May 2008

Renewal of Vows set for May 18th

Brothers of the Midwest District participate in the tradition of the renewal of vows on Trinity Sunday each year. This year Trinity Sunday will be on May 18th. The renewal could be scheduled during community prayer on that day or before a meal. The wording of the new vow formula can be found at:

May 15th is Founder’s Day

On May 15, 1950 John Baptist de La Salle was declared the patron saint of educators. “Touching hearts” is about acknowledging and relating to people as individuals and helping people feel that they are noticed and matter. A personal approach can make all the difference to an individual showing that someone “bothered enough” to care.

Brother Robert Werle needs stories and anecdotes

This summer Brother Robert Werle will be writing biographies of the Brothers who have died recently. He would like to have any stories or memories about the following: Brothers Edward Mason, Chris Kavanaugh, John Johnston, Justin Lucian, Urban Lucken, Timothy McNary, Mario Stockhausen, Bertrand Juettner, James Saiz, Bernard Zacheis, Anthony Gajewski, Owen Meegan, Martin Michuda, Peter Dannecker, and Eamon Gavin. Please send all information to or Brother Robert Werle, Archivist CBU, 2455 Avery Ave., Memphis, TN, 38112.

District Day is set for July

The annual District Day event for the Brothers will take place on Saturday, July 26th and will be held at LewisUniversity starting at 9:30 am. The jubilee mass will be at 5:00 pm followed by a reception. This year the following Brothers will be honored for their jubilees: 75th – Brother Kevin Mackey; 60th – Brother Frederick Oberrieder; 50th – Brothers Kevin Brutcher, Fred Dillenburg, Thomas Geraghty, Leo Jones, Neil Kieffe, Patrick O’Brien, Denis Sutter, Matthew Szatkowski, and James Zullo.

Praesidium visits were completed

Staff members of Praesidium Religious Services, Inc. recently visited the Midwest District as part of the accreditation program offered through the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. Praesidium’s mission is to assist organizations to manage risk and create safe environments that protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse. They work with camps, child care institutions, pools and water parks, YMCAs, Boys/Girls Clubs, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, other denominations and schools to protect those who cannot protect themselves. With Praesidium, CMSM developed twenty-eight standards of care, and the visit by Praesidium helps either to assure compliance or to recommend changes to achieve compliance with the standards. Christy Schiller, Director, and Fr. Elias Lorenzo, OSB, a staff member, visited Chicago and met with a representative selection of Brothers, and Nick Chichowicz visited two communities in the Twin Cities. A few additional Brothers will be selected for telephone interviews in the near future. Their exit report noted some areas that need attention or revision, and their final written report will clarify what we need to do to receive accreditation. Thanks to those who were interviewed and hosted the Praesidium staff while they were visiting.

Centering Prayer Retreat will be in June

The Centering Prayer Retreat will once again take place at La SalleRetreatCenterin Wildwood (Glencoe), MO, from Monday, June 2ndwith arrival in late afternoon until departure on Sunday morning, June 8th. The book,Jesus Today: A Spirituality of Radical Freedom,by Albert Nolan,OP, will be used for reflection and discussion along with tapes by Richard Rohr, OFM. The cost of the retreat will be $ 250 to cover the cost of the meals and a stipend for the Brothers Community.Those interested may contact Brother Denis Murphy (773) 890-0540 or Brother Kevin Fitzgerald (312) 225-7729, ext. 15. Only nine places are available for this retreat program.

Condolences arrived from around the world

Brother Frank Carr has received condolences from sections of the Institute from around the world on the death of Brother Vincent Malham. Many people knew him from his involvement in many ministries and his participation in meetings around the Institute and the world of education. The Latin Rite Patriarch of Jerusalem, H.B. Michael Sabbah, was among those sending sympathy. In his letter Brother Álvaro Rodríguez Echeverría, Superior General, said: “Brother Vincent was for me one of the friendliest and fraternal Brothers I have ever met. His religious spirit, gentleness, musical talent and his always friendly words are difficult to forget…I join with you in your sorrow and I promise my prayers for the eternal repose of Brother Vincent.”

