Stephenville Henderson Jr. High

2798 W. Frey

Stephenville, TX76401

(254) 968-6967

P.T.O. Honeybee Volleyball Tournament

7th and 8th “B” Tournament

September 26, 2015

Dear Coach,

The Henderson Jr. High welcomes you to our 2015 Honeybee Volleyball Tournament.

ENTRY FEE: $100.00 per team.

Please make checks payable to P.T.O. You may bring a check to the tournament or mail it to: Stephenville Henderson Jr. High

Attn: Coach Green

2798 W. Frey

Stephenville, TX 76401

CONCESSION STAND/MEAL PLAN: A full concession stand will be available. You may purchase meal tickets for your athletes for $6.00 each. An invoice will be provided with your tickets. A hospitality room will be available for the coaches.

GYM RULES: No food or drinks may be brought into the gyms. Players may bring water bottles into the gym, but please no sports drinks, cokes, etc.


$5.00 Adults

$3.00 Students/Senior Citizens

No District Passes will be accepted

Coaches passes will be accepted for family members

AWARDS: 1st and 2ndplace teams will receive medals.

WARM UP: Five-minute warm-up between games (1-minute warm-up, 2 minute hit (share net), 2 minute serve). Practice balls will be provided. As soon as the teams have cleared the court, the warm-up time is going to begin for the next game. Please have your teams stretched and ready to start when the court clears. All games are on a rolling schedule, there will not be a lunch break.

BUS PARKING: We ask that you please park your bus in the north parking lot as close to the track as you can (next to Frey Street). This will allow parents to park in the upper parking spots.

If you have any questions, please contact D’Anna Green at (254) 552-6819, or email at:

7th/8th Grade

“B” Team Volleyball Tournament

Stephenville Henderson J.H.

September 26, 2015

Pool Play: Two games rally score to 15/win by two or 20 point cap. All teams will play three pool play games. A tie will be broken by:

  1. Win/loss record
  2. Head to head
  3. Points scored against (only teams involved in tie)

4. Coin toss

Bracket Play: Single elimination bracket-two out of three games rally score to 25/win by two or 30 point cap.


1-Granbury M.S.1-Glen Rose

2-Waco Midway2-Abilene Wylie

3-Kennedale3-Mineral Wells


8:00am / 7th/A / 1v4 / 7th/B / 1v4 / 8th/A / 1v4
8:30am / 8th/B / 1v4 / 7th/A / 2v3 / 7th/B / 2v3
9:00am / 8th/A / 2v3 / 7th/A / 1v3 / 8th/B / 2v3
9:30am / 8th/A / 1v3 / 7th/B / 1v3 / 8th/B / 1v3
10:00am / 7th/A / 2v4 / 8th/A / 2v4 / 7th/B / 2v4
10:30am / 7th/A / 1v2 / 8th/B / 2v4 / 7th/B / 1v2
11:00am / 8th/A / 1v2 / 8th/B / 1v2 / 7th/A / 3v4
11:30am / 7th/B / 3v4 / 8th/A / 3v4 / 8th/B / 3v4

Every team must furnish one line judge per game! We will play ahead of schedule if games end early. Five-minute warm-up between games (1-minute warm-up, 2 minute hit (share net), 2 minute serve). Bracket play will begin as soon as the bracket is filled. SPORTSMANSHIP RULE: No yelling or leading cheers during opponents serve.