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official bronze emblem pin; Chapter FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official silver emblem pin; State FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official gold emblem charm; and American FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official gold emblem key.