Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge
& Environmental Education
Instructor: Samantha Johnson
Clock Hours: 6 (working lunch)
Steigerwald Lake NWRJemtegaard Middle School
October 20, 2012; 9 AM-3 PM
Workshop Objectives
1. Teachers will understand the role that the refuge plays.
2. Teachers will participate in hands-on activities for teaching environmental education on the refuge.
3. Teachers will identify activities and sites on the Steigerwald Lake NWR to be used on field trips.
9AM to 1PM at Steigerwald Lake NWR (all outside), 1PM to 3PM at Jemtegaard MS
9:00AM Meet in the parking lot of the Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge
9:00-9:30 Welcome, introductions and overview of the day’s activities
9:30-10:00 Overview of the refuge environmental education program
- Distribute Education kits
- Guidelines of the refuge
- Field trip logistics
10:00-1:00 Hiking tour of the refuge (including a break)
- History and significance of the refuge
- Bird and plant identification
- Participate in sample activities on the refuge
- Points of interest
1:00-1:15 Drive to Jemtegaard
1:15-3:00 Inside session at Jemtegaard Middle School
- Working Lunch (brown bag lunch)
- Steigerwald Lake NWR PowerPoint
- Expectations of the refuge, volunteers and teachers
- Standards covered in activities
- Pre and post trip activities
- Field trip registration process and volunteer sign up
- Clock hours paperwork
- Q and A
- Evaluation and feedback
Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Environmental Education Teacher and
Volunteer Training
Date:October 20, 2012
Time: 9AM-3PM (working lunch)
Location: Steigerwald Lake NWR & Jemtegaard Middle School
Cost: FREE
Clock hours: 6
The Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge is offering a new Environmental Education program for the Camas and Washougal educational communities. This program will support the learning process beyond the conventional classroom limits and encourages students to make connections with their natural environment.
We are hosting a workshop to provide 5th gradeteacherswith tools to lead students out for a high quality educational experience on the Refuge. Teachers, if you have parents who would be interested in leading groups during the field trip, they are encouraged to join the workshop also. The workshop focus is primarily on 5th grade environmental education curriculum that connects the local wildlife refuge to the following:
Washington State Science Standards
Washington Environmental and Sustainability Standards
State Science test field investigation requirements
Teachers who attend the workshop will have access tovolunteer educators to help lead field trips, strategiesfor planning a successful field trip to the Steigerwald Lake NWR, a CD with Refuge information and EE curriculum, a walking tour of the Refuge and possible bus funding.
To attend theworkshop, register through the ESD112. Questions? Contact Jim Clapp, Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge Manager at , 360-835-8767.