NDBON 100th Anniversary/ A Celebration of the Unification of the Voice of Nursing
Meeting Notes
April 9, 2015 11:00 AM– 12:30 PM CST
Meeting Started:11:04 AM Meeting Ended: 12:15 PM
Attendees: Jane Christianson, Connie Kalanek, Mary Ann Foss, Evelyn Quigley, Kyle Martin, Patricia Hill, Tessa Van Doorne, Patricia Moulton, Margaret Reed, Julie Hanson, Diane Sjol, Julie Traynor
Group Chair: Margaret Reed,
- Introductions:
- Review Februarymeeting notes.
February Meeting Notes
- Status of Overall Logistics
- Date May 21, 2015
- Location: Bismarck
- Event Location: Heritage Center and ND Capitol Great Hall (Lunch)- Confirmed Heritage Center Paperwork Great Hall Paperwork
Map of Heritage Center- we have reserved the Russell Reid Auditorium, Lecture Room A, B, and Project Room for the day of the conference and the Northern Lights Lobby for the reception. Lunch will be at the Capitol in the Great Hall
Capitol Lunch Reservation Confirmation and Layout
- Title:Celebrating 100 years of Nursing Excellence: Past, Present and Future
- Hotel Room Block: Room Blocks Confirmed
Ramkota Inn Room Block
Radisson Room Block
Kelly Inn Room Block
- Time: One-day conference with a keynote speaker and an evening gala
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Registration and set-up
9:00 AM – 4:45 PM- Conference
5:00 PM- 7:00 PM- Gala Reception and Awards
- Identification of Central Contact for Heritage Center and Capitol- please send questions etc. to Patricia Moulton rather than contacting Heritage Center or Capitol directly.
- Marketing for Celebration- Kyle developed a marketing plan and has implemented.
- Online Portal for Celebration Registration- Portal is set up. Registration Portal was launched on January 7, 2015. 105 registrants as of 4/7/2015 (this includes 30 sponsor registration spots, speakers and facilitators, online and offline registrants).
Early Bird Registration $60 until March 1st, $80 regular registration
- Registration Fees and Budget
Draft Registration Fees and Budget
- Secondary Registration Portal- Kyle is in the process of setting up a second website that will be used for spouse Gala tickets of $20. Also will be used for award winners that only want to attend the Gala- will be given a coupon code.
- Updated Sponsor Tracking Spreadsheet- Total of $13,550 in sponsorships
Final Overall Logistics to Discuss:
- Review Layout of where everything is going to be during the Celebration
Heritage Center Map
Sponsor Tables Registration Window
Auditorium Northern Lights Lobby
Capitol Lunch Reservation Confirmation and Layout
Exhibit Layout Diagram
- Setup for Celebration- maybe able to get in the afternoon before the celebration to set some things up- if nobody is booked then. Might be able to just haul in things and keep them there overnight.
- Setup Times and Volunteers:
Jan Kamphuis- Auxiliary volunteers that could help watch the exhibits- Margaret will call to see if this possible.
