The civil service efficiency is determined by the civil servants’ professionalism – a decisive element for accomplishment of the objectives and tasks of the public authorities. Any public authority needs a professional team of civil servants, who will have a complex training and certain professional capacities necessary for the public policydevelopment and implementation, for rendering of quality public services to citizens.
In order to achieve thispurpose, in 2011 various opportunities of civil servants’professional competence building were provided: trainings within the state order(961 persons were trained, including 486 from the central public authorities and their subordinated institutions and 475 from local public authorities of the first and second level); training activities financed by the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for implementation of the CPA Reform (1154 persons were trained, including 841 from central public authorities and their subordinated institutions and 313 from local public authorities of the first and second level); trainings within UNDP projects (about 800 persons); within the “Public finance management” Project (84 persons); trainings within the educational institutions from other countries(86 persons);Master studies within the country and abroad etc.
In y.2012,the external training of the public administration personnel, as in y.2011, is planned to be realized both by the state order, financed form the state budget and with the support of the development partners.
In order to avoid the doubling of the training activities on the same subjects/categories of personnel carried out by different projects and, as a result, the inefficient use of available resources, the external training planning process of personnel from public administration in y.2012 was coordinated with the Personnel Policy Division and was carried out in the following stages:
- The identification of priority subjects of personnel training.Among the priority subjects/areas are: the public policy development and evaluation; improvement of the public authority management (strategic planning); European integration – negotiation and implementation of the EU Association Agreement (harmonization of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova to the EU legislation in specific areas etc.); standards and principles of the sector European policies etc.; administrative decentralization; sustainable local development; civil service reformation - efficient implementation pf personnel procedures and policies in the public administration; e-governance etc.
- Drawing up of requests on personnel external training.The central and local public administration authorities have identified their training needs at the individual/civil servant level, at group/unit level and at organizational/public authority level. As a result of conducted exercise, 33local public authorities of second level, 47central public authorities (including institutions subordinated to those authorities) have submitted requests to the Personnel Policy Division on external training of personnel. The proposals that refer both to areas/subjects, set by the State Chancellery as a priority and areas/subjects related to the specifics and strategic objectives of the public authorities in part are contained in these requests.
- Elaboration of draft plans on the external training. After summarizing of requests, confronting with financial coverage possibilities, the areas of intervention between actors involved in process were more clearly delimited and the drafts of external training plans were elaborated for y.2012: within the state order; financed from the Multi-donor Trust Fund; within the UNDP projects „Transitory support in consolidating capacities of public administration in Moldova”, „Building institutional capacity of the Ministry of External Affairs and European Integration”, „The Joint Integrated Local Development Programme” within the “E-transformation” Project and “Public finance management”Project. All these training plans, after their finalizing, will be posted on the web-page .
The Government Decision no.1021 of December 29, 2011 “On the state order regarding the professional development of personnel from public administration in 2012” has been recently approved, that is the establishment of the state order to the APA for professional development of 1035 civil servants and local elected officials from public administration in 2012.
According to the respective Decision, the public authorities are responsible for:
a)delegation to training of the concerned civil servants, according to the Accomplishment Plan of the state order;
b)ensuring, on the APA request, the participation of heads and specialists in the elaboration of training programmes and their carrying out as trainers.
Taking in account that as a result of local elections of June 2011, a big number of new persons came to management positionsin local public administration authorities of the first and second level and that the necessity of potential consolidation of local public administration authorities is acute, it is envisaged the accomplishment of 100% of requests received from the local public administration on the external training of new elected officials:
280 persons elected as heads and deputy heads of rayons, mayor and deputy mayor of municipalities/cities/villages;
100 persons elected as secretaries of local councils of the first and second level.
The subject “Demography and local development” was introduced within the training course for management personnel from local administration, on the proposal of the National Commission for Population and Development. The training of 200 junior civil servants from local and central public administration authorities is also envisaged.
In total, the state order envisages 7 trainings/themesfor 1035 persons/39 groups, including for 350 persons/14 groups of execution and management civil service positionsfrom central public administration authoritiesand685 persons/25 groups of execution and management civil service positions, local elected officials from local public administration authorities.
