Chapter 27 Homework China, Mongolia, Taiwan

Pages 598-617


12 Point Option

Section 1

1. In what part of China is this highest mountain range located?

2. Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is on the border of what two countries?

3. Is Taiwan flat or mountainous?

4. What is a plateau?

5.The Gobi Desert covers a large portion of the northern part of this region. What distinction does the Gobi Desert have?

6. Where do most of the people in China live?

Section 2

7. Beginning about 2000 years BC, China became divided up into kingdoms ruled by emperors. What is an emperor?

8. China's emperors were often parts of dynasties. What is a dynasty?

9. What is the picture of at the bottom of page 603?

10. Which group won the civil war in 1949?

11. Mao Zedong was the leader of what group and went on to rule China for about 27 years.

12. The group that lost the civil war in China fled China and started a new government that still rules what country today?

13. What is the religious leader of the Buddhist people called?

Section 3

14. China is the world’s most populated country. What percent of the world’s population lives in China?

15. What is China’s largest city and most important seaport, but it is not the capital?

16. What is China’s capital city?

17. What city is pictured at the bottom of page 611?

18. What is the main crop grown in the north of China and in the south of China?

North –

South -

Section 4

19. One of the coldest deserts in the world is the Gobi Desert. How cold can it get there in the winter time?

20. Taiwan’s culture is influenced mostly by what culture?

21. The capital of Taiwan is pictured on page 617. What is this city?

16 Point Option

Section 1

22. The Huang River which in Chinese means "Yellow River" is one of China's major rivers. How does it get its name?

23. What is another name for the Chang River?

24. Both the Huang and the Chang Rivers begin where?

25. Both the Huang and the Chang Rivers end where?

26. What mineral resource does China have more of than any other country in the world?

Section 2

27. During the Han Dynasty, the Great Wall of China was extended further west to protect something. What was it supposed to protect?

28. What well known philosopher's ideas still influences the ways Chinese people live their lives?

29. Mao Zedong started a lot of policies that ended up bad for the Chinese people. If you opposed what Mao wanted, one of two things happened to you. What were they?

30. What is a pagoda?

31. What percent of kids are allowed to go on to college in China?

Section 3

32. Minneapolis and St. Paul together make up less than one million people. How many cities in China have more than one million people?

33. China is a communist country. That means that who owns most of the industries and makes most of the economic decisions in the country?

34. What is multiple cropping?

35. What crop is able to be multiple cropped in China?

Section 4

36. Do most Mongolians live in one house or are they nomadic?

37. The picture on page 615 is of a ger. What is a ger?

38. Is Taiwan a poor or wealthy country (hint: check out what kinds of equipment they export).

20 Point Option

Section 1

39. What are Mongolia's summers and winters like?

40. Why have the Chinese built dikes along the Huang (Yellow) River?

41. Why do both the Huang and the Chang flow the direction they do?

42. Look at the chart on page 602. Most of the countries we have studied so far have been quite poor, but there is one in this area of the world that is quite wealthy. Which of these Asian countries is fairly wealthy?

Section 2

43. China gets its name from the Qin Dynasty. Qin Kingdom means "middle kingdom". Why do the authors suspect that the Chinese took this as their name?

44. What famous man from Europe was one of the very few Europeans to ever visit China before the 1500s?

45. Tibet is part of China, but what do the people of Tibet want?

46. What is it that the Chinese government does not want the people of Tibet to practice?

47. Where does the Dalai Lama live today?

48. Why doesn't he live in Tibet anymore?

49. What three religions are common in China, but not as common here in the United States.

50. The Chinese government tries to control many aspects of family life. What does the Chinese government say about family size?

51. Why does the Chinese government have such a policy?

52. The Chinese government also controls what is written in newspapers and what is shown on TV. What types of things are coming into China now, however, that makes it hard for the Chinese government to control these things as well?

Section 3

53. What part of China is nearly empty of people? Why?

Section 4

54. What country was one of the world’s most powerful countries 700 years ago?

55. Is that country considered to be very powerful today?

56. What great leader of the Mongols led the Mongols to create an empire that stretched from Europe to the Pacific Ocean?

57. Taiwan feels that it is an independent country, but what does China think?