Wednesday, September 24, 2008

7 – 8:30 p.m.

Burien Community Center, Classroom 5

425 S.W. 144th St., Burien

Workshop purposes:

·  Launch the monitoring ad hoc committee process/engage participation of interested people

·  Review monitoring to date

·  Answer questions about purpose of future monitoring

Item / Task / Notes
I. 7 p.m. / Welcome
Introductions / Basin Steward Dennis Clark will facilitate
II. / Purpose, Membership, and Proposed Groundrules of Ad Hoc Committee
1) Explain that the purpose of the committee is to help develop a coordinated basin monitoring program as requested by the Miller/Walker Project Management Team
2) Obtain agreement that all “at the table” will work on this common task
3) Obtain agreement on how participants will work together to accomplish task
·  Nature, Purpose, Membership, and Proposed Groundrules of Ad Hoc Committee for Basin Monitoring Coordination and Development / Dennis will facilitate
III. / Agenda Review and Approval
Purpose: review tasks for remainder of workshop
Decision item: Approve agenda
·  Agenda / Dennis will facilitate
IV. / Review of Monitoring to Date
Purpose: provide information on the range and depth of water quality/quantity data gathered to date
·  Table of Water Quality/Quantity Parameters Monitored to Date / Dennis will present
Participants will add more info as necessary
V. / Facilitated Discussion of Questions
1.  What water quality/quantity/habitat issues are we concerned about?
2.  What can we monitor to understand these issues?
3.  How would we use the results of monitoring?
4.  What past monitoring should future monitoring continue and build on?
Purpose: discuss the range of perspectives on the general purpose and nature of future monitoring
·  None / All; Dennis or helper will record answers; this will be designed to get answers from all participants
VI. / Next Steps
1.  Follow up items
2.  Workshop #2 date and agenda / Dennis will summarize
8:30 p.m. / Adjourn

Possible Agenda Items for Workshop #2

The agenda for workshop #2, in late October/early November, will be shaped by progress made at workshop #1. If the discussion at workshop #1 is productive, workshop #2 will:

·  Further expand and then prioritize answers to questions discussed at Workshop #1:

1.  What water quality/quantity/habitat issues are we concerned about?

2.  What can we monitor to understand these issues?

3.  How would we use the results of monitoring?

4.  What past monitoring should future monitoring continue and build on?

·  Answer the following questions:

5.  What needs to be monitored to allow us to evaluate trends in the health of the stream basin and the effects of management actions?

6.  Who should participate in future monitoring to maximize the effectiveness of monitoring/analysis?

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