May 2014doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0701r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2014-05-15
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Adrian Stephens / Intel Corporation /
Stephen McCann (Blackberry) called the meeting to order at 13:30 on 2014-05-15.
Agenda was reviewed and approved as shown in 11-14/0482r1
Chair informs us of the IEEE rules under which the meeting is operating (see 11-14/0482r1).
- Stephen McCann (Blackberry)
- Paul Nikolich (Self)
- Jennifer McClain (IEEE)
- Marc Emmelmann (Self)
- Adrian Stephens (Intel Corporation)
- Mike Montemurro (Blackberry)
- Mark Rison (Samsung)
- Jon Rosdahl (CSR)
- Ian Sherlock (TI)
- James Lepp (Blackberry)
- Q: Is there Existing mission statement?
- A: No formal statement
- A: has drafted press releases for last 7 years
- C: Web page out of date
- Action: Chair
- Discussion on 482r1 slide 9 (Scope / Mission)
- Q: a single presentation. A deep dive?
- A: probably both.
- A: do we have
- C: need to identify target audience. Probably end up with several presentations.
- Q: what about magazine columns?
- Q: who is asked to do this?
- C: add to scope: not responsible for magazine articles
- C: no need to say not in scope.
- Consensus: don’t need to say this - allow flexibility.
- What about audiences?
- Venues: IEEE 802
- Industry Shows (e.g., GlobeCom)
- Trade Shows
- Trade alliances
- 3GPP
- Universities
- Training (technology, not product, workshops)
- People:
- Technical professionals
- Regulators
- Academics (professors & students)
- Business Development
- Journalists
- Potential participants
- Material
- Use cases
- How does standards process work (e.g., fit in with ISO)?
- C: perhaps not specific to 802.11
- How does the standard work?
- Identify generic material in IEEE about standards process.
- E.g., demystifying standards
- How do we progress
- Choose an easy initial starter
- "What is 802.11 doing"
- Technical audience
- Description of all active projects
- 1 hour duration
- 2/3 powerpoint pages per group
- Schedule:
- Draft - September
- Review with comments Sept-Nov 2014
- Final November 2014
- Volunteers:
- Owner: Stephen McCann
- Will ask CAC for a volunteer to provide 2-3 slides
- How do we keep material fresh?
- Periodically review collateral material
- Less material for current projects
- More detail can be provided for completed projects
- Document owner will trigger freshness review in PUB
- Lifecycle points could trigger review, e.g., start of sponsor ballot.
- Copyright
- Copyright is owned by the submitter of a submission.
- Can 802.11 give permission to an individual to present material that is a derivative of 802.11 submissions to a non-IEEE audience?
- The issue is that presenter represents himself, not 802.11 or the IEEE-SA. But copyright rules provide a license to the IEEE to re-use, not the individual making a presentation in a non-IEEE context.
- Would need some kind of formal request/permission before material can be presented and reproduced in a procedings.
- Action: Jennifer McClain to research
- Presentation:
- What template can we use?
- Action: Jennifer to find something IEEE pretty.
- Collaboration with WFA.
- Q: is sharing of this material a good idea?
- A: Yes
- WFA staff might find a way of broadcasting this material internally.
- C: we will probably never going to see jointly published material
- REG SC chair will make a personal outreach to WFA CEO to describe this process
- Webinar
- Capture a presentation, make available through IEEE channels. Pushing material out to students free of charge.
- Expect IEEE education to review our collateral and identify if any material is suitable for use as a webinar.
Minutespage 1Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation