Protocol Ster12-16(Updated April 2014)

HGCA Recommended List

Special plots for the assessment of winter wheat sterility (infertility)


This protocol was believed to comply with relevant agrochemical, environmental and other regulations at the time of writing but it is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that it continues to comply. In the event of non-compliance the protocol should not be followed but the Technical Manager should be notified at once of how the protocol requirements would breach regulations.

Any deviation from this protocol other than under the circumstances described above may result in a breach of contract and should be agreed in advance.


Part 1 - General information

1.1 RL Team contact details

Office postal address: RL Project Consortium, AHDB-HGCA, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2TL

Workbooks and all other data should be e-mailed to

Technical Manager (This is the primary technical contact and contract manager).

Mr Bill Handley / Tel: / 01954 204458
E-mail: / 07743 195581

RL & Agronomy Trials Co-ordinator(technical contact)
Mr Mark Bollebakker / Tel: / 01480 482989
Mobile: / 07972 637899
E mail: /
RL Data Analyst (Primary contact workbooks and data handling)
Ms Beatrice Rey / Tel: / 01480482987
E mail: /

RL Data Analysis and Reports Manager

Mrs Jane Ryall / Tel: / 01480 482982
Mobile: / 07805 820243
E mail: /

RL Finance Administrator (primary contact: for purchase orders, invoices etc.)

Ms Tara Nicol / Tel: / 024 7647 8744
Mobile: / 07816171863
E mail: /

Senior Research & Knowledge Transfer Manager

Dr Simon Oxley / Tel: / 02476 478866
Mobile: / 07779 330853
E mail: /

HGCA Recommended List trials

Winter wheat sterility (infertility) assessment



This protocol is specific to special winter wheat sterility (infertility) plots but should be used in conjunction with the main trial protocol for cereals “Protocol – CER12-16 - HGCA Cereal trials.doc”

Site: / A site with a history of frequent grain sterility.
Crop: / Winter wheat.
Trial ID: / SA539
Sowing date / Autumn.
Varieties / Full RL set (assume 40 varieties).
Reps: / Three
Plot size and sowing requirements. / Plot size: Minimum of 0.45m x 2.0m. The plots must be drilled.
Minimum number of rows: 3
Husbandry / Husbandry should be best local practice with fungicides and plant growth regulator applied as defined in the HGCA RL protocol.
Assessments / A workbook will be supplied by the Data Analyst, in which all data should be recorded and returned.
At completion of grain set each plot will be assessed for grain set failure.
Ten representative heads will be chosen from each plot.
All potential fertile florets and all sterile florets will be counted.
Score will be expressed as a percentage of sterile florets.