The respective Decision may be accessed at:
For y.2012 it is envisaged the continuation of activities on extension of training provider service network. In this context, the majority of planned training activities within the projects financed by the development partners shall be carried out by different training service providers, selected on the bid basis.
► The heads of Human Resource units gathered together to summarise the activities of y. 2011
The Personnel Policy Division (PPD) within the State Chancellery has organized the last quarterly meeting of the current year with the heads of HR Units (HRU) from the central public authorities. The meeting was held on December 22, 2011 within the Government building.
About 70 representatives of the central public authorities participated in the event, and the purpose of the meeting was the summarising of activities carried out during 2011 and the elaboration of proposals on the activity plan for y. 2012.
At the beginning of the meeting, the participants in the study visit of October 2011informed the audience about the experience of Lithuania in the area of civil service HR management. It was mentioned about the role of Civil Service Department from Lithuania regarding the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation way of normative and regulatory framework in the area of civil service by public authorities. The main regulations on the Civil Service Law of Lithuania were also reviewed,as well as the basic elements of performance appraisal procedure of Lithuanian civil servants (to be accomplished for the first time at the beginning of y. 2012). It was mentioned about the experience of Lithuania on civil service management information system, used for several years. All participants appreciated the study visit as one very important and useful, expressing hope that such practice of familiarization with the experience of other countries will be kept in the future.
The cooperation of the Personnel Policy Division with the HRU was another subject discussed within quarterly meeting.Tamara Gheorghita, head of the PPD mentioned that one of the most important progresses in the area of “normative framework” of y.2011 was the approval of the Single Classifier of civil service positions by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. The monitoring activity of implementation of certain personnel procedures was also launched, designed to increase the correctness of normative framework enforcement. Besides, the HR units have beneficiated of certain promotional and methodological materials.A new instrument of cooperation and implemented experience exchange is the creation of a page on the web-site encourages civil servants to share impressions and new approaches from the study visits in other countries.
Further, the participants in the quarterly meeting discussed the main activities in the area of professional development that are planned for 2012. In this context, it was mentioned that in the near future the Government shall approve the state order on personnel professional development for 2012. Professional development training courses, financed by the development partners, are also planned, focusing on specific categories of personnel.In this area, the E-Governance Centre representatives emphasized about the range of future planned activities regarding the training in the area of coordinators for e-transformation and IT managers from public authorities, designed to form a contingent of leaders who have good skills in the area of e-governance.
The last subject discussed within the quarterly meeting referred to other activities that shall be accomplished in y. 2012. In this context, Mrs. Tamara Gheorghita mentioned that for the next year the activity of the PPD will be focused on: continuation of the monitoring/control activities and evaluation of the personnel procedure implementation by authorities, launch and piloting of the automated information system “The Register of public functions and civil servants”. It is also envisaged the implementation of the Single Classifier of civil service positions, finalizing and approval of the Regulation on continuous professional development of civil servants (it is at the public debating stage) etc. Some proposals on the Activity Plan of PPD for 2012 were received from audience.
At the end of the meeting, the participants had the opportunity to discuss interested subjects in an informal atmosphere that is an efficient way of development of practitioners’ network.
Methodological assistance to public authorities
To the attention of heads of public authorities
and Human Resource Units
►Recommendations on the development of personnel lists on the basis of new Classifier of civil service positions
The Government Decision no.1001 of December 26, 2011„On implementation of some legislative acts” was approved, including of the Law no.155/2011 for approval of the Single Classifier of civil service positions. By the respective Government Decision, it was set:
-the list of public authorities that are covered by the Law no.158/2008 and of the Law no.155/2011;
-the norms on creation of the structural units of public authority;
-the instructions on the necessary steps to be undertaken for enforcement of the Single Classifier of civil service positions.
