StenhouseMedical Centre
Patient Participation Group
Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 8th June 2016 at 18.30pm
1)Present: Peter Newton (PN) (Chair), Pam Husband (PH) (Secretary), Betty Wilmot (BW), Mike Newman (MN), Chris Baker (CB), Rhona North (RN), Clive Duckworth (CD), Lynne Dale (LD), Dr Ann Cockburn (AC). Also present as observers were two members of the Stenhouse Virtual Group:- Michelle Brown and Janet Jackson Lorca Russell from Gedling Borough Council - DNA Health promoting exercise.
2)Apologies Apologies had been received from Clive Newton, FreiyaKetteridge and Sue Barnes.
3)The minutes of the meeting held on 27 April 2016 were agreed a true record.
4)Matters Arising
- The Carers notice in reception is still outstanding, but a new noticeboard next to the patient call board in the waiting room is on order PH to action.
- Sue Barnes has been welcomed back on to the group unfortunately she was unable to attend this meeting due to prior commitments.
- Grading of PPG’s- PN had not yet had the opportunity to raise this at the People’s Council. Item is ongoing.
- MNhad contacted the Red Cross regarding First Aid Training for Carers but unfortunately due to a miscommunication their representative had attended the practice at 2pm but they will be re-invited to the next meeting (MN has now confirmed their attendance in July’s meeting)
- Notices for the food bank containers have now been produced and the Food Bins are in the waiting room for patients and staff to contribute to.
5)Practice Updates
- Dr Cockburn & Pam updates from the Practice:
- The Practice is now back to full strength team as Dr Laura Foxwell is back from maternity leave and Dr Kate Jack and DrLyndsey Wheeler have now joined as salary GP’s but unfortunately the Practice will be losing DrDurga Siva at the end of the month, but the recruitment of Dr Jack and Dr Wheeler will cover these clinic sessions.
- The Practice is aware of issues with lack of pre-bookable appointments and generally it is 2-3 weeks ahead for the next available appointment, although we are still receiving very positive feedback about the same day telephone assessment service and appointment availability if something is urgent or can’t wait. The Practice is trying to keep some appointments back and then to be released within the week to maintain some routine appointments within a week. Any ideas from the group would be welcomed.
- Recent news about Hicroft failing their recent CQC visit has had some impact with patients moving to register at Stenhouse, but our team in fully supportive to Hicroft and will help during this difficult period if required.
- From spring 2017 the Practice will be supporting the training of student nurses and they will be working with our nurses to provide services to patients whilst being mentored here.
- Did Not Attend (DNA’s) for May 2016 was 2% 167 missed appts = 33 hours of wasted clinical time, this is the same as May 2015 and well below the local and national average but any other ideas would be welcomed to reduce this further.
- At the last staff training day Hazel Johnson from the Carers Federation came to brief the admin team on recognizing carers and signposting them for support, it was very informative and all the team found it beneficial and educational and will also help with signposting patients to our new Community Notice board in the foyer. The practice would like to organize a First Aid Training Event free to carers at Stenhouse but more information is required on the demand for this PH to action
- Stenhouse answer phone message: discussed possible changes and to have a GP to record the message to welcome & signpost patients to the appropriate option. The PPG thought this was a good idea. PH to action
6)Exercise Promotion within Gedling Lorca Russell from Gedling Borough Council gave a presentation of the various physical activities options available for people who are mainly in good health. There were also further options for people who have health conditions and a further option for people with heart conditions. The activities are based on a 12 week cycle and are provided at a reduced rate which is subsidized by Gedling Borough Council. Further information is available in Stenhouse reception or on the web site or by contacting 0115 901 3635.
7)Any Other Business None notified
8)Date of Next MeetingsDates for the next two meetings were agreed as:-
Wednesday 13th July 2016 at 14.00pm at Stenhouse Medical Centre
Wednesday 7th September 2016 at 18.00pm atStenhouse Medical Centre-
NB: a limited number of observers from the virtual group will be welcome to attend this meeting by contacting Pam Husband in the first instance to register their interest.
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