2013 - 2014
INSTRUCTOR:Mr. Chuck Grover
TEXT:Elementary Statistics – A Step by Step Approach (7thEdition)
By Allan G. Bluman
RATIONALE:This semester course teaches statistical decision making using real data and
Experiments so that students will be better equipped to make decisions when presented with problems.
CONTENT:During the semester the topics covered include descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, expected value, probability, chi-square statistics with two variables, regression and correlation) and inferential statistics (hypothesis testing).
MATERIALS:Each student is required to have:
- a graphing calculator for use during class and at home. A TI-83 will be used by the instructor.
- A 3-ring binder divided into sections: (Notes, Assignments, Tests/Quizzes, Practice Questions, References)
- Pencil and Paper
EVALUATION:Assessments for the course will include:
- Tests given at the end of each unit
- Quizzes given throughout the units
- Classwork, including Warmups and assignments done in class
- Homework given almost daily. Most assignments will be graded in class, collected, and checked for accuracy and completion.
- Independent Problems given throughout the course to practice for the CRES assessments
Term grades will be determined according to the following percentages:
Ind. Problems/Projects5%
The Grading Scale used is:The semester grade is calculated on 3 components:
90 – 100%ATerm 1 Grade40%
80 – 89%BTerm 2 Grade40%
70 – 79%CFinal Exam20%
60 – 69%D
0 – 59%F
It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed work, quizzes, and tests. Failure to do so will result in scoring zero points. Make-up tests and quizzes due to absence will take place after school during tutoring sessions. The student is responsible for scheduling and taking make-ups within 3 days of their return.
Check Grades:
Class Edmodo: (Class Group Code: nwj7db)
Classroom Website:
EXPECTATIONS:Be on time – Students should be seated and ready to begin class when the bell
rings. Tardiness is unacceptable.
Stay in your assigned seat – Except for certain activities, students should remain in assigned seat for the entire class period.
Bring materials – Everyday to class, students should bring a covered textbook, pencil, notebook with loose leaf paper, graphing calculator, and completed homework assignment.
Do your work – Students are expected to remain on task throughout the class period and complete all assignments.
Show respect for yourself and others - Respect the teacher and others by listening and following directions. Respect yourself by keeping a positive attitude and doing your best at all times.
CONSEQUENCES:1. Warning/Removal from class/Student Conference
- Parent contact/Detention
- Office referral/Appropriate discipline procedures
- Progressive discipline procedures
LATENESS :Two hall passes will be granted per student for the entire term. Plan wisely.
Visit the restroom between classes or at lunch. In the event of lateness, the following consequences will result:
1st Offense: Lunch Detention
2nd Offense:30 Minute Detention
3rd Offense:Office Referral
Each unused hall pass is worth 1% to the student’s term grade.
TUTORING:After school tutoring is available upon request. Tutoring is for students who come to class prepared and stay on task. Tutoring is not for students who do not pay attention in class or who do not do their homework. Homework is to be attempted and completed before arranging a tutoring time.
SIGNATURES:I have read and understand the content, procedures, and expectations explained in this syllabus.
I understand the BHS Honor Code and the consequences of academic dishonesty.
I agree to keep my textbook covered in the best condition possible. I also agree to pay BrunswickHigh School for the loss of, or any damages to, my textbook. My report card or diploma will not be issued if I fail to meet this obligation. I have ready and fully understand the above information.
Student Signature:______
(Please print name above your signature)
Parent/Guardian signature: ______
Parent/Guardian e-mail: ______
This syllabus must be signed by the student and parent/guardian and returned to Mr. Grover by August21st. It will count as a homework assignment (25 points).
FrederickCommunity College – ACCUPLACER
FCC requires new students to take a mathematics assessment test. ACCUPLACER is a test that is used at FCC to place students in the most appropriate math course for their skill level. The goal of the placement test is to get you exactly where you need to be in order for you to learn the most and do your best.
Results of this assessment will be used to help you and your academic advisor select courses which will help you reach your academic goals. Noncredit mathematics courses, as well as student support services, may be required.
All students must take the math part of ACCUPLACER before registering for a math course at FCC unless they meet one of the following criteria.
- Student has passed a college credit math course or has Advanced Placement credit. (See FCC catalog for course and scores)
- Student has a SAT Math score of 550 or higher
- Student has an ACT Math score of 21 or higher
- Student has earned an A or B in Algebra II or higher in a FCPS high school during their senior year and within the last academic year. Contemporary Math does not count as an upper level course.