The general information about the Single Classifier of civil service positions
The Single Classifier of civil service positions is the document that classifies, structures and rank the existing civil service positions in public authorities on the basis of: status of public authority in the public administration system; civil service position category; type and complexity level of tasks; minimum specifics requirements for holding civil service positions. In this context, the Classifier sets clearly the civil service job titles that can be created within the public authority according to the type, functions and his/her status within the public administration system.
The following objectives are proposed to be accomplished through the Single Classifier of civil service positions:
-objective and transparent differentiation and ranking of existing civil service positions on the basis of a uniform approach;
-distinguish of execution civil service positions in relation to the type and complexity of tasks;
-improvement of the quality of the process of filling civil service position by establishment of unique minimum requirements towards the civil servant;
-levelling of application of civil service job titles by establishment of generic titles characteristic to certain types of public authorities to avoid the possible confusions.
! / The Classifier sets the standards for top management civil service jobs titles and management civil service job titles related to management of public authority’s activity.Example:
The deputyheads of central administrative authority will hold functions with the same title “Deputy Director general”.
The heads and deputy heads of public authorities, subordinated to ministries and other administrative authorities will hold functions with the same title „Director” and, respectively, „Deputy Director”, with some exceptions.
! / The Classifier sets clearly norms for establishment of management civil service positions (heads/deputy heads of divisions) in relation to the number of staff units and status of managed division (autonomous/within the other division).
A head ofthe General Divisionwill conduct the activity of a division formed of minimum 18 personnel units, and the head of the Division – of minimum 5 personnel units; head of the section – of 4 personnel units. At the same time, the service will be formed of 1-3 personnel units and the position of the head of service will be created only in case if there are minimum 2 personnel units within the service.
In case of divisions within other divisions will not be possible to create the position of deputy head.
! / The Classifier differentiates the execution civil service positions in relation to type and complexity of tasks on respective civil service position.
The execution civil service positions “Principal consultant/Senior consultant/Consultant” will be possible to be created within the central public authorities who have the role to develop and coordinate the public policy development. But these civil service positions will be created only within the divisions, which main functions are related to the development/coordination of public policy development.
The civil service job titles which the main tasks are related to policy implementation will be „Principal specialist/Senior specialist/Specialist” according to the complexity level of tasks on every civil service job title.
! / The Single classifier of civil service positions serves as basis for elaboration of the grading and payment system of civil servants.
The Single Classifier of civil service positions will come into force at the same time with the new payment system. In order to beneficiate of the new payment system, the civil servants shall hold the civil service job title according to the provisions of the Classifier, set by new personnel lists.
The necessary actions to be undertaken for enforcement of the new Classifier of civil service positions
Every public authority shall analyse the interior situation to establish the compliance level with the provisions of the new Classifier of civil service positions. In case of divergences towards the normative framework in force, a range of actions shall be undertaken. The Personnel Policy Division recommends the accomplishment of the following steps:
- The analysis of the organizational structure and of the personnel lists in force from the perspective of observing the norms stipulated in the Single classifier of civil service positions;
- a) CPA: The development, as appropriate, of the draft Government Decision/other normative acts for modification and/or amendmentof the organizational structure; review, as appropriate, of the regulations on organization and functioning of public authority/division;
- Review of the job descriptions (as appropriate: civil service job title, the title of unit, requirements towards the civil servant etc.);
- Development of the new personnel lists on the basis of new units titles and civil service job titles;
- Endorsement of the personnel lists of public authority by the State Chancellery;
- Appointment of civil servants according to art. 69 item a) of the Law no.158/2008, within 15 calendar days;
- Enforcement of the new law on payment of civil servants (in perspective);
- In case of implementation of the new Classifier of civil service positions, if appropriate, some civil service positions will modify at the same time the title and the main tasks, the provisions of art. 63 item (2-5) shall be fulfilled.
It is our pleasure to congratulate You on the occasion of winter holidays. May the New Year 2012 bring You success, prosperity and new achievements.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
With best wishes and warm thoughts,
Personnel Policy Division team,
The State Chancellery
The Personnel Policy Division within the State Chancellery
Tel.: (0 22) 250 137; e-mail: