Station 1 (Part I):


o  Write a diary entry for one of the following characters: Bess, Tim, and the highwayman. Work as a group to write the entry, but each person must write their own entry. Your diary entry needs to be 1-2 paragraphs.

Station 1 (Part II):

o  Now, create a character analysis grid for all 3 characters, (Bess, the Highwayman, and Tim). Also identify the type(s) of conflict they face in the poem (man vs. man, self, environment, society, etc.).

Character: ______Conflict(s): ______

Character’s Actions: / Physical Appearance:
Character’s Thoughts/Feelings / Other characters thoughts/feelings about the character

Station 2 (Part I):

Metaphors and Similes

1)  Find 4 metaphors – quote and indicate stanza/line #

2)  Find 2 similes – quote and indicate stanza/line #

3)  Indicate the stanza/line # of two sections in the poem that paint a particularly vivid picture for you. Explain why you find these sections to be so vivid.

Station 2 (Part II):

Poetic Pyramid: As a group, write a poem based on The Highwayman using the formula below. Each person must write the poem on his/her paper.


Name of character

Two words from the poem describing the characters

Three words from the poem describing the setting

Four words from the poem that describes the conflict(s)

Five words from the poem describing plot

Station 3:

Imagine you are an Eighteenth Century news reporting team. Your team assignment is to write a news article informing your hometown newspaper of the events that take place in the poem. You want people in your hometown to be aware of the seriousness of the events. In order to do so, use language that makes the events in the story seem very dramatic. You must use AT LEAST one quotation from the poem. Your news article must be at least 2 paragraphs. Each person must write their own article. You may discuss ideas.

Station 4:

You are a production crew preparing to cast and shoot the movie The Highwayman. Each person must write down all information to turn in. As a group, do the following:

1)  Name the actors who will play the parts of the highwayman, Bess and Tim, and explain why you chose them.

2)  Explain where you would shoot each segment.

3)  Create a movie poster advertising this coming attraction.

Station 5:

Find each mention of RED in the poem. Record these lines (include line numbers) on your paper. What associations are made with red in the poem? Write a paragraph explaining your interpretation of the use of red in the poem.

Station 6:

Painting Pictures with Words

Students will examine the facial expressions of the women two paintings given. For each painting given, students will choose a stanza from the poem that the painting would best match. View the two (2) paintings below: