Group nr. / Group 1
Members / Fangyi , Mari, Abelneh, Vladimir, Suleyman
Group feedback / In general: a good piece of work. I very much like your final solution, and some of the ideas you present underway are very creative (I like the laser billiard as well as the sudoko / call of duty!); I very much appreciate your original thinking about + / - charges etc.: you show to be capable ‘lateral thinkers’. Good and elaborate analysis with coloured hats.
On the other hand, the process you follow is, a bit peculiar.
First, although your set of classifiers seem to work quite well, they somewhat appear to fall ‘from blue sky’, i.e., they don’t seem to follow from categorizing a starting set of items.
Second, you immediately go from the introduction of classifiers to a first ranking (convergence) phase. This is a bit uncommon: normally, the classifiers help the process of divergence by means of substitutions and combinations.
Some details: your ranking attribute ‘modifiability': is not trivial. Are you really sure it is very different from ‘profitability’?
You explain the weights before showing the result of ranking – to the audience, it is better to do it the other way round.
A learning point w.r.t. the presentation: try to separate the kernel of the idea from the ramifications (even though some ramifications are really nice)
Group mark (in case of non-integer marks, there was a spread in reflection qualities within the team; team members receive the group mark plus or minus 0.5 point) / 8
Feedback on reflection report / Suleyman [8]: your comment regarding the application of the method to a software-related project is interesting. The conclusion of your coloured-hat analysis does not necessarily mean to be that you should enhance your ‘defective’ colours: you may also choose to develop yourself as a specialist in your preferred colours!
Feedback on reflection report / Fangyi [8]: thanks for your elaboration of the group process. You are a keen observer; and you are capable of observing your own development as well. This is a strong asset for a team worker!
Feedback on reflection report / Abelneh [8]: thanks for your discussion about the balance between ‘spontaneous ideas’ vs. a ‘systematic approach’. This indeed is a major concern in designers’ professional development.
Feedback on reflection report / Vladimir [8]: Thanks for a detailed account of the process you followed – including the decisions about which methods to use in which stages of the process. One learning point: you may want to work on your English skills – the best way to become (more) proficient in English is by doing as much as possible in English, in particular with (native) English speaking communication partners!
Feedback on reflection report / Mari [8]: What I like in particular in your reflection report is the before - after structure: by telling a bit about your former design experience, it is clear(er) where MTD fits in. Thanks!