In this assignment you are asked to teach a unit consisting of five (5) consecutive lessons (or the equivalent 200 minutes of instruction) that are linked conceptually. This instructional unit is a culminating experience. Accordingly, more is expected from you as compared to the single day teaching events.

For the 5-day Unit you will write, implement, and reflect upon a five-dayteaching unit with detailed and consecutive lessons. Your mentor teacher and University supervisor will observe you during one of these five days and evaluate your teaching. Your plans must include a statement of how the lesson content fits into the course as a whole; a detailed list of scheduled activities (calendar); a clear statement of goals and outcomes; an analysis of how your plans are aligned with national, state, and local standards; a list of materials and supplies you will need to teach the lesson; a detailed procedure that you will follow as you teach the lessons; and a practical plan for assessing both student learning and your own teaching performance; and an in-depth discussion of the fundamental concept (i.e., density, or polar graphs). You will include a pre-assessment and differentiated instruction based on the needs of the class. After teaching each lesson, you will write an evaluation of how it went, including how you know what the students learned and what you may do differently next time or the following day.Your cooperating teacher should be informed of your plans from the time you begin planning until the time you receive his/her approval.

Planning prior to teaching: Your draft lesson plans must turned in to the EUT 305 instructor and mentor teacherfor approval and feedback at least 3 weeks before you are planning to teach. It isassumed that this first draft of the lesson will be suitably complete but in need of modification (tweaking). After you’ve discussed the draft and received feedback, re-write according to comments from the supervisor. Save and submit both first draft and revised copies.

Post-teach analysis documentation:Artifacts should include a written teaching analysis assignment with rubric and samples of student work. Other artifacts might include oral presentations documented either with video or presentation materials.

Note: If you do not have the proper approval from your instructor and your mentor teacher prior to the date you are to begin teaching, you will not be allowed to teach your lessons. This will result in a grade of 0 for your CSU field evaluation, an extremely poor evaluation from your cooperating teacher, and a grade of 0 for your teaching reflection. With these grades, you will NOT receive a passing grade in the class.

A completed “Unit Plan” will contain the following components:

  1. Your draft Unit plans
  2. Include comments provided by University supervisor and if relevant, Mentor teacher.
  3. Evidence you received approval by Mentor Teacher AND University Supervisor.
  4. Your Revised Unit
  5. Statement of how the lesson content fits into the middle-school course as a whole;
  6. Calendar/detailed list of scheduled activities;
  7. In-depth discussion of the concept(s) of the lesson;
  8. Clear statement of goals and outcomes;
  9. List of standard from the Ohio Academic Content Standards;
  10. Analysis of how your plans are aligned with the state standards;
  11. A list of materials and supplies you will need to teach the lessons;
  12. Accommodations needed for differentiating instruction for all learners
  13. Safety considerations
  14. Detailed procedure that you will follow as you teach the lessons
  15. Structured according to the Learning Cycle (5E’s)
  16. Questions you intend to ask and anticipated answers
  17. Practical assessment plan
  18. Student learning and;
  19. Your own teaching performance
  20. Artifacts
  21. Worksheets, handouts, quizzes, and/or personal notes, etc.
  22. Links to websites you or the students used in the unit
  23. Examples of student work.
  24. Copies of Observations
  25. Mentor Teachers
  26. University Supervisor
  27. Reflection (Use prompts below)
  28. In what ways were your methods, activities, and materials effective? How do you know that?
  29. Did you do anything during the lesson that was not on the lesson plan? If so, what did you do differently, and why?
  30. Did your lesson engage all students for the whole time? Why or why not?
  31. To what extent did students learn what you intended? How do you know?
  32. If you were going to teach this lesson again to the same students, what would you keep the same? What would you do differently? Explain.
  33. What is one new aspect that you learned about teaching? Describe.


EUT 305 Unit Plan

Scoring Rubric

5-Lesson Unit Plan / Qualities, Criteria / Points / Notes/Feedback
Draft Unit / Suitably Complete
Mentor Teacher Approval
University Supervisor Approval / /10
Revised Unit / Alignment with placement course / /10
Calendar/list of activities / /5
Discussion of concepts / /5
  • Clear
  • Observable
  • Measureable
/ /5
Ohio Academic Content Standards / /3
Materials / /3
Instructional Accommodations / /5
Consistent w/learning cycle / /10
Artifacts / Included (e.g., worksheets, quizzes, labs, photos,)
Student work / /10
Observations / Mentor teacher / /5
University Supervisor / /5
Reflection-a / Complete
Includes examples / /4
Reflection-b / Ditto / /4
Reflection-c / Ditto / /4
Reflection-d / Ditto / /4
Reflection-e / Ditto / /4
Reflection-f / Ditto / /4

Please attach a cover sheet with your name, date, etc. and then attach this sheet as the second page.

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