Dates and Data For The Wilshire Family
Birthdays / Anniversaries / For the Record
Nov 17–23 / Nov 17 – 23 / November 10
Jeremie Beller / 11/17 / David & Pam Jurney / 11/21 / Class / 199
Braden Parmer / 11/17 / AM Worship / 253
Lincoln Carroll / 11/18 / PM Worship / 109
Juanita Taylor / 11/18 / Contribution / $7516
Howard Vogel / 11/19
Stephanie Caldwell / 11/20 / Wednesday / 117
Barbara Davis / 11/22 / Early Bird / 33
Rose Nusbaum / 11/22 / 7pm / 84
Media Ministries
Wilshire Broadcasts / Other Media Ministries
International: / Radio:
Eternal Good News / International Gospel Hour
George Bryan, speaker / Sundays at 8:30 pm, KOKC, 1520 AM,
and 9 pm, 870 AM
Saturday at:
11:30 am on 21630 KHz
Sundaysat: / Television:
3:00 pm on 9505 KHz / Search
5:45pm on 7315KHz / Sunday 7:30 am on KSBI, Channel 52
8:00pm on 7385 KHz
Internet: / Internet:
www. wilshirechurch. org / www. oldpaths. com
Sermons by Jim Baird, Jeremie Beller / www. whr. org
and Raymond Kelcy. / www. hagcm. org

Volume LIII Issue 46

Order of Worship

November 17, 2013


Call to Worship

Scripture: Luke 11:1-13

Song: 663– There Is Sunshine in My Soul

Song: 951– Majesty


Song: 627 –The Gloryland Way

Song: 688– Thus Remember Me

Preparation for Communion

Lord’s Supper


Song: 543 – Redeemed

Sermon:Learning to Pray

Song: 754–When Jesus Comes

Shepherd’s Prayer





Scripture: I Thessalonians 2:17 - 3:5



Sermon:Missing the Church




Family Prayer List

Family Concerns

Please continue to pray for Bill Westerberg and all those in the Philippines who are suffering after the recent typhoon.

Continue to Remember / Our Home-Bound
Tanya Cole
Marcetta Hankins
Clarence Goodwin
Larry & Nancy Jurney
Darlene Marlow / Harold Neilson
Brandon Owze
Levell Pollard
Dana Rainey
Ruby Stallworth
Bill Wekar
Geneva Winter / Jane Forrester
LoAnn Holliday / Ruby Johnson
Dorothy Slaughter
Wilma White

Wilshire Calendar

Today – LTC Kick-off Devo
Nov 27 – 6pm Devotional Only / Dec 6-8 – Care-N-Share

Nursery Workers

Today-Anita Wilson & Mikala Wilson

November24- Tricia Ritchie & Melisa Ritchie

Children’s Ministry

Bible Explorer’s Memory Work: This month the children will continue their work on The Chronology of the Bible. They will be focusing on Adam – Moses.

Youth Ministry

Dec. 2- All LTC Pre-convention 1 events are due to Tony.

Dec. 8 - All Winter Quest forms are due to Tony along with your $40.

Make checks out to Lewisville Church of Christ.

Dec. 8 - AWTG in Chickasha

Dec. 21 - Youth Group Christmas Party at Jim and Yodie Baird's home.

6PM - Bring a $5 to $10 gift for a gift exchange.

Jan 5 - The youth will be going to our AWTG at Westside in Norman. We

will also be attending a basketball game. Please sign up in the youth room if you are interested in purchasing a ticket for $3.

Ministry News

New Sister in Christ

We are happy to announce that Abby Fitzgerald was baptized last Sunday evening. Be sure to congratulate Abby when you see her as we continue to rejoice with the Fitzgerald family.

Children’s Open House

Today, immediately following our morning worship service, is the Show-N-Tell Open House for the 3 year old thru Kindergarten classes. Please take time to tour the classrooms before our Bible classes to see the children’s creation projects.

Life Group News

The Rice/Caldwell Life Group will meet in the fellowship hall tonight following our evening worship service.

Thanksgiving Baskets

Please bring your donations for the Thanksgiving Baskets by this Wednesday. The donation boxes are set up in the foyer with a list of the items needed. The Barnett/Ritchie Life group will be putting the baskets together for delivery before the Thanksgiving holiday. If you would like to assist with the preparation and delivery of the baskets please contact John Ritchie or Ruthie Barnett.

Wednesday Schedule Change

On Wednesday November 27th we will have a 6pm devotional only. We will not have our regular 5:30 class, meal or 7pm classes.

Wednesday Meal

To allow space for our Care N Share ministry, this Wednesdaywill be our last evening meal in November. We will have two meals in December, on the 11th and on the 18th. Chili will be served for our meal this week and theGoodpasture/Owze Life Group is scheduled for clean up.

Care N Share

Our Care N Share ministry is coming soon. Please bring your donations of clean usable clothing, furniture and other household items for our Care N Share Program in December. All items donated should be clean and in good working order. The key for the pod is hanging in the kitchen and all items should be placed as far back in the pod as possible. Hangers for clothing are appreciated. If you would like to assist with this ministry please contact Ervin or Colleen Decker.