Lead Mentor Role & Responsibilities

  • Check on BTs on a weekly basis, especially at the beginning of the school year or whenever they are hired during the school year.
  • Meet with BTs and/or Mentors according to the 2013-2014 ABSS Beginning Teacher Support Schedule as a group. BT1s, BT2s, and BT3s should always attend their respective meetings. You may decide to include mentors in some meetings but not others. You may choose to combine meetings with all BTs or with individual groups (BT1s, BT2s or BT3s).
  • Lead mentors should attach a copy of the agenda and sign-in sheet for the monthly BT/Mentor meeting that they facilitate. These documents should be submitted to the Director of Teacher Recruitment and Induction with the monthly Lead Mentor log.
  • Assist with the collection of monthly mentor logs and submit all mentor logs, lead mentor log, monthly BT/Mentor meeting agenda, and BT/Mentor meeting sign-in sheet to the Director of Teacher Recruitment and Induction by the date listed on the 2013-2014 Mentor Log Schedule.
  • Remind Mentors to reflect upon the New Mentor Standards and Mentor training.
  • As new BTs are hired during the school year, work with the principal/assistant principal to coordinate mentor assignments.
  • Encourage additional staff to participate in mentor training to meet future mentor needs at the school. Beginning in September 2013, mentor training is provided through online modules provided by NC Education. Directions for completing mentor training are available on the ABSS website (go to Departments  Human Resources  Mentor Training). Once training is completed, participants must submit the certificate of completion to Dawn Madren to post the CEUs earned.
  • Remember to check the ABSS BT Support, Mentor Support, and Lead Mentor Support websites (and encourage all BTs and Mentors to do the same) for announcements, information, web links and other helpful documents throughout the school year. To access, go to the ABSS website  Departments Human Resources  Beginning Teacher Support/Mentor Support/Lead Mentor Support.
  • Discuss with BTs and Mentors certain specific topics from the BT Book Study using the books 101 “Answers” for New Teachers and Their Mentorsfor BT1sand7 Simple Secrets: What the BEST Teachers Know and Do!forBT2s. Create agendas for meetings and stick to them to avoid getting off track or the meeting turning into a gripe session. Suggestion: Ask BTs for ideas of topics they would like to cover during the school year. Invite “experts” in certain areas to come and speak to your BTs.
  • Answer questions related to the PDP and the online NCEES Teacher Evaluation process at one of your first monthly meetings. Also, review using e-mail, PowerTeacher, NC FALCON, SMART boards, and other technology being used in your school.
  • Ask any BT 2s or BT3s to share with BT1s at one of your first meetings just to give BT 1s the comfort of knowing what a difference it makes having a year’s experience. Also, encourage BT1s to always ask plenty of questions and never to feel they are in it alone. Every teacher experiences stressful times, regardless of experience. Stress is meant to be shared! 
  • At beginning of school year, provide some “shopping time” for BTs. Ask Mentors if they have could provide donations of things they no longer use that could be passed on to a BT. (Ex. Items picked up at conferences, extra books/resources, tote bags, bulletin board items, posters, etc.)
  • Help BTs (especially Lateral Entry) set-up their classrooms. Look at arrangement of desks, traffic flow, etc. Also, offer suggestions for bulletin boards and organization techniques. Discuss how to effectively handle the mounds of paperwork & creating a filing system.
  • Include reflections as part of monthly meetings. Suggestion: Give BTs something to reflect on before each meeting and begin meeting with time of sharing. (Ex. What is the best thing you have done so far? What is something you want to do better? What did someone say that made you feel good today? How did you reach a student today? What “aha” moments do you have to share?)
  • Remind Mentors and BTs to keep up with documentation for when they meet during the month. Mentors should be documenting meetings with all BTs (1s, 2s, and 3s). Mentors of BT1s and BT2s are expected to document at least four meetings each month. Mentors of BT3s are expected to document at least two meetings each month. Meetings should have a purpose and not just a casual – “how’s it going”, especially with first and second year teachers.
  • Be mindful of making positive connections with BTs. Steer them away from any negative mindsets that may be in your school.
  • Remind Mentors and other veteran teachers in your school to share resources, including technology with BTs. Also, remind them that BTs have great ideas/resources to share. Encourage networking.
  • Remind Mentors to take the time to listen and not be too quick to “fix” the problem or concern. Sometimes, listening is all that is needed.
  • Provide encouraging notes/candy in BT/Mentor mailboxes periodically as a nice surprise.
  • Remember to celebrate BT & Mentor successes. Remind them that theyare appreciated.
  • Include door prizes at meetings if possible. Suggestion: Ask Principal about “early leave” passes.
  • Don’t hesitate to contact Director of Teacher Recruitment and Induction for assistance.