Innovations 7/27/17

Random Conversation--Jon talked about meeting. Counselors didn’t know about I BEST. Faculty don’t understand, either.

●Innovations last year’s plan. HS 21+ committee dis-banned last year.

●Review Plan to see if work is finished. Is anything to continue? Any work?

●Choose chairs--State Board can help committee chairs. John is sitting in for Troy.

●Looking at work plan--What is the one (or two) thing that we want to focus on?

●Other things to things about:

○How are other programs using IELCE Funding

○Courses contextualized to

○Placement, CASAS, Dev Ed

○WA State History--move to lower level NRS?

○Look at

Work Plan Goal 2:

  1. HS21+ Training on New Course/ Contextualization with Meta-Majors/ HS21+--How to implement fully online
  2. What kind of articulations and alignments are already in place?
  3. English/Math competencies--What is in place? How close are we all?
  4. CBO Partnerships--Development of better partnerships
  5. Rescue Mission/Bates Tech College/ PE, Art, Health, Occupational credits
  6. I-BEST Training to Counselors and advisors and CBOs

Open Doors? Jon—I-BEST in the High School not working well just now, can perhaps work with Laurie Shannon

**IBEST for OPEN Doors!!!

Can’t silo our work for same populations - Jon feels positive OSPI would go for it.

  1. AEAC--Connect AEAC training of frontline WDC staff with CBS

Jon’s-Goal--Expand CBOs

Chairs--Select committee chairs

Anne Dolan Green River CC Co-Chair

Judi Wise BTC Co-Chair

●Moved by Allison Cohen

●Seconded by Lawrence Ford

●Unanimous Decision! Member, Joan Youngquist

Jon--SBCTC may do another $50k advertising

Maybe Innovations committee can guide colleges to work

Research shows--bus placards work and posters work when people take a picture with phone


●Allison will make a note of common themes from priority discussion

●Anne and Judi will put the Innovations Committee priorities on the Work plan, Goals 2 and 4 as needed.

●Lawrence will contact Jon to get on CBS Canvas site.

  1. Move to TABE—It is CCRS Aligned
  2. How to make consortium partnerships with cbos?? How can students take classes at multiple institutions? It is a barrier to be enrolled at one institution at a time.
  3. Focus on one program, i.e., HS21 and one region, e.g.NW regional alignment--look at what they are doing as best practices
  4. Automatic system upload some attendance into WABERS