Stat 160 Midterm Review

Chapter 1 – Descriptive Statistics

§  Shapes of Distributions

o  Symmetric, asymmetric, right skewed, left skewed, etc.

§  Five Number Summary

o  (Min,Q1,Med,Q3,Max)

o  Boxplots

o  Identifying outliers (LIF and UIF)

§  Other Statistics

o  Measures of Center

§  Sample Median* - Q2

§  Sample Mean* -

§  HL Estimate*

o  Measures of Scale

§  Range*

§  IQR* = Q3 – Q1

§  Sample Variance/Standard Deviaiton – s2/s

§  Linear Relationships

o  Prediction Equation -

o  Meaning of the intercept and the slope

o  Residuals -

o  Correlation Coefficient – r

o  Coefficient of Determination – R2

o  Determination of a good model

§  Robust Statistics

o  Which of the statistics given above are robust?

Chapter 2 - Probability

§  Tree Diagrams

§  Sampling with replacement OR without replacement.

§  Relative Frequency -

§  Independence

o  P(B|A) = P(B) i.e. event B does NOT depend on event A.

§  Useful Formulas

o  In general, P(A and B) = P(B|A)P(A) = P(A|B)P(B)

o  If A and B are independent, P(A and B) = P(A)P(B)

o  Complement – P(AC) = 1 – P(A)

Chapter 3 – Resampling/Simulation

§  Experiment

o  Trials of the experiment are independent and taken under identical conditions.

o  , A-Event of Interest and N – Number of Trials

o  Error =

o  Setting up the correct model (GA#7)

§  (Number of Trials, Min Value, Max Value, Number Drawn, with replacement or without replacement)

Chapter 4 – Probability Models for Discrete Distributions

§  Probability Model

o  Mean - for all values in the Range of X

o  Variance - for all values in the Range of X

§  Binomial Distribution

o  X is the # of Successes out of n trials with P(S) = p.

o  X is Bin(n,p). Range of X is {0,1,2,…,n}

o  Mean -

o  Variance -

o  pbinom(k,n,p). P(of at most k successes)

o  P(X = k) = dbinom(k,n,p). P(exactly k successes)

§  Poisson Distribution

o  X is a count over some time interval. The average occurrence over that interval is .

o  If 2 intervals do NOT overlap then the occurrence of events in these intervals are independent.

o  X is POI(). Range of X = {0,1,2,…}

o  ppois(k,n,p). P(of at most k)

o  P(X = k) = dpois(k,n,p). P(exactly k)

Chapter 5 – Probability Models for Continuous Distributions

§  Uniform Distribution

§  Normal Distribution

o  Symmetric bell-shaped curve (i.e. median = mean)

o  X is N(m,s2) – Mean = m, Variance = s2

o  P(X<k) = pnorm(k,m,s). Note: 3rd input is standard deviation NOT variance.

o  P(X>k) = 1 - pnorm(k,m,s).

o  P(a<X<b) = pnorm(b, m,s) - pnorm(a, m,s).

Chapter 6 – Central Limit Thoerem

§  If X is a random variable from some distribution with mean, m, and variance, s2, then the sample mean () of a random sample of size, n, is

§  Apply Chapter 5 to solve probability problems based on the normality of .