August 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
15 / 16 Opening Day Teachers / 17 1st Day of School
Syllabus/Grade policies & Class Procedures
Intro Daily Warm-ups
Locker Assignments
Handbook Review
Homework - Student/Parent Course Contract (Due Friday) / 18 Assign textbooks
Finish Day 1 duties
Intro Facebook Group Page
Assign Letter to My Future Self(Explain English-Only Notebook (EON) requirements
Homework - Student/Parent Contract
Autobiographical Poems
Secure English Only notebook / 19 Assign/Review Vocab List
Finish Textbooks assignment
Homework - Secure English Only notebook for class on Monday
Letter to Yourself Assignment
22 Letters to Your Future Self- DUE (including SASE)
Unit 1 read - Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Periods p18-26 - (NOTES -EON)
Homework - finish reading Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Periods p18-26
study vocabulary words / 23 Intro Beowulf / Epic with PowerPoint Discuss Modern, Middle & Old English (NOTES -EON)
What is an Epic Hero? Begin reading Beowulf p32- 36
Homework - Finish reading Beowulf to page 36.
Study vocabulary words / 24 Continue reading Beowulf (pgs 37-40)
Discuss - Alliteration, Kennings, & Caesura (wksht)
Homework - Finish reading Beowulf to page 40.
Study vocabulary words / 25 Vocabulary QUIZ
Finish Literary term worksheet
Continue reading Beowulf - pgs 41-44
Homework - Finish reading Beowulf to page 44. / 26 GROUPS- Discuss Battle with Grendel - Does Beowulf Qualify As An Epic Hero? (.doc)
Continue reading Beowulf - (Beowulf's battle w/Grendel's mother) pgs 45-51
Assign Vocabulary Words
Homework - Finish reading Beowulf to page 51. Write a news story for the local Anglo-Saxon Daily paper about Beowulf. (Who, What, When, Where & How)
29 GROUPS- Discuss Battle with Grendel's mother - Does Beowulf Qualify As An Epic Hero? (.doc)
Finish Beowulf - Beowulf's battle with the dragon) pgs 52-56
Homework - study vocabulary words
News story for the local Anglo-Saxon Daily paper about Beowulf. (Who, What, When, Where & How) / 30 GROUPS- Discuss Battle with Dragon - Does Beowulf Qualify As An Epic Hero? (.doc)
Homework - study vocabulary words
News story for the local Anglo-Saxon Daily paper about Beowulf. (Who, What, When, Where & How) / 31 Beowulf & Vocabulary Wrap-Up/Review
Review Descriptive Writing -pg 1363
Homework - study vocabulary words & review for Beowulf test
News story for the local Anglo-Saxon Daily paper about Beowulf. (Who, What, When, Where & How)

* STAR DAY - Students will be dismissed 3 hours early.

