State Letter # 12-13 Guidance Clarification

1. RCA / (a) Recipient Costs / • Actual Cash Assistance costs
(b) Administration / • Intake and eligibility assessment determination and disbursement staff and other administrative costs directly related to oversight of eligibility and distribution of RCA recipients.
• Includes PPP distribution of cash assistance.
• Associated interpretation and translation for RCA recipients
2. RMA / (a) RMA Recipient Costs / • Actual medical services costs for RMA clients, separate from Refugee Medical Screening related costs
(b) RMA Administration / • Intake and eligibility determination staff and other administrative costs directly related to oversight of intake, eligibility determination, benefits authorization, distribution of RMA benefits, and data entry.
• State Medicaid agency costs associated with providing RMA through an interagency with the SRC’s Office.
• Interpretation for follow-up services (allowable if activity is allowable under Medicaid State Plan)
• Transportation for follow-up (allowable if activity is allowable under Medicaid State Plan)
• SRC/RHC, State, County personnel cost related to direct management and monitoring of RMA where applicable (excluding SRC/RHC planning and coordination costs, see # 4 below).
(c) Medical Screening / • Cost of Actual Screening Activities as defined in the State Letter # 12-09.
*** Programs that contract for screening services based on a unit cost should report a breakout of medical related costs from the total unit cost (excluding provider admin costs from unit costs) and (excluding SRC/RHC planning and coordination costs, see # 4 below).
(d) Medical Screening Administration / • Refugee Medical Screening administrative costs directly associated with screening provision and provider management if program uses actual cost billing system. If using a unit cost contract - a breakout of admin should be reported here.
• Interpretation for screening services (allowable if activity is allowable under Medicaid State Plan) and not provided by the Department of State
• Transportation for screening (allowable if activity is allowable under Medicaid State Plan) and not provided by the Department of State
• SRC/RHC, State, County personnel cost of direct management and monitoring of RMS where applicable (excluding SRC/SHRC planning and coordination costs see # 4 below).
3. URM / (a) Services / • Actual cost of foster care and independent living service provision.
• Service related costs of contracted URM service provider agencies, counties and states related to direct provision of foster care and independent living services, such as case work, case review, establishing legal responsibility, development/training/oversight of foster care homes and other placements, coordinating with legal and other service providers, medical and mental health services, maintenance payments, independent living stipends and payments, and education and training vouchers.
(b) Administration / • State, county, local and contracted URM service provider administrative and oversight costs for providing planning, coordination, management, monitoring and data collection of URM care provision, separate from actual direct foster care and independent living service provision.
• State Refugee Coordinator personnel/office administrative costs of overall management, planning and coordination, policy, program development, oversight, consultation, training, data collection, and direct management and monitoring of URM where applicable.
4. ADMINISTRATION -PLANNING AND COORDINATION / • State Refugee Coordinator personnel/office cost allocation of overall coordination of the state program, planning, policy, program development, oversight, outreach, consultation, training, data collection, and coordination of RCA, RMA/RMS where applicable
• Interagency coordination where applicable.
• State Refugee Health Coordinator personnel/office cost allocation of overall coordination, administration, oversight, outreach and data collection of medical related activities (whether located inside or outside of State Refugee Coordinator's office) for all Refugee Medical Screening and non-screening related activities.
• Local travel related to RCA/RMA intake, eligibility assessment, disbursement and related training.
• Conferences and related travel as allowable.
***if a unit cost for screening is currently used - states must ensure that their contracts in the future breakout unit admin and unit services for screening so that they more accurately reflect the breakout on the ORR-1 and ORR-2.

Updated July 17, 2013