start20537 Stanton Ave.Castro Valley – CVC bike shop
LStanton Ave.
LLake Chabot Rd.
RSomerset Rd.
LLake Chabot Rd.Just past lake, at stopsign.
SEstudillo Ave.Bear right at Y…
RMacArthur Blvd.
RStanley Ave.Just after underpass.
XRegroup at top–Stanley & 98th
R98th Ave.Just 1 block.
RGolf Links Rd.Just 1 block.
LMountain Blvd.After going under frwy.
LEdwards Ave.
RSunnymere Ave.
SKuhnle Ave.Just 1 block – under frwy.
LMountain Blvd.
RMountain Blvd.At frwy onramp.
L Carson St.Just 1 block – under frwy.
RAliso Ave.
LRedwood Rd.Downhill: turn ~3 blocks…
RMonterey Blvd.Big climb – Regroup at top.
XMonterey Blvd.Straight across.
RParkBlvd.Just 1 block.
LMountain Blvd.
XMountain Blvd.Rt. At Y:Food Stop at top.
LMountain Blvd.Back down
LMountain Park Blvd.
RPark Blvd.Long downhill.
LBeaumont Ave.~1 block past shopping area
S14th Ave.Continue long downhill.
LMarin WayJust 2 blocks.
XRegroup after the left turn.
R16th Ave.overpass (go slow at the
bottom: very bad tracks).
SE. 7th St.
RKennedy St.
R23rd St.Just 1 block.
R29th St.Over the bridge.
SPark St.
LBlanding Ave.Just after bridge.
SFernside Blvd.Follow it around…
LOtis Dr.
SDolittle Dr.Long downwind – go to end
LFarallon Dr.Stop at cookie factory?
RWicks Blvd.
LManor Blvd.
LFarnsworth St.
SFloresta Blvd.
SHalcyon Dr.
SFairmont Dr.
RFoothill Dr.
SJohn Dr.
LCastro Valley BlvdJust 1 block – use caution.
LStanton Ave.End in 1 block at CVC bike shop.
start20537 Stanton Ave.Castro Valley – CVC bike shop
LStanton Ave.
RSomerset Rd.
LLake Chabot Rd.
RLake Chabot Rd.Just past lake, at stopsign
SEstudillo Ave.Bear right at Y…
RMacArthur Blvd.
RStanley Ave.Just after underpass.
XRegroup at top–Stanley & 98th
R98th Ave.Just 1 block.
RGolf Links Rd.Just 1 block.
LMountain Blvd.After going under frwy.
LEdwards Ave.
RSunnymere Ave.
SKuhnle Ave.Just 1 block – under frwy.
LMountain Blvd.
RMountain Blvd.At frwy onramp.
L Carson St.Just 1 block – under frwy.
RAliso Ave.
LRedwood Rd.Downhill: turn ~3 blocks…
RMonterey Blvd.Big climb – Regroup at top.
XMonterey Blvd.Straight across.
RPark Blvd.Just 1 block.
LMountain Blvd.
XMountain Blvd.Rt. At Y: Food Stop at top.
LMountain Blvd.Back down
LMountain Park Blvd.
RPark Blvd.Long downhill.
LBeaumont Ave.~1 block past shopping-area.
S14th Ave.Continue long downhill.
LMarin WayJust 2 blocks.
XRegroup after the left turn.
R16th Ave.> overpass (go slow at the
bottom: very bad tracks).
SE. 7th St.
RKennedy St.
R23rd St.Just 1 block.
R29th St.Over the bridge.
SPark St.
LBlanding Ave.Just after bridge.
SFernside Blvd.Follow it around…
LOtis Dr.
SDolittle Dr.Long downwind-go to end.
LFarallon Dr.Stop at cookie factory?
RWicks Blvd.
LManor Blvd.
LFarnsworth St.
SFloresta Blvd.
SHalcyon Dr.
SFairmont Dr.
RFoothill Dr.
SJohn Dr.
LCastro Valley BlvdJust 1 block – use caution.
LStanton Ave.End in 1 block at CVC bike shop.