Mission Congress was held in April

Forty-four elected delegates gathered for the Midwest District Mission Congress on April 16-19 at the Divine Word Conference and RetreatCenter in Techny, IL. Sixteen Brothers and twenty-eight Partners engaged in dialogue to bring focus and resolution to the future of the Lasallian Charism in the Midwest District. In plenary sessions the delegates endorsed the need for the following: increased work for new vocations to the Brothers of the Christian Schools, identification of new sources of revenue, financial contribution by ministries, expanded Mission and Ministry Council governance, Lasallian assessment for ministries, development by the three universities in the District in programs for leadership, succession and emerging needs of the ministries, clear partnerships between ministries, and a strategic plan for formation at all levels with particular emphasis on board and administrative team formation and the express use of current communication and computer technology to facilitate this end.

Lasallian Animators met in April

From April 20th to April 22ndthe Lasallian Animators of the Midwest District met for their annual gathering which was hosted at La Salle Manor in Plano with hospitality provided by the Bob Dressel family and the LaSalle Manor staff. The Animators came from the various ministries in the Midwest with representatives from the Universities, retreat centers, Miguel schools and high schools plusShiela Hallman, District nurse. The focus of this year’s gathering was Lasallian Spirituality and Accompaniment, and the retreat was facilitated by Brother William Mann and Tina Bonacci. Feedback from the Animator’s Retreat has been most positive and appreciative of the “retreat-like” schedule and the contribution from Brother William. Thank you, Brother William.

Matthews-Sullivan Foundation awarded grant

On April 9th the members of the Matthews-Sullivan Foundation committee

met to review thirty-eight applications and selected twenty-four of them for grants totaling $45,800. Those who received the funding were the following: Our Lady of Peace Home (Kerala, India), Lasallian Teacher Immersion Program (Burr Ridge, IL),

St. Joseph DLS School (Nazareth, Ethiopia), De La Salle Blackfeet School (Browning, MT), St. John Neumann House (Bangkok, Thailand), Dunrovin (Marine on St Croix, MN), St. Pius X Boys' Town (Tamil Nadu, India), Casa de los Angeles (Guanajuato, Mexico),St. Pius X Boys' Town (Tamil Nadu, India), Vincent Gray Alternative HS (E St. Louis, MO), St. Francis Care (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia), St. Mary's Boys Secondary School (Nyeri, Kenya), St. Raymond HS (Bronx, NY), DeNeuville Learning Center (Memphis, TN), San Miguel School (Chicago, IL), San Miguel School (Tulsa, OK), Child Discovery Centre (Lanet, Kenya), San Juan Diego Middle School (Racine, WI), Almost Home, Inc. (St. Louis, MO), De La Salle School (St. Louis, MO), ISFA/LRC Library (Colombo, Sri Lanka), DLS Elementary (Memphis, TN), San Miguel School (Camden, NJ), St. Isidore Nursery/School (Ondotown, Nigeria). The Committee members include Tina Bonacci, Vanessa White, and Brothers Bede Baldry, Charles Kelly, Joseph Martin and Thomas Hetland (Chair).

Governing boards will meet in Twin Cities

On May 7th the Governing Boards of the Lasallian schools in the Twin Cities gathered for a dinner and a meeting. Brother Frank Carr, Visitor, met with the board members to discuss the Mission and the role that Governing Boards need to take in the future in advancing the Lasallian Mission, the state of the Midwest District, and the strengths and challenges of the Lasallian schools.

Historical series was completed in April

The month of April brought the publication of the English and Spanish translations of the last volume of “Initiation to the History of the Institute of the Brothers of the ChristianSchools” (Lasallian Studies 12). With these publications the series begun by Brother Henri Bédel in 1997 has come to an end. (The Origins 1651-1726. Lasallian Studies 5;

18th Century 1726–1804. Lasallian Studies 6; 19th Century 1805–1875. Lasallian Studies 9; 19th – 20th Century 1875–1928. Lasallian Studies 11; 20th Century 1928–1946. Lasallian Studies 12). This series was intended to be of service in the formation of Brothers and other Lasallians, by seeking to make accessible, first of all for formators, a certain number of events, facts, situations, closely linked to the political, social, cultural, ecclesial, and educational life of Franceand then of the entire world, thus allowing for a better understanding of the development of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.Brother Henriwas successfully able to alternate in the different works an account of contemporary historical facts, events lived by the Institute, and suggestions for the study of documents or situations which concerned more directly the life of the Institute of the Brothers.

