The Maine Department of Transportation proposes to issue a “Highway Opening Permit’ with a
modified fee schedule to:
Name of Permittee
for the construction of:
Brief description of type of work

in roads under its jurisdiction. The permit is to be issued subject to the following conditions:

I.  The latest revision of “Rules, Regulations and Policies, Highway Opening Permits” shall apply.

II.  The Impact Value, based upon estimated areas to be opened in the various surface types, shall be deposited into an escrow account set up in the name of the permittee with the MaineDOT, Director of the Bureau of Maintenance and Operations or designee, listed as the only authorized signature for withdrawal or release of funds. Upon satisfactory completion of the restoration work in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated herein, the permittee will be credited for the areas permanently and satisfactorily restored, except that the Department will retain 10% of the final Impact Value, calculated from the final measurements of the disturbed area, for future maintenance of the area. Upon request of the permittee, MaineDOT may consider making a partial credit to the permittee for portions of the work satisfactorily completed.

The permittee may request that the entire escrow be refunded subject to the condition that the permittee will overlay the entire paved roadway width with hot bituminous pavement once the installation has undergone at least one winter season (the application includes a space to indicate this request). This overlay shall consist of 3/4” minimum thickness hot bituminous pavement surface mix. Shimming before overlay may be required depending on the condition of the surface to be paved. The permittee shall be responsible for the maintenance of the disturbed area until such time that all work, including the overlay, is complete and accepted by MaineDOT.

III.  A MaineDOT inspector may be assigned, at the discretion of the Department, to protect the Department’s interest. Costs incurred by such inspection shall be borne by the permittee. The time spent on such inspection will be held to the minimum compatible with the Department’s interests. Inspection costs will be deducted from the amount due the permittee at the completion of the project. The MaineDOT inspector will communicate directly with the permittee’s engineering representative on matters concerning State maintained roads involved in the project. This will not relieve the permittee from the provisions of Section IV, D, 8 of the “Rules, Regulations and Policies”.

IV.  The permittee shall provide for protection and restoration of highway items and protection of the traveling public as follows:

A.  Maintenance:

The permittee shall be responsible for maintaining the traveled way in a condition satisfactory to the Department until the project is accepted. A temporary bituminous patch shall be placed on all trenches that cannot be permanently patched within 48 hours of back filling. Hot bituminous patches will be considered part if the permanent patch, to be repaired during the life of the project if settlement occurs. Two-way traffic shall be maintained during all hours that the contractor is not working, unless otherwise noted. In the event that two-way traffic cannot be maintained during these hours, traffic officers will be utilized to maintain traffic.

B.  Restoration and Replacement:

The permittee shall be responsible for permanently restoring or replacing roadway items damaged as a consequence of any construction operations. These items are to be permanently replaced in kind, in the same quantity and at the same grade as originally found and are to include, but not be limited to, the following items:

1)  Bituminous Pavement

2)  Portland Cement Concrete Pavement, including that displaced by blasting, undermined, or broken by construction equipment, shall be replaced with an equal thickness of hot bituminous pavement

3)  Bituminous Curb

4)  Granite Curb

5)  Gravel shoulders

6)  Drainage pipes, structures, and ditches

7)  Guard rail and fencing

8)  The Guarantee requirement normally pertaining to certain items such as growth of grass, sodding etc., shall be extended to include all such restoration or replacement of highway items.

9)  Failure of permittee to satisfactorily make the required restoration and replacement will provide cause for retention by the Maine Department of Transportation of sufficient funds to accomplish the required work.

C.  Contact Information

The permittee shall furnish the MaineDOT Region Office, in addition to local and State Police Departments, with the name, address and telephone numbers of a responsible person that can be reached on weekends, during storms or in case of emergency when no work is being performed. This responsible person shall have the authority and the means to repair and maintain the roadway, signs and lighting at any time, day or night.

D.  Traffic Control and Signing:

Barricades and warning signs with flashing lights, as may be required, shall be furnished and installed subject to the approval of the Department. Work area signs shall be provided at local work sites. “Construction Ahead” and “End Construction” signs are to be placed at each end of the project, and at each major intersecting street or road. All construction signs shall have black legend on orange background. All signs that remain in use at night shall be reflectorized. All signs and signing shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices by the U.S. Department of Transportation (latest revision). Two-way traffic shall be maintained during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., if deemed necessary by the MaineDOT. Uniformed traffic officers shall be required when the contractor is working in any State maintained road, unless otherwise noted. No equipment or vehicles of the contractor, his subcontractors, or employees engaged in work on this contract shall be parked or stopped on lanes carrying traffic, at any time, except as required by ongoing work operations.

The signature of the permittee will constitute acceptance of the above conditions.

______Owner/Authorized Utility Representative Maine Department of Transportation

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Updated 0705