1800 Third Street, Suite 390
P. O. Box 952054
Sacramento, CA 94252-2054
(916) 322-1560
FAX (916) 327-6660
December 15, 2011
FROM: Chris Westlake
The Department of Housing and Community Development is announcing the results of the preliminary rating and ranking of applications for a $20 million Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), issued on August 15, 2011, for the Emergency Housing Assistance Program, Capital Development (EHAPCD). The available funds were oversubscribed, with 47 applications requesting $32.4 million.
The following list provides the applicant name and the preliminary score for that application in the order of its ranking. The information reflects 32 applications for a total of $23.1 million. The Department intends to recommend funding for 27 applications that scored a minimum of 735. In addition, the Department may fund additional applications if funding becomes available.
Applicant NamePreliminary Score
Marjaree Mason Center, Inc.910
Saint John’s Shelter for Women and Children905
Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County, Inc.880
Chico Community Shelter Partnership860
St. Vincent de Paul Village, Inc.860
Alternatives to Violence855
St. Vincent de Paul Village, Inc.840
Fresno County Economic Opportunity Commission835
Weingart Center Association813
The Center for Violence-Free Relationships805
Jenesse Center, Inc.800
Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency800
W.E.A.V.E. Incorporated790
California Council for Veterans Affairs, Inc.781
Home Start, Inc.780
United Christian Centers of the Greater Sacramento Area, Inc.780
Shelter Network773
San Francisco Human Services Agency770
LAMP, Inc.770
Substance Abuse Foundation of Long Beach, Inc.769
Turning Point Foundation761
Alameda Family Services760
Womenspace Unlimited, South Lake Tahoe Women’s Center755
City of Oakland750
CORA (Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse)750
Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Service735
EHAPCD Preliminary Score
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Applicant NameCon’t.Preliminary Score
Family Care Network, Inc.735
Covenant House California716
Good Samaritan710
City of Delano695
Volunteers of America of Los Angeles692
Environmental Alternatives600
The following list provides the applicant name and total score for the applications that did not meet the threshold requirements. The applicant had to achieve 60% of maximum points in each category to pass threshold. These applications will not be recommended for funding, unless their appeal is successful.
Applicant Name Score
Yolo Wayfarer Center (Christian Mission)665
Penny Lane Centers656
Penny Lane Centers #2656
Grandma’s House of Hope615
Environmental Alternatives (#2)555
Environmental Alternatives (#3)520
Mountain Circle Family Services, Inc.510
Stepping Higher, Inc.450
The above mentioned 40 applications shall be entitled to appeal the preliminary score by submitting a written petition to the Department by close of business on December 28, 2011. The petition must be received by that date to be considered.
1)The written petition shall include the following information:
a)Provide the name, address and telephone number of the petitioner;
b) Clearly describe each activity disputed;
c) Clearly explain why the activity isdisputed; and
d) State the remedy the petitioner is seeking.
2) Within 21 days of receipt of the petition, the Department shall respond in writing to the petitioner and make a determination based on the information available.
3) Each determination shall clearly state the findings upon which the Department's determination is based, and identify any corrective action to be taken.
Appeals for the rating assigned by the Designated Local Board must have been filed with the Local Board within seven days of their rating. The period has passed for any Local Board appeals.
The remaining seven applications were determined either incomplete or withdrawn, were not scored and are not eligible to appeal.
Applicant Name
A Sling and a Stone Transitional Home
California Hispanic Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Peace & Joy Care Center
L.I.F.E. Project Blythe
EHAPCD Preliminary Score
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Applicant Name (Con’t.)
The Good Shepherds Christian Org. for the Restoration of the Lost Sheep
Operation Safe House, Inc.
Community Foundation of Santa Cruz
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Sabrina Sassman, Homeless & Housing Assistance Program Section Chief at (916) 327-3576 or .