Approved Minutes-September 18, 2012

Stanton Township Board Meeting

Attending: Board Chair, Vince Cockriel; Vice Chair, Bob Benson; Supervisor, John Miller; Treasurer, Jennifer Ritzman and Clerk, Cheryle Peters.

Vince Cockriel called the meeting to order at 7pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Vince Cockriel called to reveal any conflicts of interest. None were heard.

Approval of Agenda: Bob Benson made a motion to approve the agenda. John Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

Approval of August 21, 2012 Minutes: Bob Benson made a motion to approve the August Board meeting minutes. John Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

Public to Speak: Dan Nelson, Midcontinent Communications- Mr. Nelson had requested a signed resolution from Stanton Township stating their approval for the transfer of cable franchise system, Cannon Valley Cable, to Midcontinent Communications. After reviewing the resolution draft from Midcontinent, Chairman Vince Cockriel requested that the effective date of the transfer would be indicated in the proposed resolution as September 19, 2013. The stipulation for a public hearing would remain. The clerk was directed to edit the proposal accordingly, as the requirement for his signature. Mr. Nelson would be mailed a copy of the edited, signed and notarized resolution, within a week. Bob Benson made a motion to support the resolution, granting approval for the transfer of Cannon Valley Cable to Midcontinent Communications. John Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

As a board matter, Vince suggested that some type of fees should be instituted regarding cable franchise systems.

Zoning Certificates/Variances: Charles(Bob) Hawbaker had requested a variance to build a garage on his property located at 3639 310th Street, an A-2 Zoning District. The structure would be 40x30 and would require a 50ft. variance on the required 100 ft. rear setback, estimated value $32,000. After having conducted the public hearing, 09-11-2012, the Planning Commission recommended Town Board approval for the variance. Planning Commission member, John Krantz, informed the board regarding Joyce and Allard Moorhouse’s request for township inspection of land marks, proximity to the driveway easement, and the land survey. No objections were heard regarding the variance request. Neighbor Mark Dubbels spoke in favor of the proposed variance. Contingent upon a variance approval, Mr. Hawbaker requested, also, a Zoning Certificate to construct the garage. John Miller made a motion to approve both zoning requests. Bob Benson seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

Mr. Hawbaker wrote a check for the Zoning Certificate fee. Jennifer issued Mr. Hawbaker a receipt.

Cheryle informed the board that Dave Lorentz had requested postponement, until October, of the public hearing to address the review of his proposal to operate a privately owned campground on his Spring Garden Nursery property.

Treasurer’s Report:

Description Amount / Notes
Investments / $ 63,655.20
Receipts / $ 324.14
Disbursements / $ 44,373.85
Liquid Cash / $ 194,260.29

Jennifer reported that she had made the $30,000 transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund, per the board’s approval in August. This is an internal transfer that does show in the Cash Control Statement.

She, also, reported that the bank had cleared a check for .10 more than the check amount. She contacted the bank. They will refund the amount next month. After contacting the State Auditor’s Office, Jennifer stated that she was advised to ignore the amount in the bank statement for the time being. For this month, the Bank Statement and the Cash Control Statement will be a dime off until the refund comes. For the record, this is a small amount, but, does affect our reconciliations.

Jennifer stated that she had been contacted by FEMA for payroll information. John Miller made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Bob Benson seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

Clerk’s Report: Cheryle reported that the county had requested certification for the levy; the certification paperwork has been mailed to the county.

Cheryle reported that she had met with the FEMA representative on August 30th. She reported that the meeting had gone well, with some minor follow up dates. The township submitted a total of $46,542.78 as loss. With the 75% applied the total is $34,907.09. The reimbursement likely won’t arrive for a couple of months.

Cheryle reported that she had contacted Sciota Township with little success. Randy Volkert is their chairman. Vince Cockriel offered to contact him regarding the situation of dust control loss on 310th Street, 23rd Avenue and Sciota Trail in Stanton Township. Discussion ensued regarding Stanton Township’s obligation. It was decided to make the dust control application in the spring. Dave Garner offered, in the interim, to contact the Christmas Tree Farm to inquire of their plans for dust control, yet, this fall. Cheryle offered to send Dave the contact information.

Cheryle reported that Goodhue County had sent a copy of the changes made to their ordinance regarding silica sand mining.

On behalf of the Planning Commission, Cheryle reported a recommendation to adopt the upgraded map, to the Stanton Township Zoning Ordinance, formally effective 09-11-2012. Bob Benson made a motion to adopt the map with its amendments. John Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

Cheryle gave Jennifer a check for $175.00 from Dave Lorentz to initiate the paperwork related to his zoning request. Jennifer stated that she would mail Mr. Lorentz a receipt.

Bob Benson made a motion to accept the Clerk’s report. John Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

Road Report: John Krantz reported that he had installed the new stop signs and the maintenance on the mower had been done; double run mowing of woody materials is planned. Fall grading is in the plan. John stated that salt and sand would be needed for this winter season. The clerk was directed to seek quotes for salt and sand. Discussion ensued regarding the new break away posts used. Gopher came out to mark for utilities. The Warsaw trail sign was mentioned. The street sign on Sciota and 20th was mentioned for replacement. Cheryle gave John a sign that had been in the office. John Miller suggested that the truck be started and given a little PM. John Krantz agreed to get it started.

Old Business: Map-Part of Clerk’s report

New Business: John Miller made a motion to require the road crew to record road work on the township provided forms. A separate log will be required for any placement of signage, detail included. The clerk was directed to supply the needed forms. Bob Benson seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

Reports of Meetings Attended: John Miller reported that he had attended the Cannon Valley Rural Fire Association’s meeting, at the Stanton Town Hall. A 3.5% increase was requested. Stanton Township counter offered a 3% increase . The next meeting would be November 20th, 2012.

Paul Schluter stated that he had attended the Goodhue County Park and Trail Board, September 18th. They are still negotiating with Al Gaudy. The bridge would likely still be built closer to the damn. The trail below the damn would be wide enough for a service vehicle. The two counties would likely share supervision of the parks.

Upcoming Meetings:

Mail: Vince inquired about medical liability while engaged in township business. John Miller stated that we are covered. Bob Benson made a motion to review the mail. John Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

Claims: Bob Benson made a motion to pay claims. John Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0.

Adjourn: Bob Benson made a motion to adjourn. Vince seconded the motion. The motion passed 3/0. The meeting adjourned at 8:23pm.