How to Create Your Own E-Marketing

  1. Pick a theme
  2. Ex: How to make your office environment eco-friendly.
  3. Research your Topic
  4. Research eco-friendly office products and tips on how to go green in the office; write up your content in Microsoft Word.
  5. Develop Content
  6. Ex: “With everyone pushing the importance of going green you can’t help but to have heard of the eco-friendly alternatives available in the marketplace today. If you are looking for some ways to reduce your business’ impact on the environment, here are a few tips:

-Use non-toxic cleaning products free of harsh chemicals

- Use environmentally friendly office products

- Set up recycling bins within your offices

- Use eco-friendly break room products

- Switch to fair-trade, shade-grown coffee

- Avoid printing documents that could be e-mailed

-Turn off any equipment that doesn’t need to be on when you’re not in the office

As your Indoff Partner, I have access to hundreds of eco-friendly product and advice for how you can go green within your office.”

  1. Gather Images
  2. Choose specific products you want to promote to your customers-find images that are available to you (vendor CD or website)
  3. If you don’t have Photoshop, you can also use Paint, GIMP, or an alternative photo/design editor

-Eco-Products Evolution World Hot Drink Cups

- Nature House Biodegradable Sugarcane Dinnerware

- Clorox Green Works Natural All-Purpose Cleaner

- Universal Eco-Friendly Round Ring Binder

- GOJO Green Certified Foam Soap

- Rubbermaid Commercial Stacking Recycle Bin

  1. Drag each image to your Desktop, Rename, select Open with Paint, Combine into 1 image, Save as jpeg file!
  2. Don’t forget the Indoff logo!
  1. Upload Image
  2. First upload the Indoff logo
  3. Go to a Partner Marketing Site – Sign In
  4. Click “Systems” Tab “Site Uploads”
  5. Skip title, click the “Browse” button
  6. Select the Indoff logo jpeg image you saved, then click the “Upload” button
  7. After a successful upload you should see the image thumbnail below
  8. Click on the thumbnail image, this opens the image alone in the window
  9. Highlight the entire URL (web address) for the image and copy
  10. Be sure to do this for all images you want in the e-mail marketing piece
  11. Open Office HTML
  12. Open new “Open Office” HTML document on your computer
  13. Open Office is free to download
  14. Click the insert photo button in Open Office
  15. Paste the URL that you copied in the “File Name” field, then click “Open”
  16. After the image appears in Open Office, double click on the image
  17. The Picture pop-up window appears, click on the “picture” tab
  18. Ensure that the image routes to the correct Internet location, if it says “ /Local Settings/Temporary Internet” at the end of the file name and re-paste the copied URL web address, then click “OK”
  19. Adding Text Content
  20. Add your text content from Word

- Copy and paste works just fine

  1. Play with the colors and fonts if you wish
  1. Inserting additional images
  2. Return to Indoff website uploadsjust like with the Indoff logo
  3. Click the “System” tab “Site Uploads”
  4. Skip title, click the “Browse” button
  5. Select the image, then click the “Upload” button
  6. Just like with the Indoff logo, click on the thumbnail of the image
  7. Once the image opens in its own window, highlight and copy the URL
  8. Go to Open Office click the insert image icon
  9. In the “File Name” field paste the URL and then click “Open”
  10. After the image appears, double click on it to open the Picture” pop-up window
  11. Just like before, click on the “picture” tab and delete the existing file name and paste the image URL from the Indoff site (you should not see “/ Local Settings/Temporary Internet” anywhere at this point)
  12. Try Different Things
  13. The more you play around, the more you learn – try out different options, if you don’t like it just “Undo” it
  14. To center the image, make it larger, add a border, or play with text wrap, again just double click the image to open the “Picture” pop-up window
  15. I usually like to center by clicking the “Type” tab, and selecting the “as character” radio box
  16. Then after you click ok, place your cursor next to the image and select the “center” icon at the top of the window
  17. My E-Marketing piece now looks like this

Finished Product!

  1. Add an Opt Out Message
  2. I would use:

-“To opt out of receiving future emails, please reply with unsubscribe request to sender.”

  1. Send out via E-mail
  2. After saving your e-marketing piece as an HTML document in Open Office, you’re ready to send it out!
  3. Edit Select AllCopy
  4. Go to your e-mail (Indoff g-mail works great!)
  5. Compose New e-mail
  6. Place cursor in the body of the e-mail and Paste
  7. You should see all the images and content, tweak things if you need to.
  8. In BCC “To” field, add your customer contacts
  9. And finally – Always, always, follow-up!!