Stat 195 – Case study & project component guidelines

Students will work in assigned groups of 4 when possible.

For all requirements, each group will offer a single submission that reflects the collaborative effort of all members.

The components to be submitted include 4 case studies, a multivariate regression analysis and a time series study. The case studies will be randomly assigned from the book, while the multivariate and time series projects will based upon data collected or obtained by the individual groups.

The multivariate and time series projects will require a single page proposal which is due September 13.

Each group will be asked to present one of their works during the semester. Whether it is a case study or one of the projects, the presentation should be approximately ten minutes in length and should be accompanied by a complete write-up.

The write-ups should feature the following:

- A clearly written outline of the solution path, including an explanation of the problem and the steps taken to achieve the end result.

- Supporting work..

- Printouts of any and all work done with Excel templates or other technology.

- A conclusion

The grading breakdown is as follows:

Each of the case studies is worth 4% of the overall grade.

Both the projects are worth 10% of the overall grade.

The presentation is worth 4% of the overall grade.