More than I am
Head Boy and Head Girl ReportThis was our last week at school before the Easter holidays. To start off this Easter themed week the school council performed a presentation about our new and improved playground. Also the school council went to see one of our games being made at RE: Play on Thursday the drama club performed a magnificent Easter play also on that day we all got dressed up and left at 1:30.
That’s it for this week. We hope you have a great holiday!
Best wishes Poppy and Thomas
Stars of the Term : Evie Thelwell-Gillett, Keeley Harris, Maddy Hall, Grace Hartness, Freya Mason,Finn Wilkinson, Ellie Matthew and Hope Wilkinson. Well done everyone!
Attendance: Congratulations to Year 4-96.8% attendance! You have won the attendance award for the Spring Term and will be rewarded with a trip to the Energi Trampolining experience in either Preston or Blackpool.
Birthdays –Happy Birthday to: Dylan Gibbon, Tom Threlfall, Eric Wrigley, Ali Monet, George Hartley, Lleyton Higginson, Anya Lamb and Leticija Jermane.
Please pray for Kieran Gardner (Y1) who has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblast Leukaemia. He is in the Manchester Children’s Hospital and is being well looked after. His treatment will initially be for 4 weeks after which we hope he will have made a very speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers go to Kieran’s mum Katherine, Michael and all the family as they cope with what is a very worrying time.
Parents Evening – Thank you to all the parents who came along to school to hear about their child’s progress.
Come to the PTA Spring Disco Thursday 21stApril 2016
(Infants: 5:30 – 6:25pm) (Junior:6:30 – 7:30pm) Prizes to be won during the disco and a raffle.
Sweets, drinks and crisps on sale.Tea, coffee and refreshments available for parents who stay.
Next PTA Meeting is Tuesday 12th April from 5:30 - 6:30pm
The PTA has been running for a number of years supporting the school in purchasing and providing additional resources for your child’s education.
The school is always seeking new members to join the PTA committee. Although the position of a committee member is not too demanding, we do recognise that some parents prefer to offer their help just for specific events such as our big fund raising event of the year our Summer BBQ. However we welcome any volunteers all year round at the different events we hold.
Please do chat to one of the existing committee members, or your child’s class teacher if you are interested in helping us out in any way and look out for event details on the school weekly newsletter and contact the school office.
The PTA plays a vital role in our school family and we welcome any parents, carers, grandparents, aunties, uncles and friends of our school community to come along and help us out, whatever your skills or expertise. . Please come along and show your support.
Fundraising for Playground Improvements The school council have set each class a challenge to raise money for improving our yard in the main building. Each class is going to decide on a fundraising activity and progress will shared on a leader board in the hall - so watch this space for their fund raising events being announced next half term. The class who raise the most money will celebrate with a pizza party at the park! Today we raised the grand total of £169.00 from fundraising non-uniform day.
Suggestion Box- We are introducing a suggestion box located in the main school entrance. If you have any ideas re: improving what we do; saying what your child has enjoyed; or just having your say, then please put them in the box. All suggestions will be read and certainly valued so that we can make the children’s primary experience as good as we can. Thank you.
Reading Challenge – Thanks to all parents who have risen to the challenge of hearing their child read each night. There has been a brilliant response. If we can continue and make this a reading habit then the children will gain enormously in their learning ability throughout their school life.
Web Design Club Starting after Easter Mr Richardson, one of our governors will be running a web design club. It is open to children in years 5 and 6 and limited to 15 places. It will be on Tuesdays 3.30 – 4.15pm on a monthly basis. Dates 12th April, 10th May, 14th June & 12th July. The places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If you child is interested in attending the club please send a note to Mrs Parkinson.
Netball Club After Easter Mrs Wilson will be running the netball club again. It will start on Wednesday the 13th April till 4.30pm at the Pavilion yard for Key Stage 2 girls and boys.
Club Day - Club day is on Saturday 11th June this year. If you would like your child to walk please return the slips to school as soon as possible.
Diary Dates
Mon 11th April / School opens 8.50 amTues 12th April / PTFA Meeting all welcome 5.30pm
Thurs 14th April / Worship Year 2 (re-arranged)
Friday 15th April / School Spelling Competition Yr 2 upwards.
Tuesday 19th April / Inter School Spelling Bee at Freckleton CE Primary School
Thursday 21st April / Spring Disco
Monday 25th April / Reading Week
Tues 26th April / Y5 & 6 Handball Tournament at Carr Hill
Weds 27th April / Worship – Year 1
Weds 27th April / Book Fayre arrives in school.
Thurs 28th April / Themed lunch – Book Day. Dress up as a book character.
Mon 2nd May / School Closed – May Bank Holiday
Weds 4th May / Worship – Year 3
Mon – Thurs 9 – 12th May / SATs week for Year 6.
Tues 24th May / Orienteering Festival Y5/6 at Carr Hill
Thurs 26th May / Y6 – Leavers Barn Dance 6.30 – 8.30pm
Fri 27th May / School closes for half term 3.20pm
Mon 13th June / School opens 8.50 am
A very happy Easter holiday to everyone. I hope that the sun shines and we can all enjoy family times with our loved ones. Please carry on the fantastic support work reading with your child every day. It does make the difference.
Mrs Astbury