Digital Audio: Standard 3: Students will be introduced to the business applications of audio & video communication, Objective 3: Understand and explore how digital video can enhance business / INSRUCTIONSHEET -- Video 1
Using Windows Movie Maker
Star WarsVideo Mix
Objective: “I can add, split, clip, delete, and transition video clips into a sequence of scenes.”
(1)Open Windows Movie Maker (or Movie Maker)and then File, Import, Video (Cntrl-I) select Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Trailer.wmv. This video is about 3 minutes long.
(2)Drag the first clip 001 (green screen “The following preview …”) down to the video section of the timeline. Play to about 8.5 seconds, then split the clip at that point (Clip, Split or Cntrl-L). Click on the first clip (0 – 8.5 seconds) and delete.
(3)At 22 seconds (right before the white planet) clip again (Clip, Split or Cntrl-L).
(4)Click, “Show Storyboard.” (*hint, this will toggle between Storyboard and Timeline view)
(5)Now add a Transition between clips 1 and 2 at about 20 seconds. Click Tools, Video Transitions. Choose Dissolve and drag down between Clips 1 and 2.
(6)Go back to view Timeline andthen split the clip (Clip, Split or Cntrl-L) at 26.5 seconds (at the end of the snow planet and before the scene with Luke Skywalker).
(7)Click Show Storyboard and add another Dissolve Transition between the two clips that were just split at 26.5 seconds.
(8)Click Show Timeline and drag Clip 003 down to the next scene (this should be just right after 42 seconds).
(9)Split again at the beginning of Darth Sidious (about 56.7 seconds). Click on the clip to the left of the split and delete the beginning portion of clip 003 up to that point. (*hint: just click on the clip you don’t want and press delete)
(10)Add (drag) Clip 006 down to the next scene (this should be just right after 1:09 seconds). Add a Split at about 1:16 seconds, at the beginning of Luke hanging upside down. Click on the clip to the left of the split and delete the beginning portion of clip 006 up to that point.
(11)Add (drag) Clip 008 and Clip 009 to the next two scenes. Click Show Storyboard and add the Dissolve Transition between Clips 006, 008, and 009.
(12)Add (drag) Clip 010 to the right of Clip 009. You will keep ONLY the first 3 seconds of Clip 010 (only the Yoda scene). Cut the remainder of the clip after Yoda.
(13)Copy and paste the 3 second Yoda Clip an additional four (4) times to the right. Add the Pixelate Transition between all the 3 second Yoda Clips.
(14)To the right of the five (5) Yoda clips, add Clips 007, 008, 009, and 010. Click ‘”Show Storyboard” and add transitions between each of the five (5) clips.
(15)Go to the last clip (clip 010) and play until you see the beginning of Darth Vader (the scene where he tells Luke, “I’m your father.”) This will be at about 2:26 minutes. Insert a Split at this point.
(16)Now you will Split again right after Vadar says, Luke, “I’m your father.” This is about 2:29 minutes or only a total of four (4) seconds. You will take this 4 second clip and copy and paste it twice (2 times) to the right of the original clip. That way, you’ll have Vadar saying, Luke, “I’m your father,” three (3) times.
(17)Now you will basically do the same thing to the very next scene (clip) in which Luke is screaming, “NO!” At the beginning of the next clip, start with the Luke scene immediately after Vader (this will start about 2:36 seconds and go for about 2:39 seconds or 3 seconds). Insert a Split at the end of Luke screaming “NO!” which should be able 2:39 seconds or 3 seconds. You will take this 3 second clip and copy and paste it twice (2 times) to the right of the original clip.
(18)Click ‘”Show Storyboard” and add the “Shatter, In” transition between all of the Luke clips.
(19)Now add the remaining six (6) clips in order to the end of the project (add clips 011 – 016).
(20)Click ‘”Show Storyboard” and add the “Shrink, In” transition between all of the remaining clips (011 – 016).
(21)Click on the last clip (clip 016) and insert a Split at about 2:53 seconds, then delete the remainder of the movie to the right. (*we only want it to say “Star Wars” NOT Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.)
(22)Add Title and Credits slides. Click Tools, Title and Credits. Choose “Add title at the beginning of the Movie.” Create a Title and Sub-title for your Star Wars Project. Enter the text and select title font (Arial Narrow) and color (grey). For example:
(23)Now Choose the Title Animation to Scroll, Perspective.
(24)Show Storyboard to add a transition (Wipe, Narrow Down) between the beginning title slide and your first video clip.
(25)Click Tools, Title and Credits. Choose “Add credits at the end of the Movie.” Enter Text for Title. Then add a Transition between the last clip and the ending credits.
(26)Now we need to add our music. Make sure you View your Task Pane (View, Task Pane), then choose Import audio or music. Choose “Weird Al Yankovich – Star Wars Gangsta Rap (Yoda Mix).mp3”
(27)Click Show Timeline and drag the audio clip down to the Audio/Music pane.
(28)Move the audio clip so that it starts about 1.0 second before your video and after your opening title.
(29)Set the general audio levels of the entire project. Click on the far left icon just to the left of the microphone (this will open up the Audio Levels window). Move the slider so that it’s about 75% audio from music NOT from video.
(30)Right-click on the Audio/Music track and check the “Fade In” sound effect.
(31)Right-click on the Audio track of the Video for Clip 001and check “Mute.” DO NOT click on the Audio/Music, only Audio. Also, repeat this process and “Mute” the Audio for Clips 002, 004, and 006.
(32)Click “Show Storyboard” and on the clip of Darth Sidious (about 1.25 minutes in), drag the Video Effect “Fade Out, To Black”onto the clip. When a video effect is applied, the bottom-left corner of the clip will show a blue double star.
(33)Add the Video Effect “Speed Up, Double”onto all the Yoda repeat clips. Test the effect and/or choose a different video effect of your choice.
(34)Add the Video Effect “Slow Down, Half”onto all the Darth Vader repeat clips. Test the effect and/or choose a different video effect of your choice.
(35)Complete the video by saving it as a “.wmv” video file format. Choose File, Save Movie File. Now choose “My Computer” and then give the movie a name and choose the destination folder. Finally, choose Next, Next, and then Finish. (*exporting may take several minutes).