Private Candidate / Retake Entry form for IGCSE /GCE Exams in 2012

Private Candidate Fees November Examinations 2012

IGCSE Entry Fees

Private Candidate fee / RM 175 / per subject
Candidate fee / RM 125 / (one off fee forALLexams in the session)
Cambridge International Examination Fees
CIE exams. / RM 275 / per subject
Art and Double Award Science / RM 550 / per subject

AS/ A2 Entry Fees

Private Candidate fee / RM 175 / per subject
Candidate fee / RM 125 / (one off fee forALLexams in the session)
Cambridge International Examination Fees
CIE AS or A2 / RM 220 / per subject
Full A-level (AS+A2) / RM 320 / per subject

Closing date for setting up Entries and Payment of Entry Fees is -

Friday 14th September 2012

Entry Procedure

1. Complete attached forms (Only those students wishing to take an examination in either a language or science are required to complete the teacher/specialist consent below).

2. Please return all formsas soon as possibleto the Exams Office.Please do not pay Ms. Devi until Mr. Hooper has checked your form.

3. Make payment; Cheques should then be made payable to “Garden International School Sdn Bhd” and presented to Ms.Devi in the Admissions Office with the attached form. Do NOT send cash to the school.Thestudent’s name, tutor group and candidate number should be clearly written on the back of the cheque.

4. Return Form to Mr. Hooper with the receipt for payment.

5. You will receive your statement of entry and other documentation in due course.

6. Certificate collection. Should you wish to have your certificates couriered to any destination worldwide (cost RM150) seeMr. Hooper for further details.

Oral/ Practical Examination – Teacher/ Specialist Consent

SomeLanguages and Scienceexaminations require either a member of GIS staff or a GIS approved adult (who is a specialist in the field) to conduct the Oral or Practical component papers. If you are intending to complete examinations in either of these subject areas the declaration form must be completed by the member of staff/ specialist adult.

I ______(Teacher/ Specialist) is willing to conduct the practical examination for November 2012)

Subject ______


Telephone Contact (if non GIS staff) ______

(In most cases a member of GIS staff will be available to conduct the examination; in the event of a member of staff not being available it is the candidate’s responsibility to find a suitable replacement. The replacement adult must not be a family member and be suitably trained in the field to be examined. If a specialist cannot be found the candidate will be unable to enter for the examination)

Mr Hooper (Examinations Officer)

Private Candidate Entry Form for Exams in November 2012

Full Legal Name…………………………………………………......

(Please print clearly. This is how it will appear on your certificate.)

Candidate Number (if known)……………….Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)………………………….

Form Class (if applicable)......

Telephone Contact......

Email Contact......

Subject: / CIE
(please tick) / Edexcel
(please tick) / IGCSE
(please tick) / GCE
(please tick) / Paper no’s to be taken / Option code
(leave blank) / Cost (RM)
Private Candidate fee (RM 175/subject)
Candidate fee(RM125)
Total / RM

Closing date for setting up Entries and Payment of Entry Feesis – Friday 14th September -3.30pm

Signature of Candidate: …………………………………………….

Date …………………