ArchbishopRummelHigh School reunion scheduled

An all Rummel Reunion has been scheduled by Roncalli Catholic High School of Omaha, NE, for June 6, 2008. The program includes an afternoon golf outing at Knoll’s Golf Course, an evening social hosted by Curt Feilmeier, President/Principal, followed by a dinner and program. The cost is $30, and RSVP is required by May 16th. For details about this event call (402) 571-7670 or check .

Memorial will include Brother Eamon Gavin

On Saturday, May 24th, the ResurrectionLifeCenter will conduct a Memorial Service for those who have died recently. Among the thirty former residents who will be remembered is Brother Eamon Gavin. The service is scheduled for 1:00 pm in the Center chapel and will be followed by a reception. Brothers who would like to attend should call (773) 594-7477 to tell the staff how many will attend.

Project for Young Lasallians has begun

An ad hoc committee of young Lasallians and Brothers met in Chicago from April 11th to 13th to develop a structure and organization for the Young Lasallians movement in the United States and Toronto Region. The group will consist of Lasallian teachers, staff and collegians in their early 20s to mid-30s. The committee agreed to focus on three specific areas for the next 12 months: 1) utilize technology to connect Young Lasallians; 2) rally Young Lasallians around an annual thematic project (the Institute’s emphasis on migration will be the project for 2008); and 3) identify existing activities and programs for Lasallian collegians and organize this age group. The Midwest District and Brother Frank Carr hosted the meeting, andTina Bonacci, Director of Formation and Accompaniment, made the arrangements.

Tulsa volunteers traveled to Florida

On March 24th after five months of preparation, fifteen volunteers from BishopKelleyHigh School in Tulsa, OK, arrived at the Saint John Baptist de La Salle School in Homestead, FL. They were led by Blake Lawson, the campus minister. The volunteers were met at the Miami airport by a group of former Lasallian students who brought them to Homestead. The six girls and nine boys spent a week working in different activities. Mornings were spent washing windows, painting the school inside and out, sprucing up the Brother Néstor María playground, and working in the garden. The afternoons were spent helping the children with their homework, school tasks, improving their English-language skills, and playing soccer and football.

Directory Updates

  • Brother Michael Quirk: email -
  • Brother Steven Schonoff: email -
  • Brother Joel Dolan: email -

Health Updates

  • Brother Daniel Casey, Vice Chancellor at BethlehemUniversity, has submitted his resignation after learning from his physicians that his cancer is terminal. He has decided not to continue with medical treatment. His address: Villa at Saint Antoine, 400 Mendon Road, NorthSmithfield, RI, 02896.
  • Brother Norman McCarthyreturned home on April 17th and is doing well.
  • Brother Richard Bradyremains at KindredChicagoCentralHospital for wound healing to his left leg.
  • Brother Kevin Brutcher is now at home recovering from a below the knee leg amputation in February. He is receiving at home therapies in preparation for aprosthesis and has had daily therapy to adapt to his situation.
  • Brother Larry Zeman learned from the oncology nurse that there are two little spots inside his left ribs that the oncologist said need to be tended to.
  • Brother Kevin Mackey had a pacemaker replacement on May 8th at AlexianBrothersHospital. He fractured his left hip a week ago.
  • Joseph Rost, former Brother Luke of Jesus of the St. Louis District, has been diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. He has decided not to prolong his life with chemotherapy or radiation. His doctor told him he could have from four months to one year. His address is 6424 Celia Vista Drive, San Diego, CA92115-6805.

Congratulations to:

  • Brother Philip Johnson who received the Outstanding Lasallian Educator Award during Founder’s Week at LewisUniversity.
  • Brother Edmund Siderewicz who was named by the Associated Colleges of Illinois (ACI) a 2008 Alumni Shining Example and received an award at the annual meeting on April 17th. A 1997 graduate of Dominican University, he was honored as an example of the capacity of Illinois’ private, liberal arts based institutions to prepare the next generation of civic-minded leaders.
  • Bob and Lori Dressel who recently celebrated their 15th anniversary of service at La Salle Manor in Plano, IL.
  • Brother Louis DeThomasiswho will deliver the commencement address and will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree at University of St. Thomas ceremonies on May 17th. The Graduate ceremonies will honor recipients of graduate degrees awarded by St. Thomas' College of Applied Professional Studies, School of Divinity, College of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering.
  • NativityMiguel Network of Schools' Board Chairman B.J. Cassin who was invited by President George Bush as an expert panelist to the White House Summit on Inner-City Children and Faith-Based Schools to discuss how the NativityMiguel Network of Schools is"providing a good, solid academic foundation for children."Brother Edward Siderewicz also attended the meeting.
  • Brother Konrad Diebold who accepted an invitation to be part of the White House welcome for Pope Benedict XVI on April 16th.
  • Brother James Gaffney who attended the meeting of university presidents with Pope Benedict XVI on April 17th.
  • Brother Louis Rodemann who was interviewed by Tom Fox of the National Catholic Reporter about the Catholic Worker movement and the house where he has worked for twenty-six years in Kansas City, MO. A two part program is available as an NCR podcast available at .
  • Gene Pingatore, administrator and head basketball coach at St. Joseph H.S. in Westchester, IL, who will be honored as Educator of the Year by the Illinois State Crime Commission on June 11th at Drury Lane in Oak Brook, IL.
  • Loras “Red” Sieve, Chair of the Board of Regents of the SMUMN School of Graduate and Professional Programs, who will be affiliated to the Institute on June 6th at a ceremony at the Minneapolis Club of Minnesota.

Rest in Peace

  • Brother Martin Corral, 65, former General Councilor for fourteen years when Brother John Johnston was Superior General, died from a heart attack on April 14th in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
  • Richard Rothweiler, 81, brother of Brother Basil died from congestive heart disease inAsheville, NC, on April 2nd. Other survivors include four sons, another brother and three sisters. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on April 7th at St. Eugene’s Church with burial at LewisMemorial Park.
  • Kathryn Getzin-McGrath, wife of Vince (former Brother Ambrose), died on April 14th in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. Vince McGrath, 1500 Pepper Avenue # 135, Wisconsin Rapids, WI54494.
  • Edmund “Jack” Humphrey, 95, former Brother Joseph Raphael, died on May 9th in Omaha, NE. He taught at CBHS for many years. Survivors include his wife and one brother among others.
  • Brother Vincent Malham, 73, President of Christian Brothers University in Memphis, died on May 2nd in an automobile accident near Clayton, LA. He had served as the 21st President of the university since December 2005. The son of Raymond and Coukeb (Mahfouz) Malham, he was born Charles B. in Hot Springs, AR. After graduating from high school he completed an associate’s degree at ChristianBrothersCollege in 1955 and then entered the novitiate of the Brothers in Glencoe, MO. He professed his first vows the following year and made his perpetual vows in 1961. In 1958 he earned his BA degree at St. Mary’s College in Winona, MN, and in 1966 he completed a Master’s degree in music at WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis. He earned a Doctorate in music in 1977 from LavalUniversity in Quebec. Early in his career Brother Vincent held various teaching and leadership positions. He joined CBU in 1973 as a member of the faculty and was dean of the Faculty of Arts (now the School of Arts) from 1981-1987. From 1990-1995 he held the position of Provincial Superior of the St. Louis Province of Christian Brothers. He served at two different times as a Trustee of the University and was presently on the Boards of St. Mary's University (Winona, MN) and St. Mary's College (Moraga, CA). An accomplished pianist, Brother Vincent had a musical career that included experience as a teacher, composer, conductor, and performer. From 1970 to 1998 he performed in the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East with his late confrere, Brother Laurence Walther. Representing the international Lasallian educational family, the "Brothers in Concert" presented over 100 programs of duo-piano and vocal music to audiences of various backgrounds and cultures. In 1996 he began teaching English and Music at BethlehemUniversity in Bethlehem. He was named Vice Chancellor (CEO) at BethlehemUniversity in 1997 and became President in 1998, serving in that position until July 1, 2005. Throughout his tenure at Bethlehem and afterward, he was a strong voice for peace and reconciliation in the Middle East. Visitation was held on Sunday, May 11th, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Memphis. Mass of Christian Burial was held on Monday, May 12th, also at the Cathedral. Interment followed in the new Brothers section of CalvaryCemetery, Memphis.
