3 July 2006

State Library provides leadership training to regional libraries

Regional libraries are benefiting from leadership training provided by the State Library of Queensland.

State Librarian Lea Giles-Peters said Louise Milligan from Agnes Water library, Jeanette Simpson, Manning Jackson and Nita Matzky-Sting all from Boyne Island library, and Sheila Duca and Judy Major from Mt Larcom Branch library participated in the recent training course.

Ms Giles-Peters said training was a valuable partnership between local governments and the State Library of Queensland to provide high quality public library services to regional, rural and remote Queensland.

“In addition to supporting Queensland libraries through annual funding, the Government is committed to ongoing leadership training for public library staff through the State Library’s week-long training course held several times a year,” she said.

The State Library provides training for library staff who manage Indigenous Knowledge Centres or are part of the Country Lending Service to develop their skills, improve industry networks and gain a working knowledge of the range of State Library reference services and resources which will benefit their clients and communities.

Course topics include day to day operation of a library, how to develop collections and resources to meet a community’s needs, service development in libraries and tailoring programs to specific client groups such as young people, people with disabilities, Indigenous clients and multicultural groups.

Ms Giles-Peters said the training courses provide a wonderful opportunity for library staff from across Queensland to develop their skills and ensure their library services are a vibrant and relevant part of the community.

“The State Library is an advocate and partner of a statewide public library network and plays a leading role in providing access to information, library services and training,” she said.

Sixty-five staff from across the state completed the leadership training course between March and June 2006 in Brisbane and Cairns.

There are 155 libraries in the Country Lending Service and 12 Indigenous Knowledge Centres with populations ranging from 210 to 18,000 people.

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