
Articulation and Transfer Council

Minutes: 05/29/2013

I. Introduction and Welcome

Drs. High and Clark introduced themselves and then suggested that those in attendance introduce themselves. Dr. Raylean Henry was introduced as the recently appointed TBR Associate Vice Chancellor for the Regents Online Campus Collaborative.

II. Reverse Transfer: Report of the Task Force Recommendations for Approval

Dr. High introduced Dr. Gloria Gammell, UT system Office of Academic Affairs and Student Success, who is coordinating the state-wide Reverse Transfer initiative (State of Tennessee HB 2827). David Wright, THEC, and Nathan James, research analyst, Tennessee General Assembly were also introduced. Mr. James was instrumental in promoting Reverse Transfer in the state legislative session and securing state appropriations to fund the acquisition of software. Dr. Gammell reviewed the history of Reverse Transfer in Tennessee and presented the Recommended Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines for Reverse Transfer. The recommended policies, procedures, and guidelines were developed by the policies/procedures subcommittee and affirmed by the full Reverse Transfer task force. The document was presented for adoption by the Council.

Dr. Gammell acknowledged the hard work of the subcommittee members: Michelle Blackwell (formerly with MTSU and now with the North Carolina system); Teresa Thomas (MTSU); Mike Krause (THEC); Betty Dandridge-Johnson(THEC); Diane Berty (TICUA); Brenda Rector (RSCC); Bonny Copenhaver (MSCC); and Sharon Peters (TSU).

Dr. High suggested that the recommendations be presented and discussed point-by-point prior to a vote. A copy of the recommendations is attached to the minutes. Much discussion immediately ensued regarding the impact of Reverse Transfer on the current funding formula; Dr. Hodum expressed concern that although the reverse degree students would be receiving an associate degree, their degree completion courses would be courses from a 4-year institution. The current funding formula would not award “points” to the 4-year institutions for their efforts in the students’ degree completions. Dr. Hodum indicated that without a reward for the 4-year schools, it would be difficult to garner support among the faculty. Dr. Gammell directed the group to Policy 1 which mandates THEC to modify the current funding formula to reflect a “spirit of full collaboration among Tennessee institutions of higher education and reward participating Tennessee institutions accordingly.” David Wright suggested the Council craft a request to the funding formula subcommittee to consider prorating the number of credits transferred back so the 4-year schools are awarded some points in the formula or other means to recognize and reward the efforts of the 4-year institutions.

Council members (McMillan, Hodum and Tanner) suggested student appeals be handled by the individual institutions via institutional due process policies and procedures and not by the Articulation and Transfer Council. That suggestion will be incorporated into the document.

Dr. Gammell spoke about FERPA and Reverse Transfer explaining that there are several different interpretations of FERPA and the need for student permission to exchange electronic transcripts for the purposes of degree audits and degree confirmations. Some schools are requiring written permission from the student while others do not. The Lumina Foundation is currently requesting an interpretation of (34 CFR § 99.31) on behalf of the grant recipients. This policy allows schools to disclose education records without the student’s consent to the following parties or under the following conditions: School officials with legitimate educational interest; other schools to which a student is transferring; or specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes. The U.S. Department of Education’s interpretation, whatever it may be, will be adopted by Tennessee institutions, and a revision of the policy will be made.

Dr. Hodum requested that Policy 7 include wording to clarify a waiver of the graduation fee applies only to the reverse transfer associate degree. Council members concurred. Dr. McMillan then requested language be included in the Definitions section to clarify that Reverse Transfer applies only to a student being awarded an associate degree. Council members concurred.

Dr. McMillan requested that “financial holds” (Procedures 3) be changed to “holds” as there can be holds other than financial (e.g., judicial) on a student’s record. The Council members concurred.

Dr. Clark suggested the current Tennessee Transfer website include a portal for Reverse Transfer; this website is maintained by Tennessee Technological University. The Council members concurred.

There was no further discussion of the recommendations and Dr. High suggested there be a motion to adopt the set of Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines with the Council recommendations incorporated. Diane Berty made the motion to approve, seconded by Kelli Hefner. The motion passed with one vote against. The amended Policies, Procedures and Guidelines document is attached.

Dr. High then announced that with Mr. James’ constant support, the Senate Education Committee, chaired by Delores Gresham, unanimously recommended that $300,000.00 be appropriated to THEC for the implementation of Reverse Transfer. This money was in the final 2013-14 fiscal year budget; David Wright indicated THEC will coordinate an RFP for software that will allow a fully automated system for Reverse Transfer. Dr. Gammell will begin working with the Marketing/Training subcommittee this summer.

III. Dual Credit Legislation

Dr. Kay Clark introduced Dr. Cathy Day, Executive Director of Postsecondary Coordination and Alignment for the Tennessee Department of Education. Dr. Day explained the state’s dual credit efforts in response to legislation passed last year.

IV. Continuation of Pathways Work

A proposal to add Math 1830 (Basic Calculus and Modeling) and Phsycis 2010 (General Physics I) to the Kinesiology pathway was approved. Dr. Gammell will provide Dr. Kay Clark with the corrected pathway copy. Dr. Clark will be responsible for affecting this change on the website.

V. Western Governor’s University Presentation

David Wright, Associate Executive Director of THEC, briefed the Council on the state’s partnership with Western Governor’s University. A further description is attached.

VI. Coursera, edX

Dr. Clark and Dr. High informed the group of TBR’s and UT’s agreements with Coursera, the MOOC platform provider. We are not developing MOOCs; rather we are conducting a pilot program with 4 Gen. Ed. courses to study the platform’s effectiveness.

VII. University of Phoenix Presentation

Representatives of The University of Phoenix addressed the Council to seek approval to include University of Phoenix on the TTP website. The Council asked The University of Phoenix to submit a formal proposal to TBR (Dr. Kay Clark), at which time the request will be considered formally by the Council.

There being no further business, the Council adjourned at 4:15 pm.