PPS 8.10 Form 1A




A. Name: Cecilia Castillo Title: Director, MA Program; Professor

B. Educational Background

Degree / Year / University / Major / Thesis/Dissertation
PhD / 1992 / University of Dallas / Political Science
M.A. / 1988 / University of Dallas / Political Science
B.A. / 1986 / University of Dallas / Political Science
B.A. / 1986 / University of Dallas / Classics

C. University Experience

Position / University / Dates
Assistant Professor, Political Science / Texas State University / August 1992 to present
Instructor, Political Science / Texas State University / August 1991 to July 1992
Instructor, American Government / Brookhaven Community College, Dallas, Texas / January 1990 to May 1991
Instructor, Latin / Richland Community College, Dallas, Texas / August 1989 to May 1991


B. Courses Taught:

Undergraduate Courses:

POSI 2310: Principles of American Government

POSI 2320: Functions of American Government

POSI 3300: Basic Political Ideas

POSI 3305: The American Founding

POSI 3331: American Political Thought

POSI 3332: Ancient and Medieval Political Thought

POSI 3333: Modern Political Thought

POSI 3334: Contemporary Political Thought

POSI 4331: Minority Politics: Women

POSI 4399: Senior Seminar

Honors Course:

Fall 1995: The Ideal Society

Graduate Courses:

POSI 5300: Ancient and Medieval Political Thought

POSI 5302: Topics in Modern & Contemporary Thought

POSI 5304: Problems in Political Theory and Methodology

POSI 5306: Foundation Studies

POSI 5325: Roots of American Constitutionalism

POSI 5326: Topics in Democratic Theory

POSI 5350: Problems in American Politics

POSI 5370: Internship Government

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please


Kaitlyn E. Hadzi-Antich, Kelly Hudgins, Aaron Taylor, Misaki Terashima, Earl Michael Young, Jacob Seigler, Jared Jackson, Molly Oehlke, Tanya Rogers

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

Developed new courses for Senior Seminar offered in spring 2010

Taught summer school- developed new senior seminar course

Supervised two undergraduate independent studies spring 2011

Supervised six graduate internships spring 2011


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)

c. Edited Books:

The Judiciary in American Democracy: Alexander Bickel, the Counter-Majoritarian Difficulty and Contemporary Constitutional Theory, eds. Kenneth Ward and Cecilia R. Castillo, SUNY Press, NY, 2005.

“Robert Kraynack's Christian Faith & Modern Democracy: A Symposium,” eds. Kenneth L. Grasso and Cecilia R. Castillo, Catholic Social Science Review IX (2004), 13.

"The Social Thought of John Paul II: A Symposium," eds. Kenneth L. Grasso and Cecilia R. Castillo, Catholic Social Science Review, Vol. III, 1998.

Liberty Under Law: American Constitutionalism, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 2nd ed. Kenneth L. Grasso and Cecilia Rodriguez Castillo, (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1998).

Liberty Under Law: American Constitutionalism, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, ed. Kenneth L. Grasso and Cecilia Rodriguez Castillo, (Lanham, MD; University Press of America, 1997).

2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

“Human Rights Ancient and Modern.” Ave Maria Law Review (forthcoming). Presented at conference. March 3-4, 2011.

"Woman 'On War': Marie Von Clausewitz's Essential Contribution to Military Philosophy." Minerva, Winter/Fall, 1993. (With Patricia Shields)

6. Book Reviews:

Book Review: Joseph R. Fornieri’s Abraham Lincoln’s Political Faith. (Northern Illinois Press, 2003). Catholic Social Science Review, XI (2006).

Book Review: John Skrentny, Color Lines: Affirmative Action, Immigration and Civil Rights Options for America (University of Chicago Press, 2001). Perspectives Political Science.

Textbook Review: Mike LeMay, Introduction to Public Administration: Clashing Values in the Administration of Public Policy (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company), Fall, 1999.

Book Review: Joseph C. Bertolini, The Serpent Within: Politics, Literature, and American Individualism (Lanham, MD University Press of America, 1997). Perspectives Political Science (Spring, 1999)

Textbook Review: American Public Policy (Chapters 1, 3, 10), (New York: St. Martin's Press), May 1999.

Book Review: Bernard Yack, The Fetishism of Modernities, Indiana: Notre Dame University Press, 1997). Perspectives Political Science (Summer, 1998).

Manuscript Review: American Government Textbook (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company (Spring 1998).

Textbook Review: Clarke E. Cochran, et al., American Public Policy, 6th edition (New York: St Martin's Press), Fall, 1997.

Textbook Review: America: The Politics of Diversity, chapters 13-15 (Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company), Fall, 1997.

Book Review: Joseph Aulis and Vickie Sullivan, editors: Shakespeare's Political Pageant (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1996). Perspectives Political Science.

Book Review: Timothy J. O'Keefe, ed.: Columbus, Confrontation, Christianity: The European-American Encounter Revisited (Madison, WI: Forbes Mill Press, 1994). Journal of Texas Catholic History and Culture (Spring, 1997): 130-132.