September 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 Beowulf & Vocabulary Test
Review Descriptive Writing -pg 1363 (NOTES -EON)
Work on Anglo-Saxon Daily News story
Homework - News story for the local Anglo-Saxon Daily paper about Beowulf. (Who, What, When, Where & How) / 2 Anglo-Saxon Daily News Story - DUE
Beowulf - Literature in Performance (video)
Assign vocabulary words
Homework - Study vocabulary
5 No School / Labor Day / 6 Review Descriptive Writing 1363 (NOTES -EON)
Intro lyric Poetry / Theme - Tests of Courage (NOTES -EON)
Begin reading from The Seafarer p85-89
Homework - Finish reading from The Seafarer p85-89
What images remain with you after reading the Seafarer? Describe the images in several written lines, or draw a sketch(es). / 7 Discuss Monday night homework
Begin reading The Wanderer p90-93
Homework - Finish reading The Wanderer p90-93
Venn diagram - Compare/Contrast
The Seafarer & The Wanderer (p93) / 8 Collect Seafarer/Wanderer Venn diagrams Compare/Contrast
The Seafarer & The Wanderer (p93)
In class writing - Write a diary entry - Imagine you are the title character of one of the poems. Write an entry describing a typical day.
Collect at period's end.
Homework - Lyrical Poetry/Descriptive writing quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 13.
EON check also Tuesday, 9/13 / 9 9/11 Anniversary Activity
Morning Classes (1-4)- Meet in Millennium Center
Afternoon Classes (5-7) Meet in Room 217
12 Intro Caesura/Imagery (NOTES -EON)
Read The Wife's Lament p94-95
Assign next vocab list (Quiz 9/22)
Homework - Study for Poem
(Seafarer/Wanderer/Wife's Lament) Quiz on Tuesday, Sept. 13.
Study vocabulary words -Quiz 9/22
EON check Tuesday, 9/13 / 13 Reading/Literary Knowledge QUIZ
EON Check - First 5,
Notebook Completion, Beowulf notes
Lyric Poetry/Description notes.
Intro Unit 1/Part 2
Chaucer & The Church, The Court & Commoners -The Prologue from The Canterbury Tales (NOTES -EON)
Homework -read lines 1-295 (p107-120)
Study vocabulary words -Quiz 9/22 / 14 Star Day: 23 min periods/SUB in ROOM
Finish Intro -The Prologue from The Canterbury Tales (NOTES -EON)
Homework -finish reading lines 295-605 (p120-128)
Study vocabulary words -Quiz 9/22 / 15 Cont. Canterbury Tales Prologue
Assign Characters
Oral evaluation of each character / summaries in EON
Each student should choose one of the pilgrims and explore the role of that person in Medieval society. This short (Two (2) paragraph profile is due Sept. 22)
Citation of sources required. (MLA format)
Homework -read lines 605-855 (p128-136)
Study vocabulary words -Quiz 9/22 / 16 Read The Prologue - -lines 605-855 (p128-136)
Homework -finish reading the Prologue -lines 605-855 (p128-136)
Study vocabulary words -Quiz 9/22
19 Fall Testing Window
Review Lines 1-340.
Each student should choose one of the pilgrims and explore the role of that person in Medieval society. This short Two (2) paragraph profile is due Sept. 23)
Citation of sources required. (MLA format)
Begin reading lines 341-605 (p120-128)
Homework - Study vocabulary words -Quiz 9/22 / 20 Fall Testing Window
Review 340-605.
Discuss characterization (direct/indirect)
tone - ironic,
Homework - Read Line 606 - 856. Study vocabulary words / 21 Fall Testing Window
In class discussion - Q 3, 4 and 5 p. 137.
Homework - Read NF selection from The Life and Times of Chaucer, p. 139 - 140. Answer Qs. 2 - 3.
Review Vocabulary / 22 Fall Testing Window
Collect HW
Vocab Quiz
Define Moral Tale.
Read The Pardoner's Tale p141-
Homework -read The Pardoner's Tale 141-152 / 23 Fall Testing Window
Present Assigned Characters
Finish / Discuss The Pardoner's Tale
Discuss Narrator - reliable/unreliable
Homework -
Read The Wife of Bath's Tale p154
26 Fall Testing Window
Finish presentations./Collect Homework
Discuss "The Pardoner's Tale"
Motives. Moral. Ironic. / 27 Fall Testing Window
Read/Take notes on The Wife of Bath's Tale.
Note the Motives, the Moral, the Irony. / 28 Fall Testing Window
Create charts of the General Prologue, the Pardoner's Prologue and Tale, and the Wife's Tale.
These charts MAY be used on the test tomorrow IF turned in at the end of class TODAY. If not, use them to study, but you will NOT use them on the test tomorrow. / 29 Fall Testing
TEST - The Prologue, Pardoner's Tale & Wife of BathWindow / 30 Fall Testing Window

* STAR DAY- Students will be dismissed 3 hours early.

October 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
3 FIRST FIVE - Define the 4 sentence types and give an example of each
I CAN recognize tone in written piece.
I CAN compare two pieces with different themes.
I CAN prepare study materials for a test
Review/ complete the Wife's Tale.
HW - Create charts of the General Prologue, the Pardoner's Prologue and Tale, and the Wife's Tale.
These charts MAY be used on the test Wednesday IF turned in at the end of class TOMORROW.
If not turned in Tuesday, charts may still be turned in for credit, but they shall NOT be used on the test. / 4
TEST - Charts collected.
Vocab Quiz
I CAN recognize tone in written piece.
I CAN compare two pieces with different themes.
I CAN prepare study materials for a test
Gender Debate - Is the Wife right?
/ 5 TEST - The Prologue, Pardoner's Tale & Wife of Bath
After the test, read The Ballads "Barbara Allen/Sir Patrick Spens/ Get Up and Bar the Door.
Q. 4 and 5, p. 198
I CAN recognize tone in written piece.
I CAN compare two pieces with different themes.
Last Five - in EON, 5 things learned from the Canterbury Tales.
/ 6 p. 200 -207
1. Choose a person for a personality profile.
2. Do the exercise on p. 205 ON YOUR OWN paper. Turn it at end of period.
3. On same paper, do both exercises on the bottom of 207.
Turn all in before leaving.
HW - Read "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" (p. 210) by Moday. / 7 No School / Flexible-EKEA
10 READING QUIZ - "Gawain"
The Romantic Tale - / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
17 First 5 - Place the modifying phrases in the proper place.
I chased a mouse - base sentence.
modifying phrases - with a broom; through the kitchen; in my bathrobe
Vocab Quiz - p. 154 words
Introduce Realism v. Romance
"Saw" as Romance
/ 18 I Can Statements -
I can find the main idea and key elements of a piece of writing.
I can locate plot elements like setting, character, and exposition.
Late Work Makeup Day
Begin Night / 19 End of 1st Term / 20 / 21
24 / 25 / 26 Star Day / Report Cards / 27 / 28

* STAR DAY- Students will be dismissed 3 hours early.

