Standards Rubric for 1st Quarter Grade
A student performing at the specified level . . .
Content / Application4--Exceeds Expectations / Defines the elements of the servant triangle w/ evidence / examples from outside sources and own life experiences. Accurately articulates how the relationship between will and intentions, agape love, service and sacrifice, and authority and influence, results in leadership
Identifies and defines the 8 essentials of agape love from a variety of sources and provides justification
Articulates the difference between power and authority and connects understanding to current and historical figures
Accurately explains the behaviors required to produce leadership in terms of the 7+ of the 8 “Keys of Leadership”
Clearly articulates The Amazing Law of Influence and its role in the world around them
Easily articulates The Law of the Harvest and its role in the world around them
Accurately describes the difference between agape and eros love and gives evidence and examples from own life / Consistently / always
Shows Active Listening using the (SOFTEN) listening model during all phases of classroom instruction.
Shows consistent discipline with time-management. All assignments are turned in on time and no tardies.
Demonstrates poise in giving and receiving feedback.
Shows sensitivity to social, cultural, gender, and ethnic diversity by being inclusive and encouraging participation from all members.
Demonstrates the public speaking traits of time management, eye contact, poise, voice and appropriate message.
Uses assertiveness as an effective communication tool.
Student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation aligns.
Writes goals that align with the 8 essentials of agape love.
Documents a minimum of 5 hours of service inside or outside of school.
*For each of the above students will be able to provide at least one piece of evidence from out of class experiences.
3--Meets Expectations / Accurately articulates how the relationship between will and intentions, agape love, service and sacrifice, and authority and influence, results in leadership
Defines the elements of the servant triangle
Identifies and defines the 8 essentials of agape love
Describes the difference between choices and feelings, and how these concepts relate to paradigm creation and change
Articulates the difference between power and authority
Accurately explains the behaviors required to produce leadership in terms of the 6 of the 8 “Keys of Leadership”
Accurately recites The Amazing Law of Influence
Accurately recites The Law of the Harvest
Accurately describes the difference between agape’ and storge’ love / Usually / frequently
Shows Active Listening using the (SOFTEN) listening model during most phases of classroom instruction.
Shows consistent discipline with time-management. Assignments are turned in on time (no more than 2 late) and 1 or less tardies.
Demonstrates poise in giving and receiving feedback.
Shows sensitivity to social, cultural, gender, and ethnic diversity by being inclusive and encouraging participation from all members.
Demonstrates the public speaking traits of time management, eye contact, poise, voice and appropriate message.
Uses assertiveness as an effective communication tool.
Student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation aligns.
Writes goals that align with the 8 essentials of agape love.
Documents a minimum of 4 hours of service inside or outside of school.
2--Approaches Expectations / Articulates how the relationship between will and intentions, agape love, service and sacrifice, and authority and influence, results in leadership with limited evidence and detail.
Lists the elements of the servant triangle
Identifies the 8 essentials of agape love
Can define what paradigm means.
Can give an example of power and authority leadership in real life.
Accurately explains the behaviors required to produce leadership in terms of the 5 of the 8 “Keys of Leadership”
Recites The Amazing Law of Influence with some mistakes.
Can name the 4 types of love but struggles in articulating the difference between agape’ and storge’ love. / Occasionally/ sometimes
Shows Active Listening using the (SOFTEN) listening model during most phases of classroom instruction.
Shows discipline with time-management. Assignments are turned in on time (no more than 3 late) and 2 or less tardies.
Demonstrates poise in giving and receiving feedback.
Shows sensitivity to social, cultural, gender, and ethnic diversity by being inclusive and encouraging participation from all members.
Demonstrates the public speaking traits of time management, eye contact, poise, voice and appropriate message.
Uses assertiveness as an effective communication tool.
Student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation aligns.
Writes goals that align with the 8 essentials of agape love.
Documents a minimum of 3 hours of community service outside of school.
1--Far Below Expectations / Cannot articulate how the relationship between will and intentions, agape love, service and sacrifice, and authority and influence, results in leadership with limited evidence and detail.
Cannot list all elements of the servant triangle.
Cannot identify the 8 essentials of agape love.
Cannot define what a paradigm is.
Cannot give an example of power and authority leadership in real life.
Can explain the behaviors required to produce leadership in terms of the 4 or less of the 8 “Keys of Leadership”
Cannot recite The Amazing Law of Influence.
Can name 2 or less types of love but and cannot articulate the difference between agape’ and storge’ love. / Rarely / never
Shows Active Listening using the (SOFTEN) listening model during phases of classroom instruction.
Shows discipline with time-management. Assignments are turned in late on a regular basis (4 or more) and has been tardy 3 or more times.
Demonstrates poise in giving and receiving feedback.
Shows sensitivity to social, cultural, gender, and ethnic diversity by being inclusive and encouraging participation from all members.
Demonstrates the public speaking traits of time management, eye contact, poise, voice and appropriate message.
Uses assertiveness as an effective communication tool.
Student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation aligns.
Writes goals that align with the 8 essentials of agape love.
Documents 2 or less hours of service inside or outside of school.