
(Duke University Professor Katherine Ewing’s Suggestions marked with an asterix)

Ahmed, Akbar S. “Toward Islamic Anthropology,” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1986.

*Abu-Lughod, Lila. Dramas of Nationhood: The Politics of Television in Egypt.University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 2005.

Asad, Talal. Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity.Stanford

University Press, Stanford, California, 2003.

Asad, Talal. “The Idea of An Anthropology of Islam,” March 1986.*Bowen, John R. Islam, Law and Equality in Indonesia: An Anthropology of Public Reasoning.CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge: 2003.

Davies, Merryl Wyn. Knowing One Another: Shaping an Islamic Anthropology. Mansell Publishing Limited, London: 1988.

*Eickelman, Dale and Anderson, Jon W., ed. New media in the Muslim World: The Emerging Public Sphere. Second Edition, IndianaUniversity Press, Bloomington, 2003.

Eickelman, Dale F. The Middle East and Central Asia: An Anthropological Approach. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: 1998.

el-Zein, Abdul Hamid. “Beyond Ideology and Theology: The Search for the Anthropology of Islam.” Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 6, pp. 227-254.

Geertz, Clifford. Islam Observed, New Haven, YaleUniversity Press: 1968.

Hirschkind, Charles. “Hearing Modernity: Egypt, Islam, and the Pious Ear,” in Fox, Richard G., ed. Hearing Cultures: Essays on Sound, Listening and Modernity. Berg, New York, 2004.

Holmes-Eber, Paula. Daughters of Tunis: Women, Family, and Networks in a MuslimCity. Westview Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2003.

Lukens-Bull, Ronald. “Between Text and Practice: Considerations in the

Anthropological Study of Islam.” Marburg Journal of Religion 4(2)p. 1-24: 1999.

*Mahmood, Saba. The Politics of Piety.Princeton, New Jersey, PrincetonUniversity Press: 2005.

Ma’ruf A. Muhammad. “The Rescuing of Muslim Anthropological Thought,” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1987.

*Messick, Brinkley. The Calligraphic State: Textual Domination and History in a Muslim Society.University of California Press, Berkeley,California: 1993.

Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. “Islam at the Dawn of the New Christian Millenium,” in Samatar, Ahmed I., ed. Contending Gods: Religion and the Global Moment.MacalasterCollege, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2000.

Rosen, Lawrence. The Culture of Islam.University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 2002.

Starrett, Gregory. “The Anthropology of Islam” in Glazier, Stephen D., ed. Anthropology of Religion: A Handbook.Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 1997.

Varisco, Daniel Martin. Islam Obscured: The Rhetoric of Anthropological Representation.MacMillan, New York, 2005.

Werbner, Pnina. Pilgrims of Love: The Anthropology of a Global Sufi Cult.IndianaUniversity Press, Bloomington, 2003.

Link to McMaster University Professor Celia Rothenberg’s Syllabus on Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Islam:

Additional authors suggested by Professor Rothenberg:

Janice Boddy (Wombs and Alien Spirits), Saba Mahmoud, Coombs-Schilling, Unni Wikan, Carol Delaney, Michael Gilsenan, Paul Dresch, Jonah Blank, and Andrew Shryock.