November 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
10/31 / 1 Research Project / 2 Research Project - Library / 3 Research Project / 4 Research Project - Library
Notebook Check
7 NO SCHOOL / 8 NO SCHOOL / 9 Research Project - Library / 10 Research Project - Library
TOPIC SENTENCE DUE / 11 1st Midterm/2nd quarter
14 Research Project - Library
Research Project - Library / 16 Research Project - Library / 17 Research Project - Library / 18 SUB DAY
21Thanksgiving Week - NO SCHOOL / 22 NO SCHOOL / 23 NO SCHOOL / 24 NO SCHOOL / 25 NO SCHOOL
28 Write 'Why Is English Important?" / 29 College Essay Evaluation Who would you select? / 30 OUTLINE DUE
December 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 Continue Research paper process / 2 SOURCE/NOTE CARDS
5 DRAFT COPY DUE / 6 Continue Research paper process / 7 Continue Research paper process / 8 Continue Research paper process / 9 FINAL PAPER DUE
12 Intro The Renaissance
Selections from MacBeth, The Passionate Shepherd to His Love, The Nymph's Reply, The Prodigal Son, / 13 Finish Intro
Begin Reading MacBeth / 14 Annotation / 15 Annotation / 16
January 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
2 Intro/Review Sem. Final / 3 EON review for Finals / 4 Review for Finals / 5 Review for Finals / 6 Review for Finals
9 Review Game for EC / 10 Semester Finals / 11 Intro The Restoration & Enlightenment
Reading An Essay On Man by Alexander Pope pg 535
Discuss Heroic Couplet & Epigrams / 12 Assign SAT Vocab List #1
Reading Epigrams by Alexander Pope pg 536-537 / Begin reading Samuel Pepys The Diary of Samuel Pepys - p525 - 531
Homework - Finish reading The Diary of Samuel Pepys - p525 - 531
January 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
16 NO SCHOOL - MLK DAY / 17 / 18 Vocab review / 19 VOCAB Quiz SAT #1 / 20 Assign Vocab - SAT List 2
23 p546-551 -Nonfiction in the 18th Century & The Spectator / 24 Reading from Letters to His Son p554-558 / 25 Reading Letter to Her Daughter p559-562 / 26 E-PREP - 3 & 7 / 27 Vocab Quiz SAT #2
30 Unit 3 -Prt 2 - from An Academy for Women p577-583 / 31 Literary Technique Satire p584-585
February 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 Continue Satire Discussion / 2 E-PREP - 3 & 7 / 3
6 - Review 'Horse and Bear" / 7 E-PREP - 3 & 7 / 8 First Five - Sentence Correction
Reading Comprehension - 10 Questionsn / 9 First Five - Pronoun - Antecedent agreement
Compass Prep - Reading Comprehension / 10 First Five - Pronoun - Antecedent agreement
Compass Prep - Reading Comprehension
13 First Five - Sentence Correction
Reading Comprehension - 10 Questions / 14 E-PREP - 3 & 7 / 15 First Five - Pronoun - Antecedent agreement
Compass Prep - Reading Comprehension / 16 First Five - Pronoun - Antecedent agreement
Compass Prep - Reading Comprehension / 17 First Five - Sentence Correction
Reading Comprehension - 10 Questions
20 First Five - Sentence Correction
Reading Comprehension - 10 Questions / 21 E-PREP - 3 & 7 / 22 First Five - Pronoun - Antecedent agreement
Compass Prep - Reading Comprehension / 23 First Five - Pronoun - Antecedent agreement
Compass Prep - Reading Comprehension - selecting major ideas / 24 First Five - Sentence Correction
Reading Comprehension - 10 Questions
27 First Five - Sentence Correction
Reading Comprehension - 10 Questions / 28 E-PREP - 3 & 7 / 29 First Five - Pronoun - Antecedent agreement
Compass Prep - Reading Comprehension
March 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
2 Intro/Review Sem Finals / 3 EON review for FInals
Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc. / 4 Final Review - Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc. / 1 First Five - Pronoun - Antecedent agreement
Compass Prep - Reading Comprehension / 2 First Five - Sentence Correction