ENTER here YOUR title in times new roman, 12 point, all caps, bold, Font
Enter here your author name(s) in Times New Roman, 12 point font; include full first name and last name do NOT include titles; use superscripts after author names to indicate authors with different affiliations, e.g., John Smith1 and Jane Doe2; if all authors have the same affiliation, do not use superscripts; bold the name of the presenting author
Enter here author affiliation(s) in italics, Times New Roman, 12 point font, and include KSU authors’ department and college; E.g., Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences; for authors from institutions other than K-State, include their institution, e.g., Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas; if multiple affiliations are represented, use superscripts before affiliation to link authors to appropriate affiliations, e.g., 1Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences; 2Department of Chemistry, University of Kansas
In 250 words or less, prepare an abstract of the research or scholarly work you wish to present at Research and the State. Use Times New Roman, 12 point font, single spaced. Your abstract should be written in a way that students and faculty from various academic disciplines and the general public can understand. The abstract should be free of grammatical errors. Include the bold headers as indicated below to identify the major compenents of your abstract. You do not have to use the exact headers listed below. You may use headers that are most appropriate for your abstract, but you DO need to include the content described for each section below. Headers are NOT included in the word limit. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Briefly describe relevant previous research, theory, and/or the issue or problem that is the focus of your work. Also describe your research purpose or goals and/or the hypotheses, predictions, or research questions you are testing. METHOD: Describe how you conducted your research or scholarly work and the steps you took to pursue your research goals. RESULTS/FINDINGS: Summarize the anticipated or actual results or findings from your work. CONCLUSION: Discuss the implications or applications your results have for theory, future research, and/or real world experiences, problems, etc.
Relevance of Research to State-Related Topic(s)
Click here to enter your Kansas relevance statement. In 150 words or less, describe how your research relates to one or more important topics/issues in the state of Kansas. Current key topics of focus in the Kansas legislature include sustainable water supply, economic development and job creation, workforce development, plant and animal health, food safety; from farm to fork, health conditions impacting the health of Kansas including cancer, obesity, diabetes, and other conditions, health care costs, alternative health care, community development and quality of life in rural communities, alternative and sustainable energy sources, education; student achievement and student testing, business attraction in the state. Also refer to Kansas House and Senate standing committees ( to identify areas of interest to state legislators.