The topic of discussion for AUGUST wasTOOLS & RESOURCES: WebTMS, E-Suite (E-OHA, E-Plan & E-Locate), Near TKT, Excavator Positive Response

  • MISS DIG 811 Web Ticket Management System- Designed for smaller sized members or locating companies. Receives tickets directly from MISS DIG 811, ability to view and attach images or notes to the ticket along with the ability to transmit Positive Response. You can also set up auto-respond rules to automatically send a positive response, and auto-assign rules to automatically assign certain tickets to certain locators.
  • E-Suite- The MISS DIG 811 E-Suite will include E-Overhead Assistance, E-Plan & E-Locate. All three of these will be accessed online through our website . The E-Locate is up and running and is a great success. E-Plan and E-Overhead are still in progress. They will include the ability to ask for overhead assistance from an electric company and request a planning ticket when you aren’t ready to begin digging yet.
  • Near Ticket- The near ticket can be accessed with an RTE or DSG account. You can access the Near Ticket function when you are placing your ticket or you can come back at a different time to access it. It shows you any MISS DIG 811 ticket that has been placed in a location near where you are digging. It also gives you information such as; name of contractor, location of dig, what type of work is being done, and the area that was requested to be located.
  • Excavator Response-If you have an RTE account to place your own online requests, you can post a response. This does not replace retransmitting a ticket, when needed.
  • There are 5 different excavator positive response to choose from:

(301) / EXCAVATOR CHECKED POSITIVE RESPONSE- Excavator has checked positive response per requirements of PA 174 and is beginning excavation.
(302) / EXCAVATOR CHECKED POSITIVE RESPONSE AND CANNOT LOCATE FACILITY WITHIN APPROXIMATE LOCATION- Excavator has checked positive response and contacted MISS DIG 811 to request additional assistance (retransmit) from Facility Owner(s)/ Operator(s) because the location of the marked facility within the approximate location cannot be determined.
(303) / EXCAVATOR CHECKED POSITIVE RESPONSE AND NOTED UNMARKED FACILITIES- Excavator has checked positive response and contacted MISS DIG 811 for additional assistance (retransmit) for unmarked facilities due to one of the following: 1. There is visible evidence of a facility with no marks visible 2. There is a lack of a positive response on the ticket 3. There is a positive response from a facility owner or facility operator indicating the presence of a facility with no marks.
(304) / EXCAVATOR DELAY- Excavator has checked Positive Response and made request(s) for additional assistance (retransmit), and Facility Owner has not supplied an appropriate response. Excavator is delayed.
(305) / EXCAVATOR DIGGING- Nonresponsive Facility Owner(s)/ Operator(s) on ticket. Excavator has checked Positive Response; the Facility Owner(s) positive response remains (999). The Excavator has made appropriate contact with MISS DIG 811 for additional assistance (retransmit) and the Facility Owner(s)/ Operator(s) has not supplied a response. Excavator is putting nonresponsive Facility Owner(s)/ Operator(s) on notice that Excavation is proceeding.
You can also upload documents and pictures to your ticket.
  • There is also something called Ticket Modify that is being considered where you can make modifications to your tickets from the job site. More news on this if it becomes available.
  • There was also a discussion regarding four DPA organizations that are starting in Michigan. 1. Plainfield/Grand Rapids 2. Tri-County (Midland, Saginaw, Bay City) 3. Kalamazoo 4. Traverse City. Details will be provided when available. If you are interested in attending any of these please keep an eye on the EVENTS tab on our website.