Chapter 37 Questions
- How did Japan view the U.S. letting go of the Philippines? (p. 826)
- Why did President Franklin Roosevelt actually recognize the Soviet Union in 1933? (p. 827)
- How was the US economy kick started by the Reciprocal Trade Agreements of 1934? (p. 827)
- Who emerged as the dictators of USSR (Soviet Union), Italy, and Germany? (p. 828)
- Why did the German people come to follow Adolph Hitler? (P.828)
- What role did the Treaty of Versailles play in the rise of Hitler in Germany and Imperial Japan? (p. 828)
- What trade restrictions were implemented with the Neutrality Acts? (p. 830)
- Who lead the Spanish rebels against the existing Gov’t and what other dictators aided him? (p. 830)
- What territory did Hitler take in March 1938? (p. 832)
- What did the Western European powers agree to in September 1938? (p. 831-832)
- What was the significance (to Hitler) of the non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union in August 1939? (p. 832)
- What role did this new European war play in ending American unemployment? (p. 833)
- What 4 other nations did Hitler invade on his way to defeating France? (p. 833)
- What argument did America’s first committee offer for the US staying out of the war? (p. 837)
- Why did the majority of the voters elect Pres. Roosevelt to a third term? (p. 839)
- What were the terms of lend-lease and why was this used instead of simply lending money? (p. 839-840)
- How did both sides (Great Britain/America) benefit from the lend-lease bill? (p. 840)
- What were the specific goals (aims) of the Atlantic Charter? (p. 842)
- What embargoes were placed on Japan in 1940-1941? (p. 8430
- Why did Japan refuse to pull out of China in late 1941? (p. 843)