March, 1 - 4th grade
The 4th grade service learning group raised money through RAFIKI at the Carnival of Cultures. A big thanks to everyone who is a RAFIKI, and everyone who helped raise money for the organization HOLD YOUR HORSES. The students volunteered more than 100 hours, sold more than 60 bracelets and raised more than $450for HOLD YOUR HORSES. The RAFIKI campaign has been very successful. Because of that amazing success and because of the many requests, the students decided to buy new fundraising kits to extend the campaign for a short amount of time. The chosen cause this time will be to help DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS fighting Ebola.
If you would like to buy your own RAFIKI, please write an email to
If you want to help HOLD YOUR HORSES, please see the homepage and their current campaign “HELP Us Move 8500 Pounds!” at
You can also buy your RAFIKI directly from FREE THE CHILDREN; they also have a lot more wonderful, handmade jewelry from Kenya:
Thank you so much 4th grade service learning group: Ava, Chris, Claire, Cordelia, Elsa, Esme, Freya, Greta, Hadley, Isabella, Jack, Lizzy, Nina, Noemi and Simona – You are amazing!
Feb 26, 2015 - Local
“We Create Change” (Global Campaign) has collected $142.84… almost 3 goats! Keep sending/bringing in your coins!
“We Won’t Rest” (Local Campaign) is LAUNCHING a food drive.
The community can begin bringing donations on Saturday (Feb. 28th) when you are here for the Maskenball. Look for containers in the commons area marked Second Harvest Heartland.
The MS Service learners are collecting non-perishable food items throughout March for a food drive for Second Harvest Heartland.
The food donations will be distribute to people who are facing hunger and homelessness in the Twin Cities. We will have two collection box drop off locations; one at the main entrance (commons area) and one at the Van Slyke side entrance (elevator area) for younger grades.
Please bring in the “super six” items: cereal, peanut butter, canned tuna, canned fruits and vegetables, canned stews and soup, and pasta/rice/beans.
Our goal is to collect 500 pounds of food! We need your help and support to reach this goal. We need your help to fight hunger, so please take a few minutes sometime during this month to drop off some canned or non perishable food in either of the boxes. Anything helps!
Thank you for your support!
Sincerely, The Local Service Learning Team
Feb 19, 2015 Global
Global Service Learning group wants you to know:
We have collected $113.80 so far! This will be 2 goats!
Important facts to know as you support our Global Mission to “Create Change”!
Fakt #1: 2,000,000 KindersterbenjedesJahrdurchInfektion, die durchdreckigesWasseroderdurch das Fehlen von Toilettenentstehen.
Fakt #2: 780,000,000 Menschen habenkeinenZugangzusauberenTrinkwasser.
Fakt #3: ⅔ der erwachsenenAnalphabeten auf der Welt sind Frauen.
Fakt #4: Wenneine Frau zumindesteineSekundarschulebesucht hat, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dassihre Kinder überlebendoppelt so hoch.
Fakt #5: 150,000,000 Menschen verlassen die Schulenachnur 5 Jahren.
English Key ~ Clean Water:
Fact #1: 2,000,000 children die each year from infections spread by dirty water or lack of toilets.
Fact #2: 780,000,000 people lack access to safe drinking water.
Fact #3: ⅔ of the world’s illiterate adults are women.
Fact #4: When a woman has at least a secondary education, her children are twic more likely to survive than children born to less educated mothers.
Fact #5 150,000,000 people drop out or primary school before they have completed 5 years of education - the minumum required for achieving basic literacy.
Don’t Forget: To buy your Rafiki’s to support the 4th grade service learning group. The “Me to We Rafiki’s” will be sold at the Carnival the Cultures this Thursday, February 19, 2015. Look for the “Me to We Rafiki” table & “We Create Change” buckets!
Feb 12, 2015 Elementary
Update from 4th grade service learning group.
In Swahili Rafiki means friend. Rafiki sales provide giving opportunities for the Elementary Service Learning Group.
The 4th grade service learning group is raising money for a global and local cause. The “Me to We Rafiki” fundraiser is directly tied to We Day, which student mentors took part in this fall. The elementary service learners have selected areas of Africa to support and are selling Rafikis at the Carnival the Cultures next Thursday, February 19, 2015.
A Rafiki is a beaded bracelet that is lovingly crafted by a mama in Kenya. When you buy a Rafiki, you can “track your impact” to information about how they money helps the mamas, their families, and their community.
The Rafiki sales will also provide an opportunity for the elementary service learners to support “Hold Your Horses” in Minnesota. Hold Your Horses provides hippotherapy at a local farm where children with disabilities will ride horses to assist in therapy.
Update from Middle School Service Learning Group
Thanks to your generosity, so far the “We Create Change” campaign has created $77.75! $50 provides one goat for a family overseas! Keep bringing in the coins!
February 5. 2014 - Local
Update from the Local Service Learning Group
In 2013, there were over 610,000 people (140,000 of them children) were experiencing homelessness. We don't all see homelessness--it takes place in many forms. If asked to guess the number of homeless people in our country, you probably wouldn't guess that the number was that high. There are so many reasons why people become homeless. Job loss, health deterioration, fleeing domestic violence, or youth runaways.
The service learning group seeks to change that. We are working on coming up with some awesome ideas to help put an end to this heart wrenching problem like this. Please help us spread the word! WE WON"T REST!
January 29, 2015 - Global
WirschaffenVeränderung - We Create Change
The service learning group that meets twice a week during student life is launching a fundraising campaign called "We Create Change" (WirschaffenVeränderung).
All ages of students (K-8) and all adults who support our school vision, "educating children for informed and active world citizenship", are encouraged to bring coins to school and drop them in the large plastic containers marked "We Create Change" located at the front desk, in room 310, and room 314. Additionally, checks can also be made out to "Free the Children" with the memo: WE Code: 6AF4AB. This allows the donation to be tracked back to our school! Please drop checks off at the front desk or send them to the following address:
We Create Change
Pauline Wong, EPC
233 Carlton St.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5A 2L2
Click here to read more about their project.
Thank you for your support!
Sincerely, The Global Service Learning Team
January 22, 2015 - Global
WirschaffenVeränderung - We Create Change
The service learning group that meets twice a week during student life is launching a fundraising campaign called "We Create Change" (WirschaffenVeränderung).
It all starts with you digging around in your pocket, handbag, and junk drawers for some change. Regardless if it is a couple of pennies or a handful of quarters, it all adds up and can mean everything to a family. We will be "creating change"starting at the end of January 2015 until June 1, 2015. Poverty is a big challenge that affects billions of people around the world every day. Every $50 gives a goat to a family, providing nutritious milk and sustainable income for years to come!
All ages of students (K-8) and all adults who support our school vision, "educating children for informed and active world citizenship", are encouraged to bring coins to school and drop them in the large plastic containers marked"We Create Change" located at the front desk, in room 310 (service learning room), androom 314 (6-8 math room). Additionally, checks can also be made out to "Free the Children" with the memo: WE Code: 6AF4AB. This allows the donation to be tracked back to our school! Please drop checks off at the front desk or send them to the following address:
We Create Change
Pauline Wong, EPC
233 Carlton St.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5A 2L2
The Global Service Learning Team will share facts about poverty, let you know the progress of our coin collections, and keep you informed about other upcoming campaigns/competitions to help us maintain "We Create Change" momentum!
Thank you for your support!
Sincerely, The Global Service Learning Team