Travel Expense Claim FormPage 1 of 3
Travel Expense Claim Form Instructions
If a travel claim is complete, reimbursement will be processed within 10 business days and the amounts recorded in the accounting records. Requests for reimbursement of out-of-state travel expenses must be claimed separately. Requests for reimbursement of travel expenses which are incurred in different fiscal years must be claimed separately. A brief statement, one line if possible, of the purpose or objective, of the trip must be entered on the line immediately below the last entry for each trip. If the claim is for several trips for the same purpose or objective, one statement will suffice for those trips. Vouchers which are required in support of various expenses must be arranged in chronological order and attached to the claim. Each voucher must show the date, cost, and nature of the expense.
Column Entries
- HANDLING METHOD – Please choose one: Mail, Pickup or AV Courier.
- BUSINESS UNIT - Choose the appropriate entity where you will be charging travel to:
- CLAIMANT’S NAME - Enter the name of the person traveling.
- CSUB ID # - This identification number is assigned by HR if you are an employee or student.
- DEPARTMENT – Enter your department name.
- POSITION – Enter your job title.
- PREPARED BY – Enter the name of the person who prepared the travel expense claim.
- EXT: - Enter the extension of the person who prepared the travel claim.
- RESIDENCE ADDRESS – Enter the claimant’s residence address.
- TELEPHONE NUMBER – Enter a claimant’s telephone number where they can be reached.
- CITY - Enter Claimant’s City.
- STATE - Enter Claimant’s State.
- ZIP CODE - Enter Claimant’s zip code.
- DATE - Enter date of departure and all days of travel. See example below under 15. Time.
- TIME- Enter time of departure.
e.g. Date & Time example: 03/21/11 6:00 am First day of travel
03/22/11 Second day of travel
03/23/11 Third day of travel
03/24/11 8:00 pm Last day of travel
- LOCATION WHERE EXPENSES WERE INCURRED - Enter the name of the city and state where expenses were incurred. Abbreviations maybe used.
- LODGING - Enter the actual cost of the lodging. The lodging receipt (Folio) must have a zero dollar balance and the last 4 digits of the credit card number. If parking is included on the folio enter the amount under the parking column, do not include with lodging.
- BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER – Meals will be reimbursed for actual expenses up to $55. per day. Original, itemized receipts are required for expenses of $25. or more. If you are traveling for less than 12 hours with no overnight stay, breakfast and dinner can be claimed but will be reportable as income.
- TOTALS – Meals (Max $55.) - This is the grand total of your Meals.
- INCIDENTALS - $7. Per day for every 24 hr period, which starts on the second day.
- COST OF TRANSPORTATION – Examples include: Airfare, rental car, baggage, shuttle, taxi, rapid transit costs. Contact Uniglobe, Enterprise or Certified Rental for all your travel needs. Prepare a charge request with the proper signatures.After you get an estimate from Uniglobe, Enterprise or Certified Rental. Obtain Signatures from the applicant or the requestor and approval must be obtained by an administrator. Then forward the complete charge request for approval by accounting.Accounting will either fax or call you when form is ready for pickup. After you receive your copy of the charge request, fax it over to the appropriate vendor. This will secure your reservation.
- TYPE USE – What type of transportation did you use? Use “R” railway, “B” for bus, “A” for scheduled commercial airline, “RA” for rental aircraft, “DA” for department-owned aircraft, “PA” for privately owned aircraft, “PC” for privately owned car, truck or other privately owned vehicles, “SV” for specially equipped vehicle for the handicapped, “SC” for state vehicles, “RC” for rental vehicles, “T” for taxi, and “BL” for bicycle. Supervisors shall not authorize the use of motorcycles on official State business, and no reimbursement will be allowed for motorcycles. Attach all passenger boarding passes.
- Transportation - if paid by credit card use “CC” and “C” for cash. If transportation was paid by the State, enter method of payment “CR” = charge request, “TA” = travel advance.
- Cab Fare, Tolls - Enter cab fare, bridge tolls.Receipt required for $25. or more.
- Private Car Use – Enter number of miles traveled and amount due for mileage for the use of privately owned automobiles as authorized by current agreements, regulations, and detailed in CSU Internal Regulations Governing Travel Expenses and Allowance Manual on the California State University website.
- PARKING – Enter all parking charges, including all parking charged on your hotel bill.
- MILES – Enter the number of miles traveled one way. On the last day of travel, enter the return miles traveled back.
- AMOUNT – When you enter the mileage the form will calculate the appropriate rate based on the travel date you enter.
- BUSINESS EXPENSE – Includes conference fees (Travel Advances), internet usage, phone calls, fax charges, baggage fees, or any other business expenses.
- TOTAL EXPENSES FOR DAY – This will calculate your total expenses for the day.
- SUBTOTALS – This will subtotal your entire trip.
- LESS TRAVEL ADVANCES OR BUDGET LIMITATIONS (enter as positive) – When you receive a travel advance you need to enter the amount of the advance in this box. If you have budget limitations,enter the amount you’re not paying in this box.
- NET REIMBURSEMENT – This is the amount that is owed to the Claimant.
- PURPOSE OF TRIP, REMARKSAND DETAILS –Write down the name of the conference and explain in detail any unusual expenses. If you received a travel advance or charge request enter the TA # or CR# and include the amount in this area.
- DEFENSIVE DRIVING # - If you don’t have a defensive driving number, Please contact Sheila Barela x6320. This number gives you permission to drive your privately owned vehicle on State business and to drive a rental car.
- PRIVATE VEHICLE LICENSE # - Enter license number of the privately owned vehicle used on official State business. To claim reimbursement, you must have a form 261 on file, pertaining to operator requirements, vehicle safety, seat belt usage and authorization.
- FORM 261 ON FILE – Must be filled out before driving your privately owned vehicle on State business and on file in Accounts Payable.
- MILEAGE RATE CLAIMED – These are the mileage rates as determined by the IRS on an annual basis.
- CHARTFIELD’S –Enter your Account, Fund, Dept, Program, Project and Class.
- CLAIMANT’S SIGNATURE – Your signature certifies that expenses claimed were actually incurred.
- SPECIAL EXPENSE AUTHORIZATION (only if applicable) –When a claim for a conference fee is over $500.00 or more than 2 persons attend the same conference. Applicable for some grants requesting more than one approving signature.
- SIGNATURE OF OFFICER APPROVING TRAVEL AND PAYMENT – Certifies and authorizes travel, approves expenses as incurred on State business.
- PRINT NAME – Enter name of the Officer Approving Travel.
- TITLE – Enter name of the Officer Approving Travel.