Steinert Choir Association
2900 Klockner Road
Hamilton, NJ 08619
Steinert Choir Association
Meeting Minutes
Date: 3/5/12
The meeting was called to order by Kim Flood at 7:21pm. Attendance: 11
President’s WelcomeSecretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
New Business
Mr. Schneider’s Report / The meeting was called to order and the President announced that the minutes were posted on the web.
Minutes posted on website. Motion to accept minutes of 2/6/12 as is made by John Dilissio and seconded by Lucy Stewart.
President announced Treasurer’s report of line item expenses and revenue. Report posted on website.
Play/Refreshments and 50/50 Sales
· 50% of snack sales split with Jazz Band
· Thursday’s (2/23/12)50/50 winner, Cheryl Mills, donated $255 of $275 winning back to Steinert Choir Association. A “Thank You” will be sent promptly. Sue Haws will provide address to Kim Flood.
Wicked Trip
· Students were marked as absent due to a delay in the list of students attending the play. Sue Haws called attendance office to make sure attendance will be corrected.
· Kim Flood discussed seating and minor ticket issues.
· In the event a trip is planned next year, it will be suggested to Mr. Schneider that first preference goes to choir student and one adult chaperone before announcement is opened to interested parties.
Barnes & Noble Night
· Revenue from the December 6th fundraiser has not been posted to date. Mr. Schneider has been given permission by Mr. Moffo to look through the records for the Barnes and Noble check in the amount of $149.80. If the check is not found Carol Smith will follow up with her contact at Barnes and Noble.
· Carol Smith announced that Barnes and Noble has made a record for future payments to made payable to “Steinert Choir Association”
· Next Barnes and Noble Night – March 20 – 6 to 9 p.m. Sue Haws mentioned that the coupon number can be used at any Barnes and Noble location and credit will be given to Steinert.
Trenton Titans
· Saturday, March 24 – Mr. Schneider sent a flyer but there wasn’t a lot of interest to date. Kim Flood will check to see what checks she is holding. Mr. Schneider thinks only 12 students signed up for the last event which was cancelled.
· Lucy Stewart suggested that the students are more interested in performing around the Christmas season. Kim Flood announced that planning for this event will begin in August of 2012.
Maggie Moos
· March 30th - 6:00 p.m. Mr. Schneider will not be able to attend due to foot surgery. Carol Sm.ith will help sell gift cards
Scholarship Due Date – Will follow up with Chair in May
Palermo’s Night - Tabled
Mamma Rosa’s night – (date to be established)
Music in Our Schools – Cancelled due to date conflicts with all six schools as per Sue Proulx(sp). Mr. Schneider will relay the disappointment of Steinert Choir Association parents.
May – Spring Concert – Information to follow.
Mr. Schneider was contacted by Ronnie Stewart to invite Steinert choir students to perform on May 19 at Veteran’s Park for the Armed Forces commemoration. Time to be determined.
Officer Positions for 2012-2013: Treasurer and Vice President
· Richard Matts briefly described the duties of the Treasurer. Questions regarding position duties were deferred to the by-laws appearing on the Steinert Choir Association website.
Senior Gifts – Richard Matts
· Steinert Choir Association purchase gifts for seniors estimated to be 22 for the graduating class of 2012. Lucy Stewart indicates that there are a box of water bottles. Ideas for gifts included gift cards—MacDonalds, WaWa, Subway. The amount of $6 - $7 per graduating senior would be affordable.
Treasurer – Uncashed Checks
· Richard Matts announced that there are two open checks from May 2010 in the amounts of $10 and $206 dollars. Motion to write off these amounts and record them as reclaimed funds was motioned by John Dilissio and unanimous motion by meeting attendees.
Scholarship Funds
· Richard Matts suggested that $1200 be set aside for 2013 scholarship reserve as per the SCA by-laws (which states fund must be established in the previous year. Motion to accept by Sue Haws, seconded by John Dilissio.
· Richard Matts presented to attendees a motion to increase by an additional $300 the 2012 Scholarship fund. This would raise the total to $1500, matching the amount distributed last year. Motion to accept by Carol Smith, seconded by John Dilissio.
Mr. Schneider was informed that Steinert High School will be going back to a 9 period day in the 2012-13 school year.
Once the calendar for the 2012-13 school year is available Mr. Schneider will share it with the SCA for future 50/50 license planning with the township.
The students will be writing notes/blurbs regarding their experience at the Wicked workshop and performance. Mr. Schneider will send them to his contact and they will be photo copied and posted on their website.
Adjournment 8:00 p.m.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by
Dee Migliaccio, Secretary