Longfellow Elementary PTA Newsletter
The Lighthouse for Leadership
October 31, 2013
Barnes & Noble Book Fair
Next Thursday, November 7th
Have an impact on childhood education and help create strong readers by making a purchase at Barnes & Noble in the store on Holcombe November 7th or online from November 4th through November 15th. A portion of all purchases goes to Longfellow Elementary. All purchases, except gift cards, count towards our school’s total. Be sure to mention Longfellow Elementary’s Book Fair Number: 11210671.
Performance Schedule
Dance @ 5:15pm- Directed by Ms. Gilder
Choir @ 5:45pm- Directed by Mr. Anosike
Orchestra @ 6:15pm- Directed by Ms. Snow
Band @ 6:45pm- Directed by Mr. Gonzalez
Art Talk Table- Mr. Berry
From the Counselor’s Corner
By Mr. Spiller
Last week was “National Red Ribbon Just Say “NO” to Drugs Week”. We have been learning about the dangers of illegal drugs and teaching your child what to do if they see someone doing illegal drugs, or what to do if someone asks them to take illegal drugs.
In addition to classroom discussions, we had school wide events like “Shade Out Drugs Day” (where students and staff wore their sunglasses) and “Hats Off to Drug Awareness Day” (where students and staff wore their hats and caps to school). These theme days were designed to be conversational pieces and to remind students that we want to just say “NO!” to drugs and walk away from them. A fun and informational time was had by all!
11/6: Fundraiser sale items arrive. Please plan for pick up in the afternoon.
11/6, Wednesday @ 8:20: Wednesday Walkers. Meet in front of the school.
11/07, Thursday @ 8:20-10:30am: Folder Stuffer Volunteers, stuff folders in the cafeteria. New volunteers welcome.
11/1: Report Cards Sent Home
11/07, Thursday Evening: Barnes & Noble Book Fair.
Fundraiser Sales Items Scheduled to Arrive
Wednesday, November 6th
Please plan to pick up your items
between 3:45pm-6pm
Fall Festival Fun
Thank you to all of our Longfellow staff members, parent and community volunteers, and students who helped to make our fall festival a success.
Book Character Day
The kids had a great time dressing up as their favorite book characters today. Ask your child which characters they saw today. Have a safe Halloween evening!
Did You Know?
The benefits of family-school-community partnerships are many: higher teacher morale, more parent involvement, and greater student success are only a few. This is what the PTA is all about!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
― Margaret Mead
How to Volunteer At Longfellow
1.Participate in Longfellow's activities & invite family and friends (Math Fun Night, PTA meetings, year-round Box Top Collections, Barnes & Noble Book Fair, Field Day, etc...).
2. Help us get the word out about Longfellow. Put a Longfellow Yard Sign in your yard/balcony/patio. Purchase and wear a Longfellow shirt ($10). Encourage others to visit Longfellow and choose Longfellow as their school for their children’s education.
3. Bring your babies and toddlers to monthly Neighborhood Story Time in the library at 11:15 AM on the first Wednesday of each month.
4. Join in helping classroom teachers by stuffing students' Home Communication Folders Thursday mornings in the Cafeteria/Multi-Purpose Room.
5. Donate teacher wish list items (wipes, box of Kleenex, classroom supplies, dress up items). Email your child's teacher or check the donation tree located on the wall across from the PTA room.
6. Help classroom teachers with their special projects and events.
7. Help teachers decorate hallways and walls with student work and bulletin board displays.
8. Assist classroom teachers outside the classroom with their organizing needs or tasks: science instruments/tools, learning centers/workstations, supply cabinets, labeling, sharpening pencils etc.
9. Help our librarian to organize the library.
10. Volunteer to make light handyman improvements.
11. Volunteer to read to students (especially English Language Learners, etc.)
12. Organize a classroom potluck play date in a local park with your child’s class room parent and other parents on a weekend.
13. Drop off or send with your child a snack for your child's grade-level teacher workroom for the teachers or clerks.
14. Lend a green thumb in our Discovery Garden.
15. Help morning and afternoon traffic patrol staff with student arrival in the mornings and/or in the afternoons for dismissal.
16. Volunteer as a field trip chaperone.
17. Arrange with a teacher to be a classroom speaker on topics of interest (careers, hobby, skills, curriculum-specific topics).
18. Become a member of our PTA (only $10 a person). Even if you can't attend meetings or volunteer, your one time membership dues will be used to improve the quality of education for your child and every child at Longfellow. You'll also enjoy PTA members only discounts at a number of stores and businesses as well as newsletters sent directly to your email.
Please Note: All volunteers must first register online (http://amun.houstonisd.org/visits/en-us/login.aspx) through HISD’s Volunteers in Public Schools program and be approved by passing a criminal background check before they can participate as a volunteer in a school. All volunteers should first verify with the front desk and/or their child's classroom teacher for whom they are volunteering. Photo ID is always required of visitors by the front desk.