Book Review: Peter J. Ahrensdorf: The Death of Socrates and the Life of Philosophy. (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995). The Review of Politics (Fall, 1996): 811-813.

7. Other Works in Print:

Wrote a review of manuscript for journal publisher.

B. Works Not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

Castillo, Cecilia, “The Libertarian Party and the Current Crisis of Conscience: The Prudential Alternative?” Society of Catholic Social Scientists Annual conference, Steubenville, OH, 2013.

Castillo, Cecilia, “The Antifederalists’ Reservations: What does the Federalist-Antifederalist Debate Teach Us about the Founding Principles of the United States?” Annual Meeting of Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Long Island, NY, 2012.

“The Virtue of Generosity and the Role of the State in Economic Welfare.” Society of Catholic Social Scientists Annual Conference, Stubenville, OH, Oct. 28-29, 2011.

“Aristotle and Locke on the Household: The Family as the Model of the Political Community” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Oct. 2010.

“A Critique of the role of the family in Aristotelian and “Lockean politics” Society of Catholic Social Scientists Annual Meeting, Mississippi, 2009.

“The Insufficiency of the Aristotelian Family: Jane Austen on Fathers.” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Oct. 2008.

“C. S. Lewis’s Critique of Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Oct., 2007.

“Classical and Christian Virtue Compared” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Oct., 2006

“Christian Virtue in the works of Jane Austen” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Oct., 2005

"Jane Austen - A Closet Rousseauean?" presented at the Southwestern Political Science Association Conference, March 1995, Dallas, Texas.

"Toleration or Dismissal: Religion in The Merchant of Venice," presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, August 1994, New York, NY.

"The Multiculturalism of Shakespeare's Venice," presented at the Southwestern Political Science Association Conference, March 1994, San Antonio, Texas.

"Shakespeare on the Possibility of the Modern Liberal State," presented at the Southwestern Social Science Association Conference, March 1993, New Orleans, LA.

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

Discussant, Session: Two Assessments of American Culture

Discussant, Panel: Topics in Catholic Social Thought at Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Oct. 29-30, 2004

Participant, NEH Faculty Seminar, Texas State University, Spring 2000.

Discussant, Theoretical Issues Involving Affirmative Action: Inequality, Difference, and Justice Panel and Discussant and Chair, First Amendment Issues, Southwestern Political Science Conference, March 26 - March 29, 1997, New Orleans, LA.

Chair, Constitutional Theory Panel, Southwestern Political Science Association Conference, March 19-22, 1996, Houston, Texas.

Discussant on the American Founding panel, Southwestern Political Science Association Conference, March 1995, Dallas, Texas.

Discussant on Plato's Political Science panel, Midwestern Political Science Association, April 1994, Chicago, IL.

Discussant, Public Administration Ethics Conference, Southwest Texas State University, November 1993, San Marcos, Texas.

5. Other Works Not in Print

b. Works “in progress”:

I am completing a paper, “The Virtue of Generosity and the Role of the State in Economic Welfare,” which I presented at a conference in 2011. The paper employs the methodology of Aristotle’s Politics, Book II. I plan to submit it for publication.

C. Grants and Contracts

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

Southwest Texas State University Faculty Enhancement Research Grant, 1992

D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:

Dean’s Excellence in Service Award, Fall 2008

Ford Foundation Minority Fellow, 1987-1990

American Political Science Association Chicano Fellow, 1986-1987


A. Institutional

1. University:

Advisor to the Republican Women’s Group, Summer 2006-present

University Seminar Instructor, 2005-present

Junior Faculty Representative, Spring 1995-1997

Member of Search Committee for Geography Chair, 1993-94

Member of Ethnic Studies Committee, 1994.

Advisor to the Association of Mexican American Students, Spring 1992-Spring 1999

Advisor to the Libertarian Student Group, 1997.

Mentor, Fall 1992 to 2002

3. Department/School:

Director of the Master of Arts in Political Science Program

Member of Search Committee for Political Science Chair, 2007-2008

Member of Search Committee for Political Science Faculty, 2007-2008

Member of Search Committee for Political Science Faculty, 2006-2007

Graduate Advisor, M.A. Political Science Program, 2004- present

Member of Search Committee for Political Science Chair, 2002-2003

Member of Farlow Scholarship Selection Committee, Spring 2002

Member of Search Committee for Political Science Faculty, 1999-2000

Member of Search Committee for Political Science Faculty, 1997-1998

Member of Search Committee for Political Science Chair, 1995-96

C. Community:

Member of the Texas State Advisory Committee to the Civil Rights Commission, 2008-present

Teaching American Citizenship course for AISD, October 1996 - May 1997.

Presentation to Association of Mexican American Students weekend retreat on Senate Elections of 1996.

Presentation to Republican Women's Group in Canyon Lake on Presidential Elections of 1992.

Updated 4/1/2014

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