Setup 7:30 – 8:00 AM- The board will fill these spots with board members and staff
Registration Booth and Information Center
Registration- 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM-
Morning Break- 9:45- 10:30 AM-
Afternoon Break- 2:30 – 3:30-
Closing and Contact Hour Certificate Distribution- 4:45- 5:15 PM-
Silent Auction and Historical Exhibit Rooms:
Setup- 8:00 – 9:00 AM
Morning Break- 9:45- 10:30 AM-
Afternoon Break- 2:30 – 3:00
Take Down exhibits and close silent auction 4:45- 5:15 PM-
People Movers
Registration 8:00 – 9:00 AM-
Lunch at Capitol- 12:00 – 12:15 PM-
To Gala/Reception- 4:45 – 5:00 PM-
Take down
Silent Auction/Exhibits/Registration desk- 4:45 – 5:15 PM-
After Gala- 7:00 – 7:15 PM-
- Program for Celebration- Kyle will develop the document and we will have it professionally printed. Will include the agenda, sponsors (including logos) and sponsor ads as applicable, speakers bios, historical information, lists of nurses licensed over 50 years, list of former board and EDs, Legendary nurse award winners, list of historical exhibits. Are we missing anything
- Marketing for celebration- URL radio spots, cover other parts of the state
- Report from Planning Subcommittees and Group Discussion- don’t forget to notify Patricia when you plan to have meetings so she can public notice the meeting
- Conference Agenda Committee
Duties: Draft agenda, propose speakers, confirm speakers, draft contact hour application, logistics for speakers and other programmatic content
Conference agenda committee chair and members:Pat Hill, Tessa VanDoorne, Loretta Heuer, Mary Ann Foss, Evelyn Quigley, Patricia Moulton
February Committee Report: The committee is working on putting together the contact hour application. The committee will arrange a meeting for the panel presenters and Evelyn. They are working on putting together a program booklet that would include the agenda, objectives, bios, pictures etc. using one that Loretta Heuer has used for her conference. Connie Kalanek has talked with Representative Karen Rohr and she has agreed to speak during the luncheon and provide a short summary of what has happened during the session. Connie Kalanek has invited the Governor and he is unable to commit until three weeks before the event. If he is unable to attend, the Lieutenant Governor might be able to. Marcus Engel is planning to do a book signing after his keynote speech. Will donate an autographed book as a door prize.
Conference Agenda
Marcus Engel Contract
Betty Rambur Contract
April Committee Report: Contact hours have been approved for 4.75 hours. NDBON has been working on getting Betty Rambur’s travel arrangements. Patricia is working on arrangements for Marcus Engel. End of April- reach out to Governors office about his coming- Connie will followup
February Panel Presentation Meeting Notes- the panel is going to reconvene for a meeting in late April/Early May to run through the panel. Will have people pick up cards and sort them to present to the panel. Could also have a follow-up as a newsletter story. Bring note cards to the auditorium-pass them out as they enter the auditorium. Will need to have someone sort of the cards.
Group Decisions as needed from Conference Agenda Committee Report:N/A
- Silent Auction Committee
Duties: Develop silent auction donation call, develop plans for displaying and other logistics, examine possibility of selling cards or other items featuring art work or photos
Silent Auction Committee Chair and members: MargaretReed (chair), Jane Christianson, Patricia Moulton
February Committee Report: The committee has drafted some documents for the silent auction. They were unable to meet yesterday. The silent auction could include any art such as quilts, paintings, crochet etc. Could put together an email to the hospitals and nursing homes to solicit artists. The group talked about soliciting baskets for silent auction. Julie Traynor has the list of DONS for hospitals and long term care facilities that she can send to the committee so they can make personal contacts and try to get it onto the facilities news site. The committee has developed an in-kind donation form.
Silent Auction Call for Artists
April Committee Report:Margaret has 13 confirmed paintings, a wood salad bowl, 2 baskets and a Native American piece from Chris BurdIn Bismarck there is a Quilt, golf packages, painting, wood carvings
We have all of the forms that we will fill out and the relative values will be on them. Some of them are small pieces- the large ones we would need to easels- Patricia will bring the Center’s easels.
Silent Auction March Meeting Notes
Group Decisions as needed from Committee Report: N/A
- Entertainment Committee
Duties: propose entertainment options to committee, confirm selected entertainment, logistics for entertainment
Entertainment Committee Chair and members: Char Christensen (chair), Jamie Astrup
February Committee Report: Char is still working on getting a contract for Joe Friday that will play during the gala.
April Committee Report: Contract has been finalized.
Joe Friday Contract
Decisions as needed from Entertainment Committee Report:N/A
- Historical committee
Duties: look for and solicit exhibits with historical materials from colleges, facilities, organizations, plan how they would be exhibited at celebration, logistics for exhibiting on day of celebration
Historical Committee chair and members: Julie Traynor (Chair), Connie Kalanek, Tessa Vandoorne, Diane Sjol, Patricia Moulton, Susan Pederson
February Committee Report: The historical committee is meeting tomorrow to discuss how to reach out and personally contact people that may have historical exhibits. Julie Traynor has received two submissions. NDNA and NDSCS have both submitted historical display forms. A photographer has been hired to take pictures throughout out all of the 100thAnniversary events. Sanford Bismarck and St. Alexius also plan to submit exhibits.The group was wondering if the hospitals that used to have schools of nursing would have items such as caps/pins. Jane Christianson indicated that she would contact some colleagues from those schools to see if they could contribute artifacts.
October Historical Committee Meeting Notes
Call for Historical Exhibits
Photographer Proposal
April Committee Report:Have 14 historical exhibits so far. Plan to keep it open until April 15, we will then send out instructions to exhibitors about where to have the exhibits. Evelyn will contact Marlene Batterbury- she is an alumni of Jamestown University
Historical Committee February Meeting Notes
Decisions as need from Historical Committee Report: N/A
- Food and Drink Committee
Duties: examine approved caterers for Heritage Center and Great Hall, propose recommended caters and menus, confirm caters, logistics on day of celebration
Food and Drink Committee chair and members: Dan Rustvang (chair), Patricia Moulton, Julie Hanson, Char Christianson, Susan Pederson
February Committee Report:
Food and Drink Committee January Meeting Notes
Proposal to Group: For the sit down luncheon, plan to have plated luncheon salads (such as Cobb salads), rolls/butter, tea/water and a small desert at tables for luncheon. Both estimates include table linens, plates etc. service fees and taxes. Which one would the group like to choose?
Capitol Café- $2,824.
Ramada- about $2,714
For dinner, we have been quoted $14/person for many appetizers and desserts. The group thought that a full sheet cake with the NDBON logo on it would work well for photo ops. Dan Rustvang will contact the Brazilian Grill to arrange.
Susan presented a proposal for centerpieces that she would assemble and that would fit down the center of the long tables at the luncheon. The cost would be about $25 each X an estimated 25 tables for a total of $625.
The group voted to go with the Capitol Café for the luncheon. Patricia Moulton will contact. The group approved the centerpiece proposal from Susan for the centerpieces for $625 and thought that we should also offer them for sale during the event.
April Committee Report: Food has been arranged.
Decisions as needed from Food and Drink Committee Report:N/A
- Communications Committee
Duties: Develop marketing plan including save the date for celebration and silent auction, design memorabilia for distribution and sale, market celebration, manage press
Communications committee chair and members: Kyle Martin(chair), Julie Traynor and Connie Kalanek
February Committee Report: The committee is planning to meet on February 18th. Have been promoting the event in the ND Center for Nursing newsletter and on the new website and Kyle Martin also promoted the event to the student nurses at their convention.
April Committee Report:The committee developed a marketing plan that includes URL radio, a radio show and online advertising.
Marketing Committee February Meeting Notes
Marketing Budget Plan
Decisions as needed from Committee Report:
- Other details?
- Review Funding Proposal for next year’s ND Center for Nursing Celebration
2015-2016 Celebration Funding Proposal
It would be great if we could get more branding out there so that we get our name out more- coffee mugs, sweatshirts etc. to help increase awareness of the ND Center for Nursing. Margaret would be happy to help on developing the product.
Next meeting in September/October for Celebration Committee to start
planning 5 year celebration?
2014-2015 Workplan Meetings in May, June, August, October, December, February, April
Strategy / Activities / MonthResponsible Person(s) / Activity Completion Status
Nurses Week Conference and Gala in conjunction with NDBON 100 year anniversary / Determine joint committee membership/start meeting with NDBON committee- meeting in May / April-June / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Determine date, location and time for celebration / April-June / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Design save the date materials in conjunction with NDBON, also solicit silent auction donations. / May-June / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Determine sponsorship categories and promotion. Also determine other fundraising opportunities such as a silent auction. / June- October / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Determine program for event and invite keynote and other speakers. / June-September / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Examine the possibility of honoring all of the awardees from the past year in the state and having our own award. Establish cut-off date.
NDBON and NDCFN Boards to work on seperately / September- May / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Set up one registration site in conjunction with NDBON / November-December / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Determine catering and other logistics for event / December-March / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Event promotion and registration / December- April / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Hold event. / May / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Evaluate event. / June / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